Alex Jones should be sued for everything he is worth


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
going on for 5 years how Sandy Hook never happened, he has caused the families so much

They should own all he has.
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Alex Jones should be pushing a shopping cart down the side of a highway and sleeping under a bridge. His conspiracy theories and politically obscene commentary resounds as if from a deranged homeless man. Let us hope those families put him there.
Alex Jones is a bullshit artist.

Just like everyone who works at MSLSD, CNN etc.

The difference is Jones is all about aggrandizing himself, while bed wetting pseudo-journalists serve a global collectivist agenda.

Limbaugh has never claimed to be, and would be insulted by the assertion he has anything to do with journalism.

Limbaugh merely reads the news on his show most of the time, and inserts his opinion, which most people agree with BTW.

going on for 5 years how Sandy Hook never happened, he has caused the families so much

They should own all he has.
How about we sue you for all the lies you tell on here?

PinHeadlope isn't aware she's repeating lies.

Lacking a frontal lobe, she is not cognizant of reality. She's just another drone repeating the inane shit she's programmed to.
Alex Jones is a bullshit artist.

Just like everyone who works at MSLSD, CNN etc.

The difference is Jones is all about aggrandizing himself, while bed wetting pseudo-journalists serve a global collectivist agenda.

Limbaugh has never claimed to be, and would be insulted by the assertion he has anything to do with journalism.

Limbaugh merely reads the news on his show most of the time, and inserts his opinion, which most people agree with BTW.

^ :cuckoo:
going on for 5 years how Sandy Hook never happened, he has caused the families so much

They should own all he has.

The thing about freedom of speech,and freedom of the press, that so terrified and angers left wrong-wing filth is that people are allowed to say and publish things that such filth disagree with.

LIbErals never think about what would happen if the power that they crave to censor opinions that they find disagreeable fell into the hands of, and was wielded by, those who find the LIbErals' opinions disagreeable.

LIbEralism truly is a mental disease.
The thing about freedom of speech,and freedom of the press, that so terrified and angers left wrong-wing filth is that people are allowed to say and publish things that such filth disagree with.

LIbErals never think about what would happen if the power that they crave to censor opinions that they find disagreeable fell into the hands of, and was wielded by, those who find the LIbErals' opinions disagreeable.

LIbEralism truly is a mental disease.

^^^again, the above poster belongs to a cult with a made up bible^^^^

The thing is, Adam Ponsers parents have had to move several times, away from their child's gravesite, because Crazy Alex has told his listeners that they are "crisis actors' who were involved in a staged event. They've received death threats on the basis of that.

That's Why Jones needs to be taken for everything he has, and then some.
^^^again, the above poster belongs to a cult with a made up bible^^^^

The thing is, Adam Ponsers parents have had to move several times, away from their child's gravesite, because Crazy Alex has told his listeners that they are "crisis actors' who were involved in a staged event. They've received death threats on the basis of that.

That's Why Jones needs to be taken for everything he has, and then some.

Yes, we know that you hate freedom of religion as much as you hate freedoms of speech and the press.

Why do you even stay in this country, given that you pretty much hate everything on which our society is based? Surely, you'd be happier in some extreme Communist nation somewhere, and this country would certainly be better off without you.

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