All it takes is One..


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter Sunday. Ours was cheered up by one. I received a special reminder Friday that all it takes is One. I will share the story in a few days.

By One following His Father in Heaven's will Many that were lost have been saved.

By One heart listening to the Spirit within another can be touched in ways that are beyond comprehension.

For All who have faith you can also be that One for it is One Spirit by which we are all connected to whether some know that yet or not.

Peace to All who have the Faith of a mustard seed that are willing to seek Peace!
I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter Sunday. Ours was cheered up by one. I received a special reminder Friday that all it takes is One. I will share the story in a few days.

By One following His Father in Heaven's will Many that were lost have been saved.

By One heart listening to the Spirit within another can be touched in ways that are beyond comprehension.

For All who have faith you can also be that One for it is One Spirit by which we are all connected to whether some know that yet or not.

Peace to All who have the Faith of a mustard seed that are willing to seek Peace!

The false goddess-ISHTAR( Astarte) pronounced-Easter-- is who got the worship yesterday. By satans will the religion that came out of Rome added pagan false god practices into both celebrations. Jesus will NEVER accept a single thing off the table of demons( 1Cor 10:21)
The encyclopedias have all the info--The blind guides fail to warn the flock. Much $$$$$ comes in both of those holidays.
I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter Sunday. Ours was cheered up by one. I received a special reminder Friday that all it takes is One. I will share the story in a few days.

By One following His Father in Heaven's will Many that were lost have been saved.

By One heart listening to the Spirit within another can be touched in ways that are beyond comprehension.

For All who have faith you can also be that One for it is One Spirit by which we are all connected to whether some know that yet or not.

Peace to All who have the Faith of a mustard seed that are willing to seek Peace!

The false goddess-ISHTAR( Astarte) pronounced-Easter-- is who got the worship yesterday. By satans will the religion that came out of Rome added pagan false god practices into both celebrations. Jesus will NEVER accept a single thing off the table of demons( 1Cor 10:21)
The encyclopedias have all the info--The blind guides fail to warn the flock. Much $$$$$ comes in both of those holidays.
I didn't spend any money for Easter did you?
I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter Sunday. Ours was cheered up by one. I received a special reminder Friday that all it takes is One. I will share the story in a few days.

By One following His Father in Heaven's will Many that were lost have been saved.

By One heart listening to the Spirit within another can be touched in ways that are beyond comprehension.

For All who have faith you can also be that One for it is One Spirit by which we are all connected to whether some know that yet or not.

Peace to All who have the Faith of a mustard seed that are willing to seek Peace!

The false goddess-ISHTAR( Astarte) pronounced-Easter-- is who got the worship yesterday. By satans will the religion that came out of Rome added pagan false god practices into both celebrations. Jesus will NEVER accept a single thing off the table of demons( 1Cor 10:21)
The encyclopedias have all the info--The blind guides fail to warn the flock. Much $$$$$ comes in both of those holidays.
I didn't spend any money for Easter did you?

Jesus didn't celebrate it, so I didn't either.
I hope everyone is having a lovely Easter Sunday. Ours was cheered up by one. I received a special reminder Friday that all it takes is One. I will share the story in a few days.

By One following His Father in Heaven's will Many that were lost have been saved.

By One heart listening to the Spirit within another can be touched in ways that are beyond comprehension.

For All who have faith you can also be that One for it is One Spirit by which we are all connected to whether some know that yet or not.

Peace to All who have the Faith of a mustard seed that are willing to seek Peace!

The false goddess-ISHTAR( Astarte) pronounced-Easter-- is who got the worship yesterday. By satans will the religion that came out of Rome added pagan false god practices into both celebrations. Jesus will NEVER accept a single thing off the table of demons( 1Cor 10:21)
The encyclopedias have all the info--The blind guides fail to warn the flock. Much $$$$$ comes in both of those holidays.
I didn't spend any money for Easter did you?

Jesus didn't celebrate it, so I didn't either.
Were you there?
Rodishi, I love your spirit of faith!
Thank you onefour1! The Spirit of the Lord builds our faith daily if we will just hang in there with Him. That is not to say it will always be easy for we have trials and tribulations in this world as that faith is being built up in us.

Now for the latest blessing;

Many on here have heard bits and pieces of our story. Some may recall when I first started posting here at USMB. I was very upset as we were crushed by the fraud others had committed. It has been an ongoing experience of learning who did what, when, where and why. Different ones had different reasons but for the most part it was their greed and ignorance that compelled them to wrong us for the most part. It is not like I wasn't given a warning by the Spirit of what would be coming down the pike but as a flesh being I also think in the flesh and there is so much to learn about here in this world.

Ultimately one just has to let go and not totally stress over whatever it is someone else is up to. Not that we do not consider it all but that we do not let it consume us or damage the goodness that the Spirit has put into us with his own breath. For Rod and I some deadlines were coming right down to the wire in March. A piece of property that both Rod and I have had visions about was about to be lost to back taxes along with our home. I hadn't been able to save enough to catch the back taxes up so I relented and put up for sale the one dependable vehicle I had owned since before Rod and I had met over thirty years ago. It was a classic and at one time before parking her had replaced all of the running gear and planned on having it all painted and restored. Someone had stolen the carburetor off of it about ten or so years ago so it has been setting and waiting until we could afford to buy another one. It has been seventeen years since the bank and others went after us. I am sure most of you have heard the term scorched earth policy. That was the phrased used to describe the bank's policy towards us when I refused to sign off that I would not sue or hold accountable their CEO's for the fraud that was committed against us. While the bank was working their magic on us the locals decided that they would divvy up our real and personal property. It really was a very huge (excuse my language but the best way to describe) clusterfuck.

I was told I did not need that property that we were about to lose if I could not come up with the payments. The city next to the piece of land has worked steadily over the years trying to steal the property by any means possible. They sued us in 2011 trying to get the court to issue them a deed even. Plus someone used a chain and a piece of equipment to pull down a portion of the roof on the old gymnasium on the property. We knew it was the old crooked mayor but had no proof of it. We had caught him stealing materials off of the property a few months prior to that. Even while he was stealing the materials with his tractor and help from one of the council members and his truck this guy was threatening Rod and I. He even went as far as to be trespassing and stealing to think that the sheriff would arrest us for telling him to get off of our property (does this remind you of the type of spirit many are seeing out there in the world today? It does me). Well the sheriff who had threatened me when he was helping the bank relieve us of any personal property they could on my corporate loan did not personally answer the mayor's call that day. He sent a deputy instead. The deputy told him he would have to remove himself and his loader from our property. It did not stop there but kept going since then with little bs gouges every chance they got. In the meant time Rod's vision has been slowly going away and I gained some more serious health issues on top of the one's from being covered in chemicals at work back in 2007. post
I tried painting for Christmas the year before last but staying in the car in 23 degree and lower weather didn't worked out so well so I didn't get the taxes caught up on everything.

A dear friend was going to try to help but he's been having a tough time to so it looked like the end was coming for the property we had visions concerning that was to be dedicated to the Lord Spirit for a place to rest. I had listed anything and everything I could think of to sell hoping enough little household stuff could bring in enough to get the bills paid. The end of March was upon us and I was still way too short to get these caught up. I said, "Well Lord that is it. I don't know what else I should try. I will list my old pickup and see how that goes." There was one on Ebay for $7,500.00 but it wasn't missing the carb and its tires were not so weather checked that they wouldn't hold air either. The advantage my old pickup had was it wasn't a rust bucket. It took me awhile but finally I got through the steps and Ebay listed the old girl. I wrote everything down I knew the old pickup needed and took Rod's advice and told people looking it was "for parts only" but had a clean title. Three days into the listing and I only had one bite. I had also put in a a starting price to insure I would could get enough to at the very least keep our house. I also used the buy it now button hoping for enough to pay the taxes on the land and the house. One bid and very few page views was very agitating to say the least. Plus the buy it now button was coming and going. The other pickup same year but not as popular of model was getting several hundred page views per day. Mine was only getting 6 or 7. I called ebay to try to find out where I went wrong. The guy said he could do some adjusting so mine would come up better in the searches. Still not many views. Then the one bidder wrote me a message that he would like to use the 'buy it now' button but it had disappeared. I called ebay again. The person redid the ad and that one bought the pickup for the buy it now price. There were other little issues that went along with all that which eventually get worked out but one following what the Lord put into his heart to desire was all it took.

By one we help one another get through each and every day. The property that was dedicated to the Lord remains a battle as the city made up a Quit Claim deed last year and sold their interest in the ball diamond portion of the property (an easement that is eliminated when the Ball Diamond was abandon) but, the property remains in our name by law. The guy that got the Quit Claim built a building and he told me he is going to sell that and has it listed with a realtor. He didn't seem to concerned that the deed he was selling wouldn't be any good. The neighbors around here did the same on the property to the house when the bank was stomping us but we haven't been able to retain an attorney to deal with that yet due to money and attorneys unwilling to buck the system that will willingly go after people that were the victims of fraud without a lot of money. Now we will have to find that one attorney that is honest to deal with the unethical actions and very possibly illegal actions of a few in the property departments here. Hopefully that can be resolved this year and the place for rest can start being established.

Does anyone see the parallels of what people who are not spirit filled selling their personal take on the Lord's Word in all that?

God Bless each and everyone that is willing and able to be that one that assist in helping build faith to trust in the Lord.
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Rodishi, It saddens me to hear of the hard times you and Rod are having in keeping your land. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I was a little tiny boy of the age of 3, my family was dirt poor. We lived in a house that was basically a garage turned into a house. We had no bathtub or bathroom. We had to go out to the outhouse to relieve ourselves. We were tiny enough to be bathed in the kitchen sink. My parents were young and my mother did not work. That same year my father got into a car crash and was in a coma until he passed away. We then had no income. We didn't go to church but somehow the church found out about us and I can still remember the church welfare trucks coming faithfully to our home to deliver groceries until my mother was able to remarry. I tell you this story because my church is a giving church. We love to help one another. So if you fall into hard times, my advice is for you to go see a bishop of my church. He will give you help. He may even be able to connect you up with someone who can give you legal services for free or at least for a reduced rate. My prayers are with you and Rod. Stay strong in the faith. You are an example to me. May the Lord bless you in all your troubles.
Rodishi, It saddens me to hear of the hard times you and Rod are having in keeping your land. I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. When I was a little tiny boy of the age of 3, my family was dirt poor. We lived in a house that was basically a garage turned into a house. We had no bathtub or bathroom. We had to go out to the outhouse to relieve ourselves. We were tiny enough to be bathed in the kitchen sink. My parents were young and my mother did not work. That same year my father got into a car crash and was in a coma until he passed away. We then had no income. We didn't go to church but somehow the church found out about us and I can still remember the church welfare trucks coming faithfully to our home to deliver groceries until my mother was able to remarry. I tell you this story because my church is a giving church. We love to help one another. So if you fall into hard times, my advice is for you to go see a bishop of my church. He will give you help. He may even be able to connect you up with someone who can give you legal services for free or at least for a reduced rate. My prayers are with you and Rod. Stay strong in the faith. You are an example to me. May the Lord bless you in all your troubles.
Thank you! The Lord sent us a winter angel that provided us with wood through this last winter. I do believe in the right time a good, honest and decent attorney will materialize to help get these land issues where others made up deeds to the land will be addressed. I know there are good people in all walks of life. Sometimes they can be very close yet well camouflaged.

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