Affirmative Action

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Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Dude. I don't advocate violence against blacks. You're the one that promotes discrimination. This infantile game of calling anyone who outs your discriminitory views a KKK member is getting old. It's gone on long enough. Please get some dignity. For your sake.

Here is the pot calling the kettle black. Was it dignified to bring mothers and wives into this? An apology is not enough for me either. I would like you to renounce your racist ways and to offer the complete membership here an apology on behalf of everyone's mothers and wives. If not I will make your stay here as miserable as possible, remember what I said last night?
Originally posted by OCA
Here is the pot calling the kettle black. Was it dignified to bring mothers and wives into this? An apology is not enough for me either. I would like you to renounce your racist ways and to offer the complete membership here an apology on behalf of everyone's mothers and wives. If not I will make your stay here as miserable as possible, remember what I said last night?

And I would like you to suck my robust and lengthy dick. Choke on it, fool.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
And I would like you to suck my robust and lengthy dick. Choke on it, fool.

Ok remember you brought this upon yourself. Don't do the typical liberal thing and cry later on.

Is that also the same dick you wanted Aquarian to hit?:laugh:
Originally posted by OCA
Ok remember you brought this upon yourself. Don't do the typical liberal thing and cry later on.

Is that also the same dick you wanted Aquarian to hit?:laugh:

Man It seemed like a chick name. I didn't know. Get over it. None of this justfies your discriminatory views, ya know. You just really can't be reasonable, can you.

Go away, fake white hating conservative. There's a place for you in Farrakhan's organization you rotten apple of a man.
Originally posted by OCA
If i'm human shit what does that make you since I don't demean mothers and wives?:laugh:

This is too easy

I'm not sure, but according my calculations, you would STILL be piece of shit, regardless of my state.
I'm gonna bring in a couple of ringers to sharpen their skills on you. You are one hell of a sparring partner and punching bag though damn it feels good to reduce somebody to a babbling pile of shit. May god bless you at the next AMREN meeting.
Originally posted by OCA
I'm gonna bring in a couple of ringers to sharpen their skills on you. You are one hell of a sparring partner and punching bag though damn it feels good to reduce somebody to a babbling pile of shit. May god bless you at the next AMREN meeting.

Dude. All shit aside. Why do you support discrimination against whites. IT's sick.
Originally posted by OCA
I'm gonna bring in a couple of ringers to sharpen their skills on you. You are one hell of a sparring partner and punching bag though damn it feels good to reduce somebody to a babbling pile of shit. May god bless you at the next AMREN meeting.

How pervasive is the Anti White wing of the party?
It's funny you see a very real institutionalized racial discrimination as the solution to an unknown and unquantifiable amount of proposed and theoretical racial discrimination. A guess a discimination against whites in hand is worth two against blacks in a bush.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Dude. All shit aside. Why do you support discrimination against whites. IT's sick.

Wouldn't know. don't support it. That shit is all in your head. Whites are not discriminated against and you know it.
Originally posted by OCA
Wouldn't know. don't support it. That shit is all in your head. Whites are not discriminated against and you know it.

Yes. they fucking are. By the policies you espouse you fucking retarded dipshit.
Originally posted by OCA
You tell me how pervasive the klan is in our party?

I'm not in the klan you idiot. But you DO espouse discrimination against whites.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Yes. they fucking are. By the policies you espouse you fucking retarded dipshit.

Prove it. I don't want some jackass saying he didn't get the job because he's white but rather an in place policy anywhere at any institution that says it is in place specifically to deny rights to whites.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
I'm not in the klan you idiot. But you DO espouse discrimination against whites.

And I don't espouse discrimination against whites or anyone. I'm beginning to believe that at 1 point you didn't get a job because you are a moron and you are using this discrimination against whites as a crutch. :crutch:

You sure you aren't a liberal?
Originally posted by OCA
Prove it. I don't want some jackass saying he didn't get the job because he's white but rather an in place policy anywhere at any institution that says it is in place specifically to deny rights to whites.

Ok Smartguy. How does affirmative action "level the playing the field". What is the mechanism?

Whites are outright discriminated against in all spheres, city contracts, academia, education. The stories are endless. We're held to a different standard, if considered at all. It's discrimination. You may be for it, but that doesn't legitimize discrimination, it discredits you.
Originally posted by rtwngAvngr
Ok Smartguy. How does affirmative action "level the playing the field". What is the mechanism?

Whites are outright discriminated against in all spheres, city contracts, academia, education. The stories are endless. We're held to a different standard, if considered at all. It's discrimination. You may be for it, but that doesn't legitimize discrimination, it discredits you.

It prohibits you or your pals, D and Willie from discriminating in selection and hiring practices qualified minority candidates. If you by law have to have a certain number of minority employees are you not going to search wide and far to find qualified ones? If you just hire the first bloke through the door than you are as much of a dumbass as they are.

Listen your pal D as much said that without protections he would not only discriminate unfairly on the basis of color only he'd like to see them dead. If we have 3 people out of 1200 here who feel that way how many more do you think are out there who also feel the same. Don't fucking tell me it won't happen either, thats ignorant and you know it.

Whites being discriminated against? False, We have more doors and opportunities open to us than anybody else in this country. If you want to sit around and whine about "oh whoa is me i'm just a poor white boy and the man has got his foot on my neck, I can't do shit" then be my guest. Me, I own my own business I chose to bypass all this crap, you? Well we all make choices right?
Originally posted by OCA
It prohibits you or your pals, D and Willie from discriminating in selection and hiring practices qualified minority candidates. If you by law have to have a certain number of minority employees are you not going to search wide and far to find qualified ones? If you just hire the first bloke through the door than you are as much of a dumbass as they are.

Listen your pal D as much said that without protections he would not only discriminate unfairly on the basis of color only he'd like to see them dead. If we have 3 people out of 1200 here who feel that way how many more do you think are out there who also feel the same. Don't fucking tell me it won't happen either, thats ignorant and you know it.

Whites being discriminated against? False, We have more doors and opportunities open to us than anybody else in this country. If you want to sit around and whine about "oh whoa is me i'm just a poor white boy and the man has got his foot on my neck, I can't do shit" then be my guest. Me, I own my own business I chose to bypass all this crap, you? Well we all make choices right?

I am not a discriminator. I judge people on merit. I'm not whining. I don't want anyone to give me anything.

Ok. When will it end then. How many generations of whites are to be stifled for your racist agenda?

Is it to go on until our society is composed of equal numbers of all races? That's eugenics.
Why are you stuck on this single issue. There's something not right about this whole thing. You're a fraud.
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