Aging Sucks

Laying in bed last night. It was about midnight, and I suddenly awoke and was not able to breathe one bit. I literately suffocated.

Acid reflux......bad. Scared me to death.

I went home after work, and about 6:30 I fixed me fish sticks for dinner.

Relax a little bit around the house, and went to bed about 8:30 pm.

About midnight or a little bit afterward, I suddenly awoke and literately I could not inhale or exhale. I went to the bathroom as fast as I could, and coughed in the sink.

This has happened to me so many times before and it ised to be mroe frequent about seven or eight years ago, it happened about once a month.

I did nothing to get a bad case of reflux, I did not eat or drink anything harsh ; AND after being in bed ( I was laying on my back ) three and a half hours.......I had a bad case of what I believe was acid reflux - unable to breathe.

Is it an age related thing?

Shadow 355
Don't lay flat. Make gravity work...and that includes your stomach. Acid reflux can burn a hole in your esophagus which in turn can lead to cancer. This can come from age, or eating the wrong foods. It's called GERD. Older folks can suffer it as well, but it is not an age thing only.

With that said, growing old is not for sissies. Get used to it cuz everyone gets old eventually.
I made Bonzi smile..........:)

Shadow 355
This love talk after you said you were puking this morning subsequent to eating a meal that is only fit for a child. By your own admission you have neglected and abused your health and body. Would you want to date you? Would you date a woman who was puking and holding her stomach while alternating between heaves and Internets pick up lines.

Go to a dr., take a physic and start eating fruits and vegetables.
I made Bonzi smile..........:)

Shadow 355
This love talk after you said you were puking this morning subsequent to eating a meal that is only fit for a child. By your own admission you have neglected and abused your health and body. Would you want to date you? Would you date a woman who was puking and holding her stomach while alternating between heaves and Internets pick up lines.

Go to a dr., take a physic and start eating fruits and vegetables.
Shadow clearly hates himself. There seems to be a "whack pack" here similar to what Howard Stern has.
I made Bonzi smile..........:)

Shadow 355
This love talk after you said you were puking this morning subsequent to eating a meal that is only fit for a child. By your own admission you have neglected and abused your health and body. Would you want to date you? Would you date a woman who was puking and holding her stomach while alternating between heaves and Internets pick up lines.

Go to a dr., take a physic and start eating fruits and vegetables.
Shadow clearly hates himself. There seems to be a "whack pack" here similar to what Howard Stern has.
Too fantastic to be taken seriously
I feel totally fucked up today. I started drinking some wine Saturday night prior to grilling out. We had guests that were drinking. My drinking got a little out of hand; I got the Dewers out after the wine was gone. It sounds stupid, but at some point there was a challenge as to who can sprint faster. When I was younger I was fast...faster than a negro trying to beat off before his mom catches him. Anyway, I had too much to drink to be attempting any such thing. My legs did not work in perfect harmony with my brain and I tripped, taking a dive into my front lawn. It was no big deal at the time. But last night I started getting sore. Now my ribs hurt, my chest hurts and my arms and shoulders hurt. It's like when you are sick and your chest hurts because you have been coughing hard.

A simple spill should not fuck me up so badly. I am afraid that this is a sign of things to come as I get older.

That's fuck up Zacky Boy. Stop drinking mutherfucker lol
I am starting to get a "belly on me". And I don't eat alot.

I am starved, so I eat. I only take only two bites of food and I feel like I am eleven months pregnant. My belly button is reaching three feet out in front of me and my stomach is distended and painful.

And I am only in my late 40s.

Shadow 355
That doesn't mean you should eat less. It means you are malnourished.
Fountain of Youth: DARKSEID

Youth seems like an army to the aging and depressed.

I read comic books (e.g., Captain America) to feel young.


Tell me about it. Added to my already list of ill is a rheumatic hip and a fractured wrist,

The worst part is having to ask for help doing basic - and embarrassing - things. :cool-45:
Aging means you have to set your pride aside and accept the fact that your body doesn't work like it used to!


Already in a cast for falling - again - and got up from my computer yesterday, coffee cup in the good hand, and cane in the other.

Fell again. Coffee cup - nearly empty - went one way and down went me. Luckily had something to break my fall and only bruised my knee and did something miserable to the muscle behind my right knee.

So, no choice.


At least my back hurts less when I use it.
The one good thing about getting older is your financial situation

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