All This New Media Coverage Of Trump Maybe Saying The N Word.Oh, But Hillary Has Never Said It?


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
:puhleeze: :shutupsmiley: Oh My God!! What A Travesty!, Is it true? President Trump may have once said the N Word ??, This is worse than 9/11 and that Psunami of 2005 !!!
But, what about Hillary and Bill Clinton? does anyone actually believe that neither one has ever said the N word over the last 70 years?
Has the MSM ever brought that up? especially now that Ohmarroza has turned this into the weekly Trump crisis?
what about Nancy Pelosi? if i had a dollar for every time she said the N word, I could buy a few homes in cash
With today’s Yellow Journalism they make the “allegations” against Trump but then they never have to prove it. It does the same amount of damage, and that is what they want.
LOL. Last night I channel surfed to CNN, which was Cuomo "discussing" with his "panel of analysts" whether Trump ever said the N word. I watched about 45 seconds and went to bed. The tv was still on CNN when I turned it on this a.m. to check the news, and guess what was on? A "panel" discussing whether Trump used the N word.
I am not lying.
CNN is loving this Omarosa book.
:puhleeze: :shutupsmiley: Oh My God!! What A Travesty!, Is it true? President Trump may have once said the N Word ??, This is worse than 9/11 and that Psunami of 2005 !!!
But, what about Hillary and Bill Clinton? does anyone actually believe that neither one has ever said the N word over the last 70 years?
Has the MSM ever brought that up? especially now that Ohmarroza has turned this into the weekly Trump crisis?
"But but but... Hillary!"
:puhleeze: :shutupsmiley: Oh My God!! What A Travesty!, Is it true? President Trump may have once said the N Word ??, This is worse than 9/11 and that Psunami of 2005 !!!
But, what about Hillary and Bill Clinton? does anyone actually believe that neither one has ever said the N word over the last 70 years?
Has the MSM ever brought that up? especially now that Ohmarroza has turned this into the weekly Trump crisis?

Meanwhile, most of the products you buy are made using slave, or near slave labor.
We are experiencing the greatest wealth transfer from the general population to an extraordinary small number of elites in our history, continued stagnant wages, our two legislative houses are thoroughly corrupt and both the Wall Street Journal and Fortune Magazine in the past month are saying you should prepare for another economic slow down.

But by all means - let's continue to concentrate on what Trump has done today..... so much more important.
and Joe Biden has never asked anyone how many {fill in the blank} does it take to screw in a light bulb?
LOL. Last night I channel surfed to CNN, which was Cuomo "discussing" with his "panel of analysts" whether Trump ever said the N word. I watched about 45 seconds and went to bed. The tv was still on CNN when I turned it on this a.m. to check the news, and guess what was on? A "panel" discussing whether Trump used the N word.
I am not lying.
CNN is loving this Omarosa book.

That right there is the dumbing down of America in action.
i wonder if CNN will be putting together a 2 hour special with their panel of all starts to discuss the manner of Trump and his N word scandal to be aired at 8pm some time this week
Has someone made a claim about Hillary using rhe N-word or is this just another trumproid breakdown?
Has someone made a claim about Hillary using rhe N-word or is this just another trumproid breakdown?
at least Trump never went to a crowd of blacks and mocked thier accents
Hillary wasn't mocking. Mocking was what Trump did with an Asian accent. Now that was real mocking for mocking's sake. He was not trying to be cool and fit in with Asians, he was truly mocking them.
Has someone made a claim about Hillary using rhe N-word or is this just another trumproid breakdown?
at least Trump never went to a crowd of blacks and mocked thier accents
Hillary wasn't mocking. Mocking was what Trump did with an Asian accent. Now that was real mocking for mocking's sake. He was not trying to be cool and fit in with Asians, he was truly mocking them.
if Hillary was to do a speech before 5000 asians, i wonder what she would wear
Ah, the favored "but he/she did it first" excuse. Employed by 5 year olds nationwide, leaving adults to roll their eyes at such a lame excuse for bad behavior which never works.

....except when it comes to politics. Then it's a great excuse.

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