Afghan Newlyweds Stoned To Death

plus these guys on death row in the US get plenty of chances for appeals to clear their names, how many chances did this Afghan couple get?

And that's why we have thousands of murderers sitting on death row for 20 years.

Costing the taxpayer hundreds of millions of dollars to warehouse them and pay their legal bills. :evil:

It turns out alot of those guys on death row are innocent, I have read articles on how DNA evidence helped clear them. If we just killed them all we would be killing innocent people.
What higher purpose was served by murdering these two people in so barbaric a fashion?

They were not murdered.

It's called execution; same as we do here in the U.S.

They had a legal trial and were found guilty of a crime that carries the death penalty.

I guess that you object to the method of execution?

But whether it is stoning or lethal injection.

Legal justice was carried out for the benefit of society.

Same rational that we use for defending executions here in America.
I object to the method and the application of the death penalty for the "crime".

Really,'s the 21st Century. Stop pretending it's 750 AD. And while you're at it, stop treating women like property.
What higher purpose was served by murdering these two people in so barbaric a fashion?

They were not murdered.

It's called execution; same as we do here in the U.S.

They had a legal trial and were found guilty of a crime that carries the death penalty.

I guess that you object to the method of execution?

But whether it is stoning or lethal injection.

Legal justice was carried out for the benefit of society.

Same rational that we use for defending executions here in America.

Comparing their crime to what we administer the death penalty for is just plain stupid :wtf:

But then again, I need to consider the source dont I? :alirulz:
I would rather sit on Death Row in the US anyday than go through a violent bloody end like that Afghan couple did.

Especially for such a petty "crime", and I use the term loosely. :evil:

Man they would have killed me 10 times over if I was in Afghan, I had sex with a married woman when I was single, and I also had a girlfriend when I was married. They would stoned the fuck out of me over there.:eek:
I would rather sit on Death Row in the US anyday than go through a violent bloody end like that Afghan couple did.

Especially for such a petty "crime", and I use the term loosely. :evil:

Man they would have killed me 10 times over if I was in Afghan, I had sex with a married woman when I was single, and I also had a girlfriend when I was married. They would stoned the fuck out of me over there.:eek:

:eusa_shhh: Me too..... I was a very bad boy!
Mr. Khan estimated that about 200 villagers participated in the executions, including Khayyam’s father and brother, and Siddiqa’s brother, as well as other relatives, with a larger crowd of onlookers who did not take part.

“People were very happy seeing this,” Mr. Khan maintained, saying the crowd was festive and cheered during the stoning. The couple, he said, “did a bad thing.”

A spokesman for the Taliban, Zabiullah Mujahid, praised the action. “We have heard about this report,” he said, interviewed by cellphone. “But let me tell you that according to Shariah law, if someone commits a crime like that, we have our courts and we deal with such crimes based on Islamic law.”

Mr. Nadery, from the human rights commission, pointed to a string of recent such cases of summary justice by the Taliban. In northwestern Badghis Province on Aug. 8, a 41-year-old widow, who was made pregnant by a man she said promised to marry her, was convicted of fornication by a Taliban court. She was given 200 lashes with a whip and then shot to death, according to Col. Abdul Jabar, a provincial police official, who said the killing was ordered by the local Taliban commander, Mullah Yousef, in Qadis district.

Vindictive Sadistic Bastards.
Mr. Khan estimated that about 200 villagers participated in the executions, including Khayyam’s father and brother, and Siddiqa’s brother, as well as other relatives, with a larger crowd of onlookers who did not take part.

“People were very happy seeing this,” Mr. Khan maintained, saying the crowd was festive and cheered during the stoning. The couple, he said, “did a bad thing.”

A spokesman for the Taliban, Zabiullah Mujahid, praised the action. “We have heard about this report,” he said, interviewed by cellphone. “But let me tell you that according to Shariah law, if someone commits a crime like that, we have our courts and we deal with such crimes based on Islamic law.”

Mr. Nadery, from the human rights commission, pointed to a string of recent such cases of summary justice by the Taliban. In northwestern Badghis Province on Aug. 8, a 41-year-old widow, who was made pregnant by a man she said promised to marry her, was convicted of fornication by a Taliban court. She was given 200 lashes with a whip and then shot to death, according to Col. Abdul Jabar, a provincial police official, who said the killing was ordered by the local Taliban commander, Mullah Yousef, in Qadis district.

Vindictive Sadistic Bastards.

This is "On the ground" and "By their works".
Mr. Khan estimated that about 200 villagers participated in the executions, including Khayyam’s father and brother, and Siddiqa’s brother, as well as other relatives, with a larger crowd of onlookers who did not take part.
The couple violated the moral's and social laws of the entire village.

And thus had to pay the price for their criminal act.
It's a human rights violation.

Not okay in any culture, anywhere. If you behave in this manner, eventually you will die like the rats you are.
Bullshit, you pig. It's a human rights violation. If it's considered a criminal act, then the people who are determining that are also violating human rights of people.

And deserve to be gunned down in the street.

As they often are. Generally by members of their own dog pack.
What about the "Rights" of the villagers to cleanse their village of criminals?

Amid a global outcry over a couple stoned to death for adultery in Afghanistan, Eliza Griswold asks why an Islamic law designed to protect women’s rights is being used against them today.

Stoning women to death for adultery dates back much further than Islam’s birth, however. It’s the law of the Arab desert. It’s the ancient law encoded before 1500 B.C. by the Mesopotamian leader Hammurabi.

Two thousand years after Hammurabi, when Muhammad became a prophet, girl babies were frequently killed, women had no right to divorce, they couldn’t inherit property—and they died at a man’s whim. These injunctions of Islam as a new religion were designed to protect women. But what was designed to protect women’s rights during the seventh century is being used against them as the 21st begins.

Killed for Adultery

In addition to being horrifying, stoning is sure to elicit a reaction from the Western governments and human rights organizations that these regressive regimes, whether village councils or national governments, wish to provoke.

Woman stoned to death in north Afghanistan

Soaked in blood

The video begins with Siddqa, a 25-year-old woman, standing waist-deep in a hole in the ground.


Video of Stoning (Extreme GRAPHIC Content Warning)

She is entirely hidden in a blue burka. Hundreds of men from the village are gathered as two mullahs pass sentence. As Taliban fighters look on, the sentence is passed and she is found guilty of adultery.

Woman stoned to death in north Afghanistan | Turkic Press

Women often jailed for trying to escape coercive arranged matches.

Samia said:
16, from the Shulgard district of Balkh province, is among those seeking the commission’s help. She wants it to intervene and help break her engagement to a man 22 years older than her. Her family concluded the arrangement when she was only six, and is now insisting the marriage go ahead.

“I don’t want to marry someone who’s many times my age, so I have come to this [human rights commission] office to get the engagement terminated,” she said.

Afghan Runaways Flee Forced Marriages | Turkic Press

The stoning lasts two minutes. Hundreds of rocks – some larger than a man’s fist – are thrown at her head and body. She tries to crawl out of the hole, but is beaten back by the stones. A boulder is then thrown at her head, her burka is soaked in blood, and she collapses inside the hole.


It's a human rights violation.
No, it was a criminal act.

No, it was a human rights violation. And you are a convert. I don't believe it. Your lack of uncaring for those of your belief brings to mind the Arab lack of uncaring for their black brethren in Africa while they kill their entire tribes of men and boys, raping the women in order to remove a black tribe and install and Arab tribe.

Even if the apologists like Sunni Man deny it.

The religion of peace?

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