African Immigrants To America Double Every Decade


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
African immigrants to America double every decade
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 4, 2014


Earlier this week, Brenda Walker at Limits to Growth posted this very interesting news about recent Census numbers involving African immigration to America.

Walker begins:

Africa-born people are currently in the news, in a bad way, given the spread of ebola to America in recent days.
As it happens, this week the Census released a 10-page report about Africans in the US: The Foreign-Born Population From Africa: 2008-2012.

It has numerous charts and tables like the map below, showing the location of national groups in the US. We now know about the 10,000 Liberians in north Texas because of the ebola flap, but there are many more of that nationality in Philadelphia.

Go to Limits to Growth to see Walker’s commentary with maps and more charts!

Which African countries are represented in your city?

This post is filed in our extensive ‘where to find information’ category.

Come to think of it, I’m kind of surprised that the Census Bureau is even reporting this information, isn’t it just downright politically incorrect to notice!

This sucks...bad.
Ebola in The U.S. and we wont restrict travel from that 4th world it really even a country?
Do we deserve what we get?

I agree with you.

And, further, we need to be a bit more prudent here. When you evaluate the ISIS volunteers - these young men were from Somalia. People think that I am being biased when I state that we are really not evaluating African immigrants with the proper lens. Many Africans are either devout Christians or devout Muslims. This is a 50% split and in some countries there are more muslims than Christians. Another issue is that out of that percentage that I am presenting - 30% are sympathetic to extreme islam, just ask Nigeria. Northern Nigeria was allowed to fall apart because they passively intervened or outright neglected that area. Immigration from Africa will become a door of access to extreme Islam. The relationship between Africa and the Middle East is pretty intimate, historically.

These are my questions:

1. Why are we giving so much aid out to countries only to have its citizens come here - not for political sanctuary but simply because they are poor? We have poverty here.
2. We give from $500 million to $1 billion dollars in aid, per country - not per continent but per country. And that's just our country. That's not counting France, Britain etc. So my question is this is why are we giving so much in aid, only to have them migrate here. The model immigrant story - although extremely cute...really is a farce when you add up the real stats, not just merely their highest achievers but their total population, in fact many of them are reportedly not able to find jobs and resort to being cab drivers.

More specifically, Liberian aid:

"As Elizabeth Dickinson notes in her FP column, the Liberian government’s budget has steadily increased over the years, from a mere $80 million in 2005 to $350 million in 2010. To break its dependency on aid, Sirleaf explained, the country plans to attract increasing levels of foreign investment and private capital." - See more at: Liberia and Aid Dependency - UN DispatchUN Dispatch

Liberia and Aid Dependency - UN DispatchUN Dispatch
List of countries by foreign aid received - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
I believe I've informed you previously that I am neither Mexican nor an immigrant, you stupid fuck.
Lack of competent airport security and ER procedures us not a cause for overreaction. We should stick to:

No Welfare for non-citizens.

Brain draining the rest of the world.

Fewer greencards and more residency permits, the self-employed add more value.

Lower the bar for criminal deportation.

And keep refugee status as shortlived as possible.
I'd think African-Americans would be the most incensed about this because these African immigrants are soaking up a lot of the affirmative action treasure that blacks believe is their birthright. From the New York Times:

While about 8 percent, or about 530, of Harvard's undergraduates were black, Lani Guinier, a Harvard law professor, and Henry Louis Gates Jr., the chairman of Harvard's African and African-American studies department, pointed out that the majority of them -- perhaps as many as two-thirds -- were West Indian and African immigrants or their children, or to a lesser extent, children of biracial couples.
That article is 10 years old. The process has likely not reversed. So the immigrant arrives here and as soon as he steps off the plane he has privileges due to his race that whites don't have and, as evidence shows, uses those privileges more effectively than American born blacks. What is happening is the importation of a black elite class - these African immigrants (Obama) will rule over the American descendants of slaves. African Americans just can't catch a break. Affirmative Action was initially intended to help them get ahead, not immigrant blacks who never suffered under Jim Crow and who voluntarily chose to come to the US.
Them's the breaks.

Immigration isn't like the seasons, a force of nature which we can't do anything about. If blacks don't like being shunted aside, then they should work to stop immigration. The black community is bearing the worst brunt and they're getting it from two directions. The best of America's blacks are being out-competed by immigrants from Africa and the most hard hit are being out-competed by Mexican peasants in the no-skill labor market.

Then again, if they don't give a damn, fine, but then they should STFU about the plight of their community. The first step to improvement is to take action yourself.
African immigrants to America double every decade
Posted by Ann Corcoran on October 4, 2014


Earlier this week, Brenda Walker at Limits to Growth posted this very interesting news about recent Census numbers involving African immigration to America.

Walker begins:

Africa-born people are currently in the news, in a bad way, given the spread of ebola to America in recent days.
As it happens, this week the Census released a 10-page report about Africans in the US: The Foreign-Born Population From Africa: 2008-2012.

It has numerous charts and tables like the map below, showing the location of national groups in the US. We now know about the 10,000 Liberians in north Texas because of the ebola flap, but there are many more of that nationality in Philadelphia.

Go to Limits to Growth to see Walker’s commentary with maps and more charts!

Which African countries are represented in your city?

This post is filed in our extensive ‘where to find information’ category.

Come to think of it, I’m kind of surprised that the Census Bureau is even reporting this information, isn’t it just downright politically incorrect to notice!

This sucks...bad.
We need to quadruple the number of poor we immigrate. We're clearly not screwed up enough yet.

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