All Four Prosecutors Resign In Disgust

trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

Who would want to prosecute a case where the basis of the conviction has been shown to be evidence collected with warrants that people lied to get? This case just like the Flynn case is turning into a prosecutorial nightmare that only an idiot would want to be involved with.
Who would want to prosecute a case where the basis of the conviction has been shown to be evidence collected with warrants that people lied to get? This case just like the Flynn case is turning into a prosecutorial nightmare that only an idiot would want to be involved with.

Manafort too, but he was totally railroaded. We also have no idea what happened to Joseph Mifsud and many other questions.

Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.
Roger Stone, like our Beloved President, is not a lovable person. He is pretty much an attention-seeking jerk.

The worst reasonable assessment of his actions here is that they were bad form, but in the big picture pretty much meaningless. No real harm done to anyone or anything (anyone disputing this assessment, please step forward).

Nobody is pushing for a PARDON here, and a PARDON will not issue unless his sentence is so outrageous that it shocks the consciousness of normal people. Anything more than 6 months work-confinement would be extreme, considering the insignificance of his acts.

As for the bureaucrat-lawyers, good riddance. None of them is sacrificing anything, and this display doesn't speak very well of any of them, except among the TDS crowd.
You seem to be pretty informed on the details of the case to make that assessment. Can you fill me in on what exactly Stone is being indicted for any why it’s not a big deal?
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

You suspect that Trump will be voted out based on what? The 'stellar' cast of nominees that you on the left have come up with to challenge him? How the Democratic agenda 'resonates' with the American people? How badly the economy has done under Trump? How few jobs have been created under his economic policies? I hate to point out the obvious here, White but people are doing far better under Trump's leadership than they were under Barack Obama's. Why would they vote to put progressives back in power when it's very likely your agenda will bring back another recession and cost them their jobs once again?
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

You suspect that Trump will be voted out based on what? The 'stellar' cast of nominees that you on the left have come up with to challenge him? How the Democratic agenda 'resonates' with the American people? How badly the economy has done under Trump? How few jobs have been created under his economic policies? I hate to point out the obvious here, White but people are doing far better under Trump's leadership than they were under Barack Obama's. Why would they vote to put progressives back in power when it's very likely your agenda will bring back another recession and cost them their jobs once again?
i laugh every time y’all tout about the economy. The economy has performed the same under Trump as it did during the last few years of Obama. No significant difference, yet it was scorched earth under Obama and the best economy ever under trump. Which year did he get the 4-5% GDP. Remember how horrible it was that Obama never broke 3%?! Trump sure showed him! Well at least he got rid of the debt and deficit, right?! Haha
It's different when the shoe's on the other foot, isn't it? I seem to recall a lot of gloating when Comey recommended no charges against Hillary.
How is that relevant to this situation?
Do I really have to explain it to you?
You cheered when Hillary, who flagrantly committed felonies, wasn't even prosecuted by Obama's Justice Dept. but are now crying about Stone, who had the book thrown at him, gets a lighter sentence. IOW, you're a hypocrite.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

How is this not obstruction of justice? Again?

Political interference with the rule of law is a tell-tale sign of banana republics. And here are the jokesters who find it funny:

Funny x 9
Sunni Man
The Breeze
Death Angel​

So far. How much of a loathsome dullard can one be?

They scream that Biden is corrupt and stopped an investigation which is a lie.

Now trump stops fair and proper sentencing and the same people have absolutely no problem with it.

It's so disgusting.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation
“trump and the far right radical extremists…”

Actually, that’s a lie most – if not all – on the right have attempted to propagate.

Rightists overall have become radical, extreme, and dishonest.
you mean justice fighters...we are fighting for justice
As is our Great and Truthful President.
trump and the far right radical extremists have been peddling the lie that Biden stopped an investigation into Berisma for his son. Which the exact opposite is true.

Now here is trump and barr stepping in to stop the proper sentencing and imprisonment of roger stone. They already did it with fynn. These two men have either plead guilty or have been found guilty. They are felons who should be going to prison for their crimes.

This makes 2 trump cronies who trump and barr have intervened to prevent proper justice and prison terms.

All four of the prosecutors in the stone case have quit. Even the prosecutors are disgusted with the corruption of trump. They worked all this time. Now trump and barr step in, make a mockery of our justice and the hard work those prosecutors did for so long.

This is just blatant corruption and disgusting.

All four Roger Stone prosecutors resign from case after DOJ backpedals on sentencing recommendation

How is this not obstruction of justice? Again?

Political interference with the rule of law is a tell-tale sign of banana republics. And here are the jokesters who find it funny:

Funny x 9
Sunni Man
The Breeze
Death Angel​

So far. How much of a loathsome dullard can one be?

They scream that Biden is corrupt and stopped an investigation which is a lie.

Now trump stops fair and proper sentencing and the same people have absolutely no problem with it.

It's so disgusting.
Time for Pardons. And indicting Dem prosecuters.
Donald J. Trump


Who are the four prosecutors (Mueller people?) who cut and ran after being exposed for recommending a ridiculous 9 year prison sentence to a man that got caught up in an investigation that was illegal, the Mueller Scam, and shouldn’t ever even have started? 13 Angry Democrats?
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

I can't agree with you more.

This judge was not happy with him in the first place. The reason she slapped a gag order on him is because he threatened her on his instagram with a crosshairs on her.

He has threatened at least 2 people involved in this case and one of them is the judge.

There's absolutely no way that judge is going to pay any attention to trump and his corrupt DOJ.

Judge tightens gag order on Roger Stone over threatening Instagram post
Let see. Found guilty by a 12 person jury of his peers on all 7 felony counts. Continued to make public and twitter statements after the judge put him under a gag order leading up to and during the trial, but that did not keep him quiet or keep him from threatening to kill a witness against him in writing as "Prepare to die cocksucker". Now President Dipshit Trump says even the sentence is unfair, and Barr has stepped in to change the recommended sentencing, causing all four of the federal prosecutors that prosecuted and won the case to resign in protest, one after another.
This kind of interference will probably piss off the judge. I would not be surprised if she doesn't go with the original guidelines or worse. I suspect Trump will pardon Stone before the end of the month. I also suspect Trump will be voted out in November.

I can't agree with you more.

This judge was not happy with him in the first place. The reason she slapped a gag order on him is because he threatened her on his instagram with a crosshairs on her.

He has threatened at least 2 people involved in this case and one of them is the judge.

There's absolutely no way that judge is going to pay any attention to trump and his corrupt DOJ.

Judge tightens gag order on Roger Stone over threatening Instagram post
Thanks, I had forgotten about the rifle crosshair pic of the judge.
"Not your president" Hillary Clinton saying that rule of law is in crisis.

Literal comedy


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