If Trumps caves I’ll spearhead an anti Trump coalition right next to you Lefties.

Looks like we’ll find out soon enough.
I won't go against him but I sure won't vote for him in 2020. Do as I originally planned for 2016,just not vote! Fuck it. Let some FAR LEFTIST win the white house and the sooner they drag this country into a damn civil war the better,I ain't getting no damn younger.
Well, the marker is $5.7B. Any less and he caved. That figure or any more and the means that the Democrats caved. Easy to tell who the winner will be.
Looks like we’ll find out soon enough.
I like the fact that he is calling it what it is, "Finishing The Wall". When most of it is in place you aren't building it, you are finishing it. And compromise is always how the system works. Pick a number between 5.7 and 1 and let's stop the nonsense posturing.
Trump does know the art of the deal better than anyone else.

Trump has declared bankruptcy five (5) times leaving his creditors holding empty bags and still he is a multi-millionaire today; go figure.

He's got da gift, that's for sure.



Trump to Laura Ingraham after speech when asked about a compromise reached tonight.

"I will never sign a bill that forces the mass release of criminals into this country.”
Looks like we’ll find out soon enough.

Rep David Price from NC is on right now talking about the deal.

You're going to have to join with that anti trump coalition.

There's money for for the border but much less than the amount that trump wants and it's not enough to built a wall.

According to Rep Price trump is getting less than 2 billion dollars for the border.
Looks like we’ll find out soon enough.

Rep David Price from NC is on right now talking about the deal.

You're going to have to join with that anti trump coalition.

There's money for for the border but much less than the amount that trump wants and it's not enough to built a wall.

According to Rep Price trump is getting less than 2 billion dollars for the border.

Do you see your President signing such a Bill?
Looks like we’ll find out soon enough.

Rep David Price from NC is on right now talking about the deal.

You're going to have to join with that anti trump coalition.

There's money for for the border but much less than the amount that trump wants and it's not enough to built a wall.

According to Rep Price trump is getting less than 2 billion dollars for the border.

Do you see your President signing such a Bill?

I don't know if he will sign it. I do know that Rep Price says it will pass the congress.
Looks like we’ll find out soon enough.
One way to outsmart the Democrats:

Take the deal, declare a national emergency.

He could get 1/3 of the wall funding in one swift stroke.

He doesn't need to do that. Now if he can get another billion without
any issues, he'll do it, but he can stay on the high ground and have the
Dems in a big-time bind in December.

Obama's budget cuts go into effect in December, including 55 billion
from domestic spending.

He's the one the Dems will need to shelve Obama's budget cuts.

Those cuts are already earmarked. No bill needs to be passed. They
automatically go into effect in December. Trump won't need to veto anything.
It'll all be on Obama. The Dems will bargain then...Big-Time.

Trump to Laura Ingraham after speech when asked about a compromise reached tonight.

"I will never sign a bill that forces the mass release of criminals into this country.”
What does that statement of his even mean? or what does it have to do with a 30 foot high, solid concrete, beautiful wall, across 2000 miles of southern border that Mexico is going to fund???

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