All Hail Gaia!


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"Earth Day 2013" is 'celebrated' today, April 22.
Curiously, it is also the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov...Lenin. Coincidence?

The most significant aspect of the 'celebration' is that it reveals the extent of the world-wide global governance conspiracy....what has been called the 'Watermelon Movement'- green on the outside, red on the inside.

1. "The ruined landscapes, destroyed communities, and shortened lives caused by the movement are ignored, because all members believe they are doing God's work. Or rather Gaia's work.

2. Ecosystem theory, first recognized by Oxford authoritarian dreamers in the 1920s, was harnessed by the Left as a force to create a new kind of man, a better man, one less bound to getting and spending, more happily bound to the earth and its rhythms.

It's a great day for socialists, anti-sovereignty folks, and those opposed to Christianity.

3. The United Nations, the manifestation of one-worldism, used its massively successful Rio Earth Summit in 1992, to reorder the use of land and resources with the aim of ending the social ills of racism, sexism, classism, and, especially, ecosystem decline.

4. As far back as 1976, via the UN Conference on Human Settlements, at Vancouver, they advanced the first formal incursion into national sovereignties through land use. "Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice."
The Vancouver Action Plan. D. Land - A/CONF.70/15 Chapter II - UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements

5. The signers for the United States were Carla Anderson Hills, know for NAFTA, and the WTO, and Clinton's EPA head, William Reilly. These folks recommended abolishing private ownership of land piecemeal by restricting ownership to sharply limited life leases.

6. If one is oblivious enough to believe that these are well-meaning humanists, one should take a close look at the methods used to control, massage, and coordinate the dissemination of information. The press's curiously supine respect for all things United Nations is not an accident. In 1980, the UN issued a statement called "Many Voices, One World," 'Many voices, one world: towards a new, more just, and more efficient world information and communication order.'
[]Many voices, one world: towards a new, more just, and more efficient world information and communication order; 1980

The 'new world information order' via subscriber-only neteworks (including AntiRacismNet, PeaceNet, WomensNet, and EcoNet) would allow participants and fellow travelers to communicate among themselves, wordsmithing their communiques to the outside world into sweet pabulum. Reporters and reporting are discouraged. No harsh searchlight is allowed to shine onto the magic.

7. The result? When its satellite, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), issued a report in the summer of 2010, the Year of Biodiversity, claiming that fully one-third of the earth's species are at risk of going extinct, ten thousand almost identical stories were published in almost every respectable newspaper in the world.

8. From the United Stated departments of State, Agriculture, Interior, Commerce, EPA, Fish and Wildlife, the Forest Service, and National Parks Service, together, pay $519,000 in annual dues to the IUCN, as do agencies from 167 other countries. The IUCN also includes 875 NGOs, such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, the National Wildlife Federation, etc. All contribute money: the IUCN spends $150 million a year promoting fears of biodiversity collapse."
Elizabeth Nickson,"Eco-Fascists," chapter thirteen.

9. The organizational structure of this environmental behemoth was developed by Maurice Strong, whose motto was to use capitalist tools to achieve socialist ends. Maurice Strong - KeyWiki, we celebrate the camouflage of socialism as both fake science, and the replacement of monotheism with the worship of Gaia, pagan goddess, Earth!
Have a good ol' time!
Happy Earth Day.

Eat some dirt.

Come to your senses.
"Earth Day 2013" is 'celebrated' today, April 22.
Curiously, it is also the birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov...Lenin. Coincidence?

The most significant aspect of the 'celebration' is that it reveals the extent of the world-wide global governance conspiracy....what has been called the 'Watermelon Movement'- green on the outside, red on the inside.

1. "The ruined landscapes, destroyed communities, and shortened lives caused by the movement are ignored, because all members believe they are doing God's work. Or rather Gaia's work.

2. Ecosystem theory, first recognized by Oxford authoritarian dreamers in the 1920s, was harnessed by the Left as a force to create a new kind of man, a better man, one less bound to getting and spending, more happily bound to the earth and its rhythms.

It's a great day for socialists, anti-sovereignty folks, and those opposed to Christianity.

3. The United Nations, the manifestation of one-worldism, used its massively successful Rio Earth Summit in 1992, to reorder the use of land and resources with the aim of ending the social ills of racism, sexism, classism, and, especially, ecosystem decline.

4. As far back as 1976, via the UN Conference on Human Settlements, at Vancouver, they advanced the first formal incursion into national sovereignties through land use. "Land...cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principal instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth and therefore contributes to social injustice."
The Vancouver Action Plan. D. Land - A/CONF.70/15 Chapter II - UN Documents: Gathering a body of global agreements

5. The signers for the United States were Carla Anderson Hills, know for NAFTA, and the WTO, and Clinton's EPA head, William Reilly. These folks recommended abolishing private ownership of land piecemeal by restricting ownership to sharply limited life leases.

6. If one is oblivious enough to believe that these are well-meaning humanists, one should take a close look at the methods used to control, massage, and coordinate the dissemination of information. The press's curiously supine respect for all things United Nations is not an accident. In 1980, the UN issued a statement called "Many Voices, One World," 'Many voices, one world: towards a new, more just, and more efficient world information and communication order.'
[]Many voices, one world: towards a new, more just, and more efficient world information and communication order; 1980

The 'new world information order' via subscriber-only neteworks (including AntiRacismNet, PeaceNet, WomensNet, and EcoNet) would allow participants and fellow travelers to communicate among themselves, wordsmithing their communiques to the outside world into sweet pabulum. Reporters and reporting are discouraged. No harsh searchlight is allowed to shine onto the magic.

7. The result? When its satellite, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), issued a report in the summer of 2010, the Year of Biodiversity, claiming that fully one-third of the earth's species are at risk of going extinct, ten thousand almost identical stories were published in almost every respectable newspaper in the world.

8. From the United Stated departments of State, Agriculture, Interior, Commerce, EPA, Fish and Wildlife, the Forest Service, and National Parks Service, together, pay $519,000 in annual dues to the IUCN, as do agencies from 167 other countries. The IUCN also includes 875 NGOs, such as the World Wildlife Fund, the Nature Conservancy, the Sierra Club, the Audubon Society, the National Wildlife Federation, etc. All contribute money: the IUCN spends $150 million a year promoting fears of biodiversity collapse."
Elizabeth Nickson,"Eco-Fascists," chapter thirteen.

9. The organizational structure of this environmental behemoth was developed by Maurice Strong, whose motto was to use capitalist tools to achieve socialist ends. Maurice Strong - KeyWiki, we celebrate the camouflage of socialism as both fake science, and the replacement of monotheism with the worship of Gaia, pagan goddess, Earth!
Have a good ol' time!
Happy Earth Day.

Eat some dirt.

Come to your senses.


science bad

monied interests = heros

Yeah we have your whole stick down by now PC
science bad

monied interests = heros

Yeah we have your whole stick down by now PC

Would that be you and the rest of the National Scholars Association?

In NY we say "schtick."

"... we have your whole stick down by now..."
If you knew anything you'd be able to criticize, to poke holes.....

All you say these days is 'is not, is not.'

C'mon.....don't be lazy: put up a fight!

'Cause if everything in the OP is correct....well, than what other perspective is there?
science bad

monied interests = heros

Yeah we have your whole stick down by now PC

PC's right, it's "shtick" just about everywhere actually..

Speaking of "Shtick", yours is calling everyone not on board with liberal mandates stupid and general trolling... Yes we know your "shtick" well...
lets line up the sceintists and see how many agree with your asylum wall scratchings?
lets line up the sceintists and see how many agree with your asylum wall scratchings?

Okay you go get some then... I'll wait right here... What? Don't have any?

I work with a few, and a good many engineers from various fields and all of them laugh at "climate science".. It's the joke of the scientific community.. It's the field for wannabe celebrities and those who want to go into politics some day, not real science..

They don't understand what happens during energy/heat transfer at the micro and sub-levels, so they try and explain it with quantum theory but that has holes in some areas as well. One of the reasons for string theory is an attempt to fill the gaps, but it's not mature enough yet either..

Why do they do this? Because it's the only way to explain back-radiation, a must for the AGW theory to be real. back-radiation has not been shown to exist in any other area of science yet they claim it exists in climate science.. To try and prove it they have capitalized on one of those "gaps" in the melding of the macro world (things we can see) with the sub-micro world (things we can't see) where quantum theory and classical physics join.

The point is they just don't really know what happens to energy radiated from a colder body in the direction of a hotter body without conduction or convection factors involved. So they made it their so-called "proof" and called it back-radiation defying the known laws of physics, and did it with computer models based on the assumption...

But hey I'm just a dummy with no idea about sciencey stuff like you...

Don't assume everyone's a dumbass, and you won't be such a dumbass yourself..
science bad

monied interests = heros

Yeah we have your whole stick down by now PC

Would that be you and the rest of the National Scholars Association?

In NY we say "schtick."

"... we have your whole stick down by now..."
If you knew anything you'd be able to criticize, to poke holes.....

All you say these days is 'is not, is not.'

C'mon.....don't be lazy: put up a fight!

'Cause if everything in the OP is correct....well, than what other perspective is there?
I love that analogy, "watermelon movement"...that`s exactly how it was pulled off in Germany after millions of ex communists became instant BRD German citizens. The bitch (Angela Merkel) that is hailed world wide as the "Environment Chancellor" was a top graduate of the Soviet academy for propaganda and agitation.
After re-unification she became the Minister for environment and after a picture book perfect Soviet Polit-bureau political back-stabbing campaign she finally became Germany`s Chancellor that you can`t get rid off any more.
Every time she looses an election she forms coalitions with the Socialist Party or the green party...which was founded by Joschka Fisher.
He started out as a communist who organized hi-jackings and was part of a weapons heist on an American base in the then West Germany.
Several American soldiers were killed.
After "re-unification" Joshka Fischer became Germany`s version of State Secretary when the "Sozial Partei Deutschland" was in power and when they lost the next election Joshka Fischer founded the "Green Party" which now has tentacles that reach around the globe...and formed coalitions every time Frau Merkel was about to be voted out of office.
In NY we say "schtick."
Do you have German roots...?
Because only a German would use the "sch" for the English "sh" phonetic.
aside from Jews that speak Yiddish, which is a close cousin of the German language.

I`ll trade you some authentic German beer for a New York hot it a deal ?
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science bad

monied interests = heros

Yeah we have your whole stick down by now PC

Would that be you and the rest of the National Scholars Association?

In NY we say "schtick."

"... we have your whole stick down by now..."
If you knew anything you'd be able to criticize, to poke holes.....

All you say these days is 'is not, is not.'

C'mon.....don't be lazy: put up a fight!

'Cause if everything in the OP is correct....well, than what other perspective is there?
I love that analogy, "watermelon movement"...that`s exactly how it was pulled off in Germany after millions of ex communists became instant BRD German citizens. The bitch (Angela Merkel) that is hailed world wide as the "Environment Chancellor" was a top graduate of the Soviet academy for propaganda and agitation.
After re-unification she became the Minister for environment and after a picture book perfect Soviet Polit-bureau political back-stabbing campaign she finally became Germany`s Chancellor that you can`t get rid off any more.
Every time she looses an election she forms coalitions with the Socialist Party or the green party...which was founded by Joschka Fisher.
He started out as a communist who organized hi-jackings and was part of a weapons heist on an American base in the then West Germany.
Several American soldiers were killed.
After "re-unification" Joshka Fischer became Germany`s version of State Secretary when the "Sozial Partei Deutschland" was in power and when they lost the next election Joshka Fischer founded the "Green Party" which now has tentacles that reach around the globe...and formed coalitions every time Frau Merkel was about to be voted out of office.
In NY we say "schtick."
Do you have German roots...?
Because only a German would use the "sch" for the English "sh" phonetic.
aside from Jews that speak Yiddish, which is a close cousin of the German language.

I`ll trade you some authentic German beer for a New York hot it a deal ?

"Do you have German roots...?"
Not quite.

But we have used Rosetta Stone German for homeschooling.

I know that the Jewish comedians used the German/Yiddish "Stück" for a 'piece of material'...hence 'schtick.'

"I`ll trade you some authentic German beer for a New York hot it a deal?"
Would you settle for Korean bulgogi?
I feel a dirty joke is in there somewhere, but I'm gonna let it go...LOL
Ah, Comrade PC again. Still not going to be happy until our environment matchs that of China and Russia.

Strange you should point out china and russia since their enviroments are fine examples of what happens if the left is given free reign to run things for a while.
Ah, Comrade PC again. Still not going to be happy until our environment matchs that of China and Russia.

Russia, interesting choice... You do realize that they are one of the most ardent supporters of AGW theory and IPCC recommendations?

Seems odd they are so hard on their own environment according to you... just a fine example of the classic "do as we say not as we do" mentality prevalent in all socialist/communist societies...
lets line up the sceintists and see how many agree with your asylum wall scratchings?
Lets line up board members and see how many either have you on ignore or think you're a complete freakin' retard.

I don't have her on ignore. She's too much fun to poke sticks at.

I love the disussion of bio-diversity. For all of you that accept Darwin evolution as gospel, riddle me this. What is the end result of evolution?
Carried to the extreme, "survival of the fittest" would result in one species.
Y'all would love it it dolphins came out on top, wouldn't you?
Think I'll go buy a couple cans of hair spray and just shoot them off into the air to celebrate! :lol:

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lets line up the sceintists and see how many agree with your asylum wall scratchings?
Lets line up board members and see how many either have you on ignore or think you're a complete freakin' retard.

I don't have her on ignore. She's too much fun to poke sticks at.

I love the disussion of bio-diversity. For all of you that accept Darwin evolution as gospel, riddle me this. What is the end result of evolution?
Carried to the extreme, "survival of the fittest" would result in one species.
Y'all would love it it dolphins came out on top, wouldn't you?

What do you mean, 'if'?
Lets line up board members and see how many either have you on ignore or think you're a complete freakin' retard.

I don't have her on ignore. She's too much fun to poke sticks at.

I love the disussion of bio-diversity. For all of you that accept Darwin evolution as gospel, riddle me this. What is the end result of evolution?
Carried to the extreme, "survival of the fittest" would result in one species.
Y'all would love it it dolphins came out on top, wouldn't you?

What do you mean, 'if'?

Should read "love it if dolphins..."

So you don't have anything to add?
Would that be you and the rest of the National Scholars Association?

In NY we say "schtick."

"... we have your whole stick down by now..."
If you knew anything you'd be able to criticize, to poke holes.....

All you say these days is 'is not, is not.'

C'mon.....don't be lazy: put up a fight!

'Cause if everything in the OP is correct....well, than what other perspective is there?
I love that analogy, "watermelon movement"...that`s exactly how it was pulled off in Germany after millions of ex communists became instant BRD German citizens. The bitch (Angela Merkel) that is hailed world wide as the "Environment Chancellor" was a top graduate of the Soviet academy for propaganda and agitation.
After re-unification she became the Minister for environment and after a picture book perfect Soviet Polit-bureau political back-stabbing campaign she finally became Germany`s Chancellor that you can`t get rid off any more.
Every time she looses an election she forms coalitions with the Socialist Party or the green party...which was founded by Joschka Fisher.
He started out as a communist who organized hi-jackings and was part of a weapons heist on an American base in the then West Germany.
Several American soldiers were killed.
After "re-unification" Joshka Fischer became Germany`s version of State Secretary when the "Sozial Partei Deutschland" was in power and when they lost the next election Joshka Fischer founded the "Green Party" which now has tentacles that reach around the globe...and formed coalitions every time Frau Merkel was about to be voted out of office.
In NY we say "schtick."
Do you have German roots...?
Because only a German would use the "sch" for the English "sh" phonetic.
aside from Jews that speak Yiddish, which is a close cousin of the German language.

I`ll trade you some authentic German beer for a New York hot it a deal ?

"Do you have German roots...?"
Not quite.

But we have used Rosetta Stone German for homeschooling.

I know that the Jewish comedians used the German/Yiddish "Stück" for a 'piece of material'...hence 'schtick.'

"I`ll trade you some authentic German beer for a New York hot it a deal?"
Would you settle for Korean bulgogi?

No way !!!!
In the (Soviet style centrally planned) E.U. you can`t even be sure any more how much Bulgarian horse meat is in a Munich MacDonald`s Hamburger any more.
Or how much used motor oil is in an oyster can that came from China
No, it would have to be an authentic New York street vendor hot dog, with all the trimmings...the kind you can smell a city block away and irresistibly draws you, jay-walking through traffic and shoving pedestrians out of your way.
I did that once and before I had a chance to exchange my Canadian $$$ for U$$. The vendor did not accept my Canadian money which was at +10Cents par with the U$ .
Then I offered him 50 Canadian bucks for one of these hot dogs..he sent me away hungry.
Ever since then I have this New York hot dog addiction.
And no, a little "Stück" won`t do...I`ll settle for no less than the foot-long version with lots of salt+ a "big gulp" soft drink and sort it out with Mayor Bloomberg later
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Lets line up board members and see how many either have you on ignore or think you're a complete freakin' retard.

I don't have her on ignore. She's too much fun to poke sticks at.

I love the disussion of bio-diversity. For all of you that accept Darwin evolution as gospel, riddle me this. What is the end result of evolution?
Carried to the extreme, "survival of the fittest" would result in one species.
Y'all would love it it dolphins came out on top, wouldn't you?

What do you mean, 'if'?

Just like Doug Adams said,"so long and thanks for all the fish"

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