Africa Land Grab


Platinum Member
Nov 29, 2008
For centuries African people have been abused by the rich and from the looks of things nothing is changing.

"March 10, 2010
Billionaires and Mega-Corporations Behind Immense Land Grab in Africa
20+ African countries are selling or leasing land for intensive agriculture on a shocking scale in what may be the greatest change of ownership since the colonial era."

"Ethiopia is one of the hungriest countries in the world with more than 13-million people needing food aid, but paradoxically the government is offering at least 7.5 million acres of its most fertile land to rich countries and some of the world's most wealthy individuals to export food for their own populations."

"All the land round my family village of Illia has been taken over and is being cleared. People now have to work for an Indian company. Their land has been compulsorily taken and they have been given no compensation. People cannot believe what is happening. Thousands of people will be affected and people will go hungry."

Huge deals
Since 2008 Saudi investors have bought heavily in Sudan, Egypt, Ethiopia and Kenya. Last year the first sacks of wheat grown in Ethiopia for the Saudi market were presented by al-Amoudi to King Abdullah.

"Some of the African deals lined up are eye-wateringly large: China has signed a contract with the Democratic Republic of Congo to grow 7-million acres of palm oil for biofuels. Before it fell apart after riots, a proposed 3 million acres deal between Madagascar and the South Korean company Daewoo would have included nearly half of the country's arable land."

"Land to grow biofuel crops is also in demand. "European biofuel companies have acquired or requested about 10 million acres in Africa. This has led to displacement of people, lack of consultation and compensation, broken promises about wages and job opportunities," said Tim Rice, author of an ActionAid report which estimates that the EU needs to grow crops on 43 million acres, well over half the size of Italy, if it is to meet its 10% biofuel target by 2015."

I hope people are paying attention.

Darfur Dateline - November 2006

In Darfur one the great human travesties is taking place. Radical Arab Muslims are killing black African Muslims as ethnic cleansing is taking place abetted by the Government of Sudan (GOS). In western Sudan a region known as Darfur, or place of the Fur tribe, finds the Sahara Desert creeping southward creating a vast arid region as it approaches Sudan’s second largest city, Nyala of over two million, which is in the middle of Darfur. Darfur is the size of France with a population of four million and its main inhabitants are members of the black African Fur tribe who farm and keep livestock. These people are very poor, scratching out a very meager living from the dry earth, growing sorghum and various seeds. In the northern part of Darfur, nomadic Arabs from different tribes have been pressured south because of their need to provide forage for their animals and good water. In the past, these nomadic warriors have been hired out as paid soldiers, so they have broad experience in warfare. These nomads as a group were given the name of Janjaweed. The Government in Khartoum (GOS) has sided with the Arabs in disputes with the Fur tribe to the extent that some of the Fur tribe banded together and overran some military posts. It is at this time that our story starts. It is 2003. The GOS is deeply involved with the majority of its armed forces matching up with the SPLA (Sudans People Liberation Army) in the struggle between North and South further east, Muslim against Christian, brown against black and Arab against African that has consumed the country for over 20 years. It is important to know the GOS strategy in this genocide as it is mirrored by the ethnic cleansing in Darfur:

Direct killing

Civilian displacement from water and food



It is November 2006. The attacks by the Janjaweed and the GOS continue unabated. Pressure by the United Nations, Great Britain and the US calling for a UN peace keeping force to stop the ethnic cleansing have been resisted by the GOS. A prime reason is the fear by the Sudan leadership, with the army generals and Janjaweed leadership that War Crimes Against Humanity will be lodged against them in the World Court. A failed peace accord between the rebel factions and the GOS has only resulted in a splinter rebel group SLM led by Minni Minawi to join the government forces and creating more conflict on the farmers of Fur. The LRA, a treacherous army destabilizing the Uganda, Sudan, and Chad borders has signed a peace accord. Its leader Joseph Koni has been indicted for War Crimes. Inside northern Sudan the people believe President Al-Bashir, who says that the struggle in Darfur is between tribes with some 10,000 dead. Many Sudanese leaders do not correlate the sanctions imposed on Sudan by the United Nations with the genocide that has kept this country on the top of the despotic government list in the world. Oil money is pouring into Khartoum and the city is showing this economic muscle. China, Sudan’s recent economic partner as well as advocate in the UN, is moving into the sanction void, creating legitimacy to Sudan’s political and economic direction. Meanwhile innocent men, women and children die in Darfur the victims of a world who has forgotten them or can not muster up the will to stop the carnage.
Like I said in an earlier post. The wholesale recolonization of the African continent started in the
1970's.!!. And it may get a whole lot worse, after the worlds oil runs out.!
Africa for the Africans.
Like I said in an earlier post. The wholesale recolonization of the African continent started in the
1970's.!!. And it may get a whole lot worse, after the worlds oil runs out.!
Africa for the Africans.

I do hope you noticed in the article it was radical Arab Muslims slaughtering Africans and Muslims killing Christians farther south in Dafur. Why not consider that people that desire peace need to stand in the balance for the people that are peaceful. And this regardless of the nationality whether they be Muslim, Jew, Christian or whatever? Why aren't other nations demanding protection for these innocent farmers?

Greed does not distinguish between nationality or faith. Greed consumes whatever and whoever gets in its path. Radicals first and greed mongers later.

The world is not going to run out of oil before technology takes hold that will eliminate the use of so much oil. It may cost more to produce but it will still be there. You want to buy into that story of planting crops of one kind in one region and ship those crops to another region of the world and you believe that it is more feasible and is the best use of resources? Does it take more resources to buy fruit from your neighbor or does it take more resources to get that same type of fruit from half way around the world in another country? Is it better to put rubbish on a barge and ship it around the world searching for a dump site or would it be better to use that same rubbish and supply a generating facility close to home that can provide electric for the same area where the rubbish came from? You can continue to believe the lies if you want and you can continue and keep on giving the banker his cut if you like. I won't pay a banker's exorbitant interest rate. Nor am I going to sit around bitching and pining about how the white man killed off my ancestors while that same greedy spirit that killed them off still runs wild throughout the world destroying everything in its path. You can if you want to. If you want to derail the train pull up some track. Their train runs on money.
Africans must stop entering into these deals that sell out their lands.! They must keep the Europeans out
of Africa.!!,they must never sell their land to any Europeans , after what Europe did in Africa over the last 100 years.!!
Africans must stop entering into these deals that sell out their lands.! They must keep the Europeans out
of Africa.!!,they must never sell their land to any Europeans , after what Europe did in Africa over the last 100 years.!!

Sellouts seems to be a going ginny around the globe as the few big and powerful take over more and more control.
ASMARA, Eritrea -- Persons working with aid organizations assisting the victims of the Darfur conflict have passed on the news that they have confirmed through their contacts in the so called “Save Darfur Coalition” that millions of dollars raised to help the Darfur refugees have ended up in Israeli bank accounts. These accounts help fund programs that include illegal Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

These sources inside the pro-Israel organizations that control the “Save Darfur Coalition” estimate that over $100 million was raised for Darfur, though the exact amount may never be known due to the murky nature of the financial statements these organizations submit. What is known is that over half the money raised for Darfur was consumed by “operational expenses” for these organizations, meaning bloated salaries, expense accounts and the multimillion dollar publicity campaign that helped generate the donations. Only about 10 percent of the donations received ever made it to the Darfur refugees, with several million ending up in Israeli bank accounts
Darfur aid dollars funding West Bank settlements
In 2006, the Jerusalem Post reported that the Coalition was "begun exclusively as an initiative of the American Jewish community" although this fact was "consistently played down" by organizers(snip) The "Save Darfur" movement has been criticized because none of the funds it raises go to help needy Africans on the ground in Darfur, but instead are used for lobbying the United States government to intervene.
Save Darfur Coalition - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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