All the groups that are going to say no to Trump and loserterianism!


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
1. Educated males = no
2. Educated females = no
3. Women!!!! = no!
4. Hispanics = no!
5. Blacks = no!
6. Asians = no!
7. Native Americans = no!
8. Young people that love science and education = no!
9. Young people under 30! NO!!!!
10. Disabled people = no!
11. scientist = no!
12. Professors= no!
13. space lovers = no!
14. Geologist = no!
15. Meteorologist = no!
16. Union members = no!
17. Doctors
18. Teachers in your kids schools
19. The media
20. People that aint full of hatred

The only group that will say yes to this shit is stupid white males. The hicks of our society!!!
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Sounds like a hate post to me. Isnt he supposed to have a link in the op to back up his claims? If he said the the same thing about black males that he says of white males I am sure he would be censored. the rules the rules the rules, such malleable things.
The neo nazis are liking him, the tinfoil-hat conspiracy nuts too. And the gun clinging survivalists. And the quasi-xtians.

In other words, the filthy elements of our society.

And not just our society, the euronazis are on board, as is the internationally-funded US Chamber of Commerce (not to be confused with actual, local Cambers of Commerce.)
Sounds like a hate post to me. Isnt he supposed to have a link in the op to back up his claims? If he said the the same thing about black males that he says of white males I am sure he would be censored. the rules the rules the rules, such malleable things.

Check the polls, oh desperate denier, your orange goose is cooked.
So I guess we should have ditched Obama when hater and Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan supported him in the last two elections? Get real.

SHOCK POLL: Trump At Over 30 Percent With Black Vote In North Carolina

Trump might very well lose but you better hope nc is not the beginning of a trend. The debates will tell the tale. No matter how hard I try anecdotally, I cannot find any place that I run across that has more Hilary supporters than trump supporters, and I really try to find Hilary supporters. Must be all these stupid white hicks are just everywhere I go.
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Here Are the Billionaires Backing Hillary Clinton

A real woman of the people. She is so going to hose middle class, poor, and young Americans just like Obama did.

At least she doesn't want to abolish the freaking epa and stop investing in our country that creates millions of fucking jobs. I don't have a problem with the rich as long as they pay their taxes by the way.
1. Educated males = no
2. Educated females = no
3. Women!!!! = no!
4. Hispanics = no!
5. Blacks = no!
6. Asians = no!
7. Native Americans = no!
8. Young people that love science and education = no!
9. Young people under 30! NO!!!!
10. Disabled people = no!
11. scientist = no!
12. Professors= no!
13. space lovers = no!
14. Geologist = no!
15. Meteorologist = no!
16. Union members = no!
17. Doctors
18. Teachers in your kids schools
19. The media
20. People that aint full of hatred

The only group that will say yes to this shit is stupid white males. The hicks of our society!!!

I think it's great that you're not a racist against blacks anymore, I really do, but don't start getting racist against whites now, matthew.
The cinnamon fuhrer is having trouble trying to appeal to those he has offended? What a surprise. And yeah it was the medias fault, Trump was just joking they should have known.
Apparently you prefer a criminal for POTUS.

Why is it only the uneducated and the backwards that can see what you see?
The D party is trying to import as many ignorant and illiterate third worlders as attain more D voters.
Dummies think Trump supporters are ignorant and illiterate.


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