All of this chaos because Obama was never properly vetted

Weird, the whole Michelle Obama is a man thing.

She has two girls. They look just like her.

There is video of her going back to when she was a baby.

Unless Republicans are holding secrets, men can't have babies.
No one actually believes that, do they? It is so infuriating, that whole slam against Michelle. I can almost see why some Dems call Melania a slut just to get even. It's not right, but I can almost see why.
All of this chaos because Obama was never properly vetted

The funny this is that it WASN'T FOR LACK OF TRYING.

I mean, by everyone BUT Barack Obama.

Had Barack not spent millions and millions trying to HIDE every aspect of his past, he would have been vetted, no doubts remaining. Until finally, he begrudgingly released his birth certificate, except that too was only a record of birth, seen only by a hospital official, until that which WAS finally released turned out to be photo-shopped.

People only do that because they HAVE something serious to HIDE, and perhaps 20-30-40 years from now, we will finally discover that Obama never was a legal president in the first place.

And whatever that scheme was, Hillary Clinton was to be part of it, to follow, until the people actually rose up to put a stop to it---- real democracy---- in the name of Donald Trump, and the Left have been smoked about it ever since.
Too bad you have no evidence of that in the real world, super duper. You your party and your drivel are a disgrace...

Too bad you actually don't know shit. If you knew twice what you know, you'd still not know shit. I've sat right beside the guy who has appeared as expert witness several years ago in the matter. It's amazing the things that go on in the world that are totally withheld from the public eye while they fill your brains with misleading fake drivel. All you know is the crap you read on your smartphone. I frankly don't give a crap what you say, think or believe, you're nothing but a sock puppet useful idiot for the fascist Left.
all garbage propaganda that goes nowhere in the real world of Journalism.

Then obviously, we need to reexamine the "real world" of Leftist-controlled journalism!
Don't forget about every respected media Outlet in the world and all of its law enforcement agencies to o, dumbass Dupe.
Thanks to all of the useful idiots who voted for this unvetted clone bastard son of a white mama and he still roams around destroying the country the same idiots who voted for him would vote for the other anti-American whore of Babylon Hillary this is it it's game over

Is this more birther idiocy?
All of this chaos because Obama was never properly vetted

The funny this is that it WASN'T FOR LACK OF TRYING.

I mean, by everyone BUT Barack Obama.

Had Barack not spent millions and millions trying to HIDE every aspect of his past, he would have been vetted, no doubts remaining. Until finally, he begrudgingly released his birth certificate, except that too was only a record of birth, seen only by a hospital official, until that which WAS finally released turned out to be photo-shopped.

Absolute, blithering nonsense. Any *reasonable* doubts were resolved with his COLB in 2008. What's left are unreasonable doubts. And no amount of vetting will resolve them as there will always be idiots that ignore all the evidence and cling to whatever fantasy they make up.

This thread being an elegant example.

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