After 2+ Years Mueller May Fade Away Without Ever Saying A Word

Mr. Mueller has been saying plenty. He speaks through indictments...

Wrong abortion is murdering

New York State leaders now under attack by America

Mueller used the corrupt New York State judges for his witch hunt

New York State leaders murders us citizen babies at 9 months

The abortion issue is sweeping the nation and world as the most corrupt murdering in human history and now science itself is screaming this is murder of human beings

Running in the Muslim youth to replace the murdered young helps to destroy each nation

All liberals will soon to be chased thru all parts of the world
Trump will not let it be released.
Since there is not going to be anything in it, and to hide that fact Mueller and Democrats will claim that releasing it would harm national security....when all it would do is expose the fact that their conspiracy wasted 2+ years and millions of tax dollars, Trump should and probably will push to get it released.

You willing to wager on if Trump does that or not?

He does not have to push for it, he holds the power over what is classified what is not.

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He may indeed. Then again, he "may" expose the President for the lying piece of excrement that he is too. He is most likely just like those he surrounds himself with. I expect him to "Benedict Arnold' to his Pals over in Russia as soon as Mueller files his report!
The Liberal Playbook in 17 Simple Statements

  • Repeatedly attacking America and it's president because he refuses to be a Globalist, and believes in National Sovereignty and Individual Rights and Liberties: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Conflating Russia (A Nation that Rejects Globalist Rule) with the current administration and demonizing both: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • The elimination of personal vehicles, air travel, and cheap efficient hydrocarbon fuels: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Allowing Tech Giants, The Media, & Government to spy on us, and control information, and control messaging: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Global Warming: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Income Inequality: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Guranteed Income: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Universal Healthcare: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • The New Green Deal: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Paris Climate Accord: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Calling Hydrocarbons Fossil Fuels: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Universal Free College Education: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Open Borders Open Immigration: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Sanctuary Cities: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Adhering to United Nations Protocols, Policies, Treaties or Mandates: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Granting Asylum to Cultures unable to and unwilling to assimilate in to US Culture: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Signing and abiding by so called Free Trade Agreements instead of negotiating as a Sovereign Nation on a one on one basis for "Fair Trade" : Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
He does not have to push for it, he holds the power over what is classified what is not.
I know its hard for you, but let's try to think this one through, based on recent Democrat history....

If the President pushed to have something declassified that Mueller and the Conspirators claimed was a matter of national security they would attack him / threaten to Impeach him for 'endangering national security'.

If there is nothing to hide, why don't you call up your Congressmen...and Mueller...and tell them not to hide the report to begin with?!
After 2+ years of the exposed conspiratorial witch hunt at tax payer expense, Mueller may get to file a report Americans never get to see and fade off into the sunset...leaving speculation, a.c. usations, and zero evidence of there ever having been anything to investigate regarding the President.

Robert Mueller has spent two years investigating Trump, and he hasn't said a word. It's possible he never will.

After 2 years of dividing the country the American people are owed the truth / facts. We have already seen that the excuse of 'national security' has been used as an excuse to protect some of the witch hunters, not national security.

EVERYTHING needs to be released.
Silence from Special Counsel Robert Mueller?

The sure sign of a dedicated public servant, playing by the rules.

It is his job to submit his findings to the Attorney General of the United States.

It is the job of the Attorney General of the United States to deal with Congress and The People in this matter.

Mueller is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing, in exactly the way it should be done, in this context.

Dog bites man.
Mueller is getting scared of Barr who will do another investigation and put both investigations side by side

And declare Muellers probe as a classic blackmail crime

Mueller is getting scared and now many more wil go to trump after learning the deep state goes against science with the abortIon

Unlike your government ( the Putin Federation ), our sworn and appointed officials are free to actually execute their sworn duty.

Our people know their duty, and are loyal to our Constitution and The People, rather than the pseudo-tsar du jour.


Ivan, you should ask for a refund on your tuition, for your English-as-a-Second-Language night-school class. :21:

Maybe you should have attended the Moskva campus rather than the one in Saint Petersburg.

I hear they have a special English grammar component to their offering, with a special discount for Russian Internet Troll-Operatives.

Now, go away, you silly, incoherent Russian twit.
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He does not have to push for it, he holds the power over what is classified what is not.
I know its hard for you, but let's try to think this one through, based on recent Democrat history....

If the President pushed to have something declassified that Mueller and the Conspirators claimed was a matter of national security they would attack him / threaten to Impeach him for 'endangering national security'.

If there is nothing to hide, why don't you call up your Congressmen...and Mueller...and tell them not to hide the report to begin with?!

And if Trump knows he is in the clear, none of those threats should bother him.

I have already been in touch with both my Rep and both Senators telling them I expect the full report to be released in PDF form for us all to read.

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The Liberal Playbook in 17 Simple Statements

  • Repeatedly attacking America and it's president because he refuses to be a Globalist, and believes in National Sovereignty and Individual Rights and Liberties: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Conflating Russia (A Nation that Rejects Globalist Rule) with the current administration and demonizing both: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • The elimination of personal vehicles, air travel, and cheap efficient hydrocarbon fuels: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Allowing Tech Giants, The Media, & Government to spy on us, and control information, and control messaging: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Global Warming: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Income Inequality: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Guranteed Income: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Universal Healthcare: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • The New Green Deal: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Paris Climate Accord: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Calling Hydrocarbons Fossil Fuels: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Universal Free College Education: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Open Borders Open Immigration: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Sanctuary Cities: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Adhering to United Nations Protocols, Policies, Treaties or Mandates: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Granting Asylum to Cultures unable to and unwilling to assimilate in to US Culture: Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule
  • Signing and abiding by so called Free Trade Agreements instead of negotiating as a Sovereign Nation on a one on one basis for "Fair Trade" : Vehicle to Install Socialism and Global Rule

And Install Socialism!
After 2+ years of the exposed conspiratorial witch hunt at tax payer expense, Mueller may get to file a report Americans never get to see and fade off into the sunset...leaving speculation, a.c. usations, and zero evidence of there ever having been anything to investigate regarding the President.

Robert Mueller has spent two years investigating Trump, and he hasn't said a word. It's possible he never will.

After 2 years of dividing the country the American people are owed the truth / facts. We have already seen that the excuse of 'national security' has been used as an excuse to protect some of the witch hunters, not national security.

EVERYTHING needs to be released.

Released, then investigated it for no other reason then to expose all his corruption. People like him suffer more from tarnish on their legacy then going to prison.
From what I hear Mueller has stepped back from running the investigation and left Weinstein in charge and he is the one that pulled that CNN Nazi like raid on Stone's home....That over the top raid where they tipped off CNN pissed off Whitaker....and others in the justice Dept. Mueller will be taking back control now I'm betting.....And I'm also betting the report will be filed shortly...Trump has the power to release the report if he decides to....
This whole thing was a attempted coup and a huge waste of Tax dollars....
Trump needs to punish them for this witch hunt so they never try it again....
From what I hear Mueller has stepped back from running the investigation and left Weinstein in charge and he is the one that pulled that CNN Nazi like raid on Stone's home....That over the top raid where they tipped off CNN pissed off Whitaker....and others in the justice Dept. Mueller will be taking back control now I'm betting.....And I'm also betting the report will be filed shortly...Trump has the power to release the report if he decides to....
This whole thing was a attempted coup and a huge waste of Tax dollars....
Trump needs to punish them for this witch hunt so they never try it again....

Yep, that's all it ever was.

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