AG Garland Weaponizes FBI to Intimidate America's Parents - Shameful


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
We didn't expect anything good would come from any attorney general selected by someone with as little integrity as opportunist, globalist Joe Biden, but we didn't really expect to see somebody on par with Herman Goring, who created the Nazi Gestapo, in 1933 Germany, either. Looks like that's about what we've got. Merritt Garland (thank God he never got in the Supreme Court), has been labeling US parents, critical of CRT classes, "domestic terrorists". Based on a not too truthful letter from the National School Board Association, asking for action against protesting parents, the Dept of Justice is now planning to investigate what they call a spike in “threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,”.

First we need a good eye roll > :rolleyes: Now some violin music > :boohoo:

Let's take this step by step.

1. Some really mentally disturbed liberals (far beyond the average) come up with a looney, anti-America, anti-police, anti-white people school curriculum.

2. These loons never talk to anybody except other liberals who are just as far out on the lunatic fringe as they are, thereby reinforcing their pathological notions.

3. Being of an activist nature, these lunatics acquire seats on school boards, so they can push their nutcase ideas on America's students.

4. Coincidentally, the Covid pandemic shuts down in-school classes, and puts classes online, and in students' homes, thereby giving parents the chance to see/hear what their kids are being taught.

5. To no one's surprise, shocked and outraged parents start filling up school board meetings to give the school board members a piece of their minds.

6. The school board members, too steeped in their warped ideology to be deprogrammed by the parents, and too cowardly to confront the parents, instead react by shutting down meetings, walking out before parents all could speak, and having police clear the room of parent protestors.

7. Next the school boards go running to the National School Boards Association for help, who in turn, writes a hugely exaggerated letter to Joe Biden, claiming there to have been attacks and threats against school board members, teachers, facilities, and even public schoolchildren. The letter also falsely claims that CRT is only being taught in graduate schools (while parents all over the country, have seen it in on their middle & High school kids' computers).

8. Here is an actual quote from the NSBA letter to Biden >> "NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center3 regarding the level of risk to public schoolchildren, educators, board members, and facilities/campuses."

9. Noting that the NSBA letter is without a single NAME of anyone alleged to have threatened or attacked anyone, the Attorney General responded by referring to the protesting parents (thousands of them all over the country) as "domestic terrorists" and has come up with a plan to investigate the so-called threats and attacks.

10. Asra Nomani, vice president of investigations and strategy at Parents Defending Education, posted on Twitter, "You are criminalizing parenting, and you owe the people of America a swift apology.”

11. Another parent critic of CRT, Nicole Solas from Rhode Island, accused the FBI of being “the politics police,” while claiming any “legitimate” violence is already “sufficiently addressed by your local police.”

12. Like the NSBA letter, Garland's memo about his plan to investigate, also did not specify what acts of violence against school staff members, ....(I'm still waiting for anyone to show me what acts of violence there have been-and I'm becoming thoughtful that there were very few or none).

13. Sen. Josh Hawley joined with parents on Tuesday in their criticism, accusing Garland of only focusing on “democratic pushback against critical race theory,” rather than threats of violence. Hawley also said “Americans have responded to this radical ideology by winning elections for local school boards, and protesting peacefully at school board meetings. Yet your memo yesterday to the FBI and local U.S. Attorneys ignored all of this, and warned of an insurgence of ‘threats of violence’ and ‘efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.’”

Parents, pols slam FBI probe into CRT-related harassment in schools (

Governor DeSantis slams Garland's threat to parents at school board meetings (
Garland is a real Major League Asshole.

Equating pissed off parents with Al-Qaeda and Boko Haram really shows what a dumb ass he is.

If Sleepy Joe was worth shit, he would immediately fire Garland in disgrace. If he can't see the difference between the citizenry giving elected school board members a piece of their minds and the attack on the world trade center,he isn't fit to rule.
We didn't expect anything good would come from any attorney general selected by someone with as little integrity as opportunist, globalist Joe Biden, but we didn't really expect to see somebody on par with Herman Goring, who created the Nazi Gestapo, in 1933 Germany, either. Looks like that's about what we've got. Merritt Garland (thank God he never got in the Supreme Court), has been labeling US parents, critical of CRT classes, "domestic terrorists". Based on a not too truthful letter from the National School Board Association, asking for action against protesting parents, the Dept of Justice is now planning to investigate what they call a spike in “threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,”.

First we need a good eye roll > :rolleyes: Now some violin music > :boohoo:

Let's take this step by step.

1. Some really mentally disturbed liberals (far beyond the average) come up with a looney, anti-America, anti-police, anti-white people school curriculum.

2. These loons never talk to anybody except other liberals who are just as far out on the lunatic fringe as they are, thereby reinforcing their pathological notions.

3. Being of an activist nature, these lunatics acquire seats on school boards, so they can push their nutcase ideas on America's students.

4. Coincidentally, the Covid pandemic shuts down in-school classes, and puts classes online, and in students' homes, thereby giving parents the chance to see/hear what their kids are being taught.

5. To no one's surprise, shocked and outraged parents start filling up school board meetings to give the school board members a piece of their minds.

6. The school board members, too steeped in their warped ideology to be deprogrammed by the parents, and too cowardly to confront the parents, instead react by shutting down meetings, walking out before parents all could speak, and having police clear the room of parent protestors.

7. Next the school boards go running to the National School Boards Association for help, who in turn, writes a hugely exaggerated letter to Joe Biden, claiming there to have been attacks and threats against school board members, teachers, facilities, and even public schoolchildren. The letter also falsely claims that CRT is only being taught in graduate schools (while parents all over the country, have seen it in on their middle & High school kids' computers).

8. Here is an actual quote from the NSBA letter to Biden >> "NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center3 regarding the level of risk to public schoolchildren, educators, board members, and facilities/campuses."

9. Noting that the NSBA letter is without a single NAME of anyone alleged to have threatened or attacked anyone, the Attorney General responded by referring to the protesting parents (thousands of them all over the country) as "domestic terrorists" and has come up with a plan to investigate the so-called threats and attacks.

10. Asra Nomani, vice president of investigations and strategy at Parents Defending Education, posted on Twitter, "You are criminalizing parenting, and you owe the people of America a swift apology.”

11. Another parent critic of CRT, Nicole Solas from Rhode Island, accused the FBI of being “the politics police,” while claiming any “legitimate” violence is already “sufficiently addressed by your local police.”

12. Like the NSBA letter, Garland's memo about his plan to investigate, also did not specify what acts of violence against school staff members, ....(I'm still waiting for anyone to show me what acts of violence there have been-and I'm becoming thoughtful that there were very few or none).

13. Sen. Josh Hawley joined with parents on Tuesday in their criticism, accusing Garland of only focusing on “democratic pushback against critical race theory,” rather than threats of violence. Hawley also said “Americans have responded to this radical ideology by winning elections for local school boards, and protesting peacefully at school board meetings. Yet your memo yesterday to the FBI and local U.S. Attorneys ignored all of this, and warned of an insurgence of ‘threats of violence’ and ‘efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.’”

Parents, pols slam FBI probe into CRT-related harassment in schools (

Governor DeSantis slams Garland's threat to parents at school board meetings (
So where is the push back from our elected republicans? Dems called for Barr to be impeached every other day, so where are republicans, apart from a few, going after Garland?
So where is the push back from our elected republicans? Dems called for Barr to be impeached every other day, so where are republicans, apart from a few, going after Garland?
That's a great question..We have started only recently adopting the liberals playbook when pushing back on things like this, and unfortunately there are still a sizable contingent of establishment Republican's that are just as busy lining their pockets, and stealing rights as the Democrats do...Those people need to be replaced as well...But, the good news is that people are waking up...

Like Biden, he is an opportunist, looking to use his political power to make money. Now he's doing just that. His son-in-law's company, is making MILLIONS, selling his Panorama Education CRT junk to schools. Clear cut conflict of interest.
I can appreciate the fact that sometimes parents get a little bit out of hand in their advocacy for their offspring.

But they aren't the same as Osama Ladin, and further, I can't see where the local police department isn't able to handle it and why a doofus like Garland needs called.

Sen. McConnell really needs saluted for his wisdom in keeping this chucklehead off the Supreme Court.
So where is the push back from our elected republicans? Dems called for Barr to be impeached every other day, so where are republicans, apart from a few, going after Garland?
Some of them are showing up on Newsmax, talking about it. Too many are not.
I can appreciate the fact that sometimes parents get a little bit out of hand in their advocacy for their offspring.

But they aren't the same as Osama Ladin, and further, I can't see where the local police department isn't able to handle it and why a doofus like Garland needs called.

Sen. McConnell really needs saluted for his wisdom in keeping this chucklehead off the Supreme Court.
There isn't an ounce of sincerity in what he's doing. As Senator Hawley said, it's an effort to intimidate the parents and shut them up. Fortunately, it has only enraged them more, and are talking all the much louder now.

McConnell - yes, one of his best accomplishments. This loon needs to be as far away from the SCOTUS as we can keep him.
We didn't expect anything good would come from any attorney general selected by someone with as little integrity as opportunist, globalist Joe Biden, but we didn't really expect to see somebody on par with Herman Goring, who created the Nazi Gestapo, in 1933 Germany, either. Looks like that's about what we've got. Merritt Garland (thank God he never got in the Supreme Court), has been labeling US parents, critical of CRT classes, "domestic terrorists". Based on a not too truthful letter from the National School Board Association, asking for action against protesting parents, the Dept of Justice is now planning to investigate what they call a spike in “threats against school administrators, board members, teachers, and staff,”.

First we need a good eye roll > :rolleyes: Now some violin music > :boohoo:

Let's take this step by step.

1. Some really mentally disturbed liberals (far beyond the average) come up with a looney, anti-America, anti-police, anti-white people school curriculum.

2. These loons never talk to anybody except other liberals who are just as far out on the lunatic fringe as they are, thereby reinforcing their pathological notions.

3. Being of an activist nature, these lunatics acquire seats on school boards, so they can push their nutcase ideas on America's students.

4. Coincidentally, the Covid pandemic shuts down in-school classes, and puts classes online, and in students' homes, thereby giving parents the chance to see/hear what their kids are being taught.

5. To no one's surprise, shocked and outraged parents start filling up school board meetings to give the school board members a piece of their minds.

6. The school board members, too steeped in their warped ideology to be deprogrammed by the parents, and too cowardly to confront the parents, instead react by shutting down meetings, walking out before parents all could speak, and having police clear the room of parent protestors.

7. Next the school boards go running to the National School Boards Association for help, who in turn, writes a hugely exaggerated letter to Joe Biden, claiming there to have been attacks and threats against school board members, teachers, facilities, and even public schoolchildren. The letter also falsely claims that CRT is only being taught in graduate schools (while parents all over the country, have seen it in on their middle & High school kids' computers).

8. Here is an actual quote from the NSBA letter to Biden >> "NSBA specifically solicits the expertise and resources of the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Secret Service, and its National Threat Assessment Center3 regarding the level of risk to public schoolchildren, educators, board members, and facilities/campuses."

9. Noting that the NSBA letter is without a single NAME of anyone alleged to have threatened or attacked anyone, the Attorney General responded by referring to the protesting parents (thousands of them all over the country) as "domestic terrorists" and has come up with a plan to investigate the so-called threats and attacks.

10. Asra Nomani, vice president of investigations and strategy at Parents Defending Education, posted on Twitter, "You are criminalizing parenting, and you owe the people of America a swift apology.”

11. Another parent critic of CRT, Nicole Solas from Rhode Island, accused the FBI of being “the politics police,” while claiming any “legitimate” violence is already “sufficiently addressed by your local police.”

12. Like the NSBA letter, Garland's memo about his plan to investigate, also did not specify what acts of violence against school staff members, ....(I'm still waiting for anyone to show me what acts of violence there have been-and I'm becoming thoughtful that there were very few or none).

13. Sen. Josh Hawley joined with parents on Tuesday in their criticism, accusing Garland of only focusing on “democratic pushback against critical race theory,” rather than threats of violence. Hawley also said “Americans have responded to this radical ideology by winning elections for local school boards, and protesting peacefully at school board meetings. Yet your memo yesterday to the FBI and local U.S. Attorneys ignored all of this, and warned of an insurgence of ‘threats of violence’ and ‘efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views.’”

Parents, pols slam FBI probe into CRT-related harassment in schools (

Governor DeSantis slams Garland's threat to parents at school board meetings (
The Biden Administration is trying to indoctrinate our kids....and are threatening to throw parents in prison for standing up and putting their foot down and doing something about it.

Anyone on the left that agrees with this is a complete idiot.
They are so distanced from reality that they can't see evil when it rears it's ugly head in our schools. This is a ground-level threat to our freedom.

If we can take back the control of our elementary and High Schools via better school boards, the even bigger challenge is how to make universities politically neutral? That will be an even bigger challenge.
Remember when you guys criticized the FBI for ignoring the risk of violence before Jan 6th?

And now you guys are criticizing the FBI for NOT ignoring it.

Make up your minds.
Listen to Bill Maher.....on his show last night....his job is to mislead people into thinking that Republicans are the threat, not commie Democrats.

Bill Maher's obscene monologue was about but-plugs and anal beads....and then his foul-mouthed guests started discussing how Trump was doing wrong when he asked his VP to do what was within the constitution....allow the Senate to present evidence of election fraud before certifying the election....calling Trump a "MOB BOSS" for doing precisely what Democrats did after TRump won in 2016.

The shoe was on the other foot....and what Democrats did for 4 years to Trump was now termed abusive by Bill Maher and his biased guests.


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