Affirmative Action-for whites

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Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 11, 2015
Once again a thread made detailing advantages whites have received as part of a system based on white racial preferences gets closed here at USMB. But whites here get to post things about blacks based on racist beliefs in almost every section of this forum. Whites here are allowed to fuck up any and every thread by people pointing out advantages whites have had until those in charge come in and close them. This is done on purpose and it needs to be stopped and instead of threads getting closed the trolls need to be thread banned.

Since 1776 whites in America have received what they claim is affirmative action. The current policy itself has benefitted whites the most. White women have been the main beneficiary of the policy and this has increased overall white family income. Yet today white females complain about and oppose Affirmative Action and both white men and women complain about the unfairness of the policy.

This thread is a discussion of Affirmative Action for whites. Not how blacks do anything. There will be no acceptance of off topic posts. All off topic posts will be immediately reported.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
By Victoria M. Massie

A 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee found that white women held a majority of managerial jobs (57,250) compared with African Americans (10,500), Latinos (19,000), and Asian Americans (24,600) after the first two decades of affirmative action in the private sector. In 2015, a disproportionate representation of white women business owners set off concerns that New York state would not be able to bridge a racial gap among public contractors.

A 1995 report by the Department of Labor found that 6 million women overall had advances at their job that would not have been possible without affirmative action. The percentage of women physicians tripled between 1970 and 2002, from 7.6 percent to 25.2 percent, and in 2009 women were receiving a majority of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, according to the American Association of University Women. To be clear, these numbers include women of all races; however, breaking down affirmative action beneficiaries by race and gender seems to be rare in reported data.

Contrary to popular belief, affirmative action isn't just black. It's white, too. But affirmative action's white female faces are rarely at the center of the conversation.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

"But affirmative action has been quite beneficial to women, and disproportionately beneficial to white women. Women are now more likely to graduate with bachelor’s degrees and attend graduate school than men are and outnumber men on many college campuses. In 1970, just 7.6 percent of physicians in America were women; in 2002, that number had risen to 25.2 percent. But — and this is a big but — those benefits are more likely to accrue to white women than they are to women of color, and that imbalance has very real effects on employment and earnings later in life. In other words: affirmative action works, and it works way better for white women than it does for all the other women in America."

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It? | HuffPost

"Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.

The numbers prove it: After two decades of affirmative action, it was white women who held the majority of managerial jobs, compared to African American, Latino, and Asian American women (the supposed beneficiaries of these policies), according to a 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee. Across the board, affirmative action helped women obtain success in the labor market. Today, women are more educated and successful in the workforce than ever before, while married women are taking over as household breadwinners."

The People Who Benefit Most From Affirmative Action Are The White Women Who Oppose It
You just finding out you were thrown under the bus?

White women aren't as enslaved by the Democrat Party as Black Americans are, numerically. Of course they're being pandered to as well.

59 of 60 Leftist genders are being pandered to...

Did you think you were special?
White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

What's wrong, tool, couldn't find an article criticizing or blaming blacks for anything? Aside from the fact that women are a recognized underprivileged minority (or have been), not only does this prove they were better prepared and proactive to take advantage of a program slanted their way, but if you go back a couple years, you don't find your thinking at all. If blacks failed to capitalize on AA as much as you would have hoped, I'd try looking at blacks and asking them how they failed at that too! :auiqs.jpg: Or maybe blacks were never neither underprivileged nor a minority!
those DAMN whites !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they ruin everything
they get everything they want
and then, they ruin it for the blackman
You know what's funny? (And by funny I mean I'm about to go damn POSTAL because it makes me so mad)

As much as I hate the thought of more misuse of the government treasury, your post is EXACTLY how I'm feeling right now.

It is impossible for me to argue that we must stop using or raping the federal treasury on stupid social programs and shit, when people like FDR and a whole bunch other people raped the treasury for only whites and left all the black folks out. It's not fair for me to bitch about it now.

So yeah. In this case, those damn white folks fucked it all up. We've got to raid the fucking treasury one more time to make it fair, and then cut that shit off forever. There's a moral to this story though:

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those DAMN whites !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
they ruin everything
they get everything they want
and then, they ruin it for the blackman
You know what's funny? (And by funny I mean I'm about to go damn POSTAL because it makes me so mad)

As much as I hate the thought of more misuse of the government treasury, your post is EXACTLY how I'm feeling right now.

It is impossible for me to argue that we must stop using or raping the federal treasury on stupid social programs and shit, when people like FDR and a whole bunch other people raped the treasury for only whites and left all the black folks out. It's not fair for me to bitch about it now.

So yeah. In this case, those damn white folks fucked it all up. We've got to raid the fucking treasury one more time to make it fair, and then cut that shit off forever. There's a moral to this story though:

As long as someone is willing to sell their soul, there will always be a buyer.
All the systemic privilege blacks receive in our country isn't enough for some people. They want even more.

Whites are scrutinized down to the nth degree for even the tiniest trace of racism. Blacks have the privilege of being racist as all get up without being called on it.

Blacks receive first dibs on jobs and schooling. The big losers on that one are Asians and Jews.

Blacks are allowed to vent their hatred of with with acts of violence and the media ignores it. Any act of white on black violence gets magnified into a national story no matter how rare or obscure.

The list goes on and on as far as the myriad ways in which blacks are privileged in our society, yet bullying blacks keep pushing for more. It's all about intimidation, really, as the reason black racist bullies keep pushing for more is that they haven't turned into adults who take responsibility for their actions and so always blame whitey for their own shortcomings.

Successful, non racist black adults don't play the race card like this. Only the unsuccessful black racists do.
, your post is EXACTLY how I'm feeling right now.


…..except for the fact he meant it as satire and you are taking it at face value.

You say you are white, yet select a black user name and joke about anti white racism with black posters. It sounds like you have some deep seated issued regarding self esteem to me.

This is 2019. If you wish to support black racism against white people, that is certainly your prerogative, but this is 2019 and not 1940 or 1860. You may think feeding black racism like you do is somehow atoning for somebody else's sins of the past, but it isn't. All you are doing is replacing a racist system where whites are on top with a racist system where blacks are on top.
This is the race and racism section. Whining about thread on white racism in this section is juvenile.
White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

What's wrong, tool, couldn't find an article criticizing or blaming blacks for anything? Aside from the fact that women are a recognized underprivileged minority (or have been), not only does this prove they were better prepared and proactive to take advantage of a program slanted their way, but if you go back a couple years, you don't find your thinking at all. If blacks failed to capitalize on AA as much as you would have hoped, I'd try looking at blacks and asking them how they failed at that too! :auiqs.jpg: Or maybe blacks were never neither underprivileged nor a minority!

Wrong. This proves that white men remain racist. Whites could hire another white person and satisfy AA requirements. Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.

Thank you.
Again , this IS the race and racism section. As I am black, I am going to consistently post about continuing white racism as well as the damages caused by it. I will also debunk any and all white racist beliefs such as AA discriminates against whites. All this trolling and flaming is trying to do is silence the opposition to the racism of whites here. If you want to be able to express your racism unopposed, take your asses to stormfront.
White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

What's wrong, tool, couldn't find an article criticizing or blaming blacks for anything? Aside from the fact that women are a recognized underprivileged minority (or have been), not only does this prove they were better prepared and proactive to take advantage of a program slanted their way, but if you go back a couple years, you don't find your thinking at all. If blacks failed to capitalize on AA as much as you would have hoped, I'd try looking at blacks and asking them how they failed at that too! :auiqs.jpg: Or maybe blacks were never neither underprivileged nor a minority!

Wrong. This proves that white men remain racist. Whites could hire another white person and satisfy AA requirements. Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.

Thank you.

You jokers are the same people that say snow proves global warming..
Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.
I guess you're not good at math but I'll break it down for you. AA discriminates against 50% of Whites, and 0% of Blacks.

Sucks for you that you're upset that you're not the only person getting bigotry benefits..
Once again a thread made detailing advantages whites have received as part of a system based on white racial preferences gets closed here at USMB. But whites here get to post things about blacks based on racist beliefs in almost every section of this forum. Whites here are allowed to fuck up any and every thread by people pointing out advantages whites have had until those in charge come in and close them. This is done on purpose and it needs to be stopped and instead of threads getting closed the trolls need to be thread banned.

Since 1776 whites in America have received what they claim is affirmative action. The current policy itself has benefitted whites the most. White women have been the main beneficiary of the policy and this has increased overall white family income. Yet today white females complain about and oppose Affirmative Action and both white men and women complain about the unfairness of the policy.

This thread is a discussion of Affirmative Action for whites. Not how blacks do anything. There will be no acceptance of off topic posts. All off topic posts will be immediately reported.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
By Victoria M. Massie

A 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee found that white women held a majority of managerial jobs (57,250) compared with African Americans (10,500), Latinos (19,000), and Asian Americans (24,600) after the first two decades of affirmative action in the private sector. In 2015, a disproportionate representation of white women business owners set off concerns that New York state would not be able to bridge a racial gap among public contractors.

A 1995 report by the Department of Labor found that 6 million women overall had advances at their job that would not have been possible without affirmative action. The percentage of women physicians tripled between 1970 and 2002, from 7.6 percent to 25.2 percent, and in 2009 women were receiving a majority of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, according to the American Association of University Women. To be clear, these numbers include women of all races; however, breaking down affirmative action beneficiaries by race and gender seems to be rare in reported data.

Contrary to popular belief, affirmative action isn't just black. It's white, too. But affirmative action's white female faces are rarely at the center of the conversation.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

"But affirmative action has been quite beneficial to women, and disproportionately beneficial to white women. Women are now more likely to graduate with bachelor’s degrees and attend graduate school than men are and outnumber men on many college campuses. In 1970, just 7.6 percent of physicians in America were women; in 2002, that number had risen to 25.2 percent. But — and this is a big but — those benefits are more likely to accrue to white women than they are to women of color, and that imbalance has very real effects on employment and earnings later in life. In other words: affirmative action works, and it works way better for white women than it does for all the other women in America."

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It? | HuffPost

"Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.

The numbers prove it: After two decades of affirmative action, it was white women who held the majority of managerial jobs, compared to African American, Latino, and Asian American women (the supposed beneficiaries of these policies), according to a 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee. Across the board, affirmative action helped women obtain success in the labor market. Today, women are more educated and successful in the workforce than ever before, while married women are taking over as household breadwinners."

The People Who Benefit Most From Affirmative Action Are The White Women Who Oppose It
This is the last thing I am gonna say on this topic, IM2.

I know we have raided the "cookie jar" (U.S. Treasury) for ourselves and left the black folks out more times than my (fill in the blank) white ass would like to admit, but it's wrong.

We are not going to raid the treasury again, just because you got left out on the last raid.

Doing so would be against my principles.

(I stabbed myself in the thigh with a knife so I could say this with a straight face)

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

What's wrong, tool, couldn't find an article criticizing or blaming blacks for anything? Aside from the fact that women are a recognized underprivileged minority (or have been), not only does this prove they were better prepared and proactive to take advantage of a program slanted their way, but if you go back a couple years, you don't find your thinking at all. If blacks failed to capitalize on AA as much as you would have hoped, I'd try looking at blacks and asking them how they failed at that too! :auiqs.jpg: Or maybe blacks were never neither underprivileged nor a minority!

Wrong. This proves that white men remain racist. Whites could hire another white person and satisfy AA requirements. Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.

Thank you.

You jokers are the same people that say snow proves global warming..
Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.
I guess you're not good at math but I'll break it down for you. AA discriminates against 50% of Whites, and 0% of Blacks.

Sucks for you that you're upset that you're not the only person getting bigotry benefits..

The facts show that your opinion is untrue.

By race, Whites made up the majority of the labor force (78 percent).

Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2017 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Now shut up.
Once again a thread made detailing advantages whites have received as part of a system based on white racial preferences gets closed here at USMB. But whites here get to post things about blacks based on racist beliefs in almost every section of this forum. Whites here are allowed to fuck up any and every thread by people pointing out advantages whites have had until those in charge come in and close them. This is done on purpose and it needs to be stopped and instead of threads getting closed the trolls need to be thread banned.

Since 1776 whites in America have received what they claim is affirmative action. The current policy itself has benefitted whites the most. White women have been the main beneficiary of the policy and this has increased overall white family income. Yet today white females complain about and oppose Affirmative Action and both white men and women complain about the unfairness of the policy.

This thread is a discussion of Affirmative Action for whites. Not how blacks do anything. There will be no acceptance of off topic posts. All off topic posts will be immediately reported.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
By Victoria M. Massie

A 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee found that white women held a majority of managerial jobs (57,250) compared with African Americans (10,500), Latinos (19,000), and Asian Americans (24,600) after the first two decades of affirmative action in the private sector. In 2015, a disproportionate representation of white women business owners set off concerns that New York state would not be able to bridge a racial gap among public contractors.

A 1995 report by the Department of Labor found that 6 million women overall had advances at their job that would not have been possible without affirmative action. The percentage of women physicians tripled between 1970 and 2002, from 7.6 percent to 25.2 percent, and in 2009 women were receiving a majority of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, according to the American Association of University Women. To be clear, these numbers include women of all races; however, breaking down affirmative action beneficiaries by race and gender seems to be rare in reported data.

Contrary to popular belief, affirmative action isn't just black. It's white, too. But affirmative action's white female faces are rarely at the center of the conversation.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

"But affirmative action has been quite beneficial to women, and disproportionately beneficial to white women. Women are now more likely to graduate with bachelor’s degrees and attend graduate school than men are and outnumber men on many college campuses. In 1970, just 7.6 percent of physicians in America were women; in 2002, that number had risen to 25.2 percent. But — and this is a big but — those benefits are more likely to accrue to white women than they are to women of color, and that imbalance has very real effects on employment and earnings later in life. In other words: affirmative action works, and it works way better for white women than it does for all the other women in America."

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It? | HuffPost

"Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.

The numbers prove it: After two decades of affirmative action, it was white women who held the majority of managerial jobs, compared to African American, Latino, and Asian American women (the supposed beneficiaries of these policies), according to a 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee. Across the board, affirmative action helped women obtain success in the labor market. Today, women are more educated and successful in the workforce than ever before, while married women are taking over as household breadwinners."

The People Who Benefit Most From Affirmative Action Are The White Women Who Oppose It
This is the last thing I am gonna say on this topic, IM2.

I know we have raided the "cookie jar" (U.S. Treasury) for ourselves and left the black folks out more times than my (fill in the blank) white ass would like to admit, but it's wrong.

We are not going to raid the treasury again, just because you got left out on the last raid.

Doing so would be against my principles.

(I stabbed myself in the thigh with a knife so I could say this with a straight face)


I'm glad you didn't use a chainsaw.
White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

What's wrong, tool, couldn't find an article criticizing or blaming blacks for anything? Aside from the fact that women are a recognized underprivileged minority (or have been), not only does this prove they were better prepared and proactive to take advantage of a program slanted their way, but if you go back a couple years, you don't find your thinking at all. If blacks failed to capitalize on AA as much as you would have hoped, I'd try looking at blacks and asking them how they failed at that too! :auiqs.jpg: Or maybe blacks were never neither underprivileged nor a minority!

Wrong. This proves that white men remain racist. Whites could hire another white person and satisfy AA requirements. Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.

Thank you.

Wrong. All this proves is that you remain a racist. No coincidence your every topic involves skin color and it always disfavors whites. Furthermore, your grade school thread only further proves that even with affirmative action going for them, a white girl is still a better employee and more qualified than most black men. Up yers.

Post evidence of my racism. My argument proves what I say. You cannot say the same.
White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

What's wrong, tool, couldn't find an article criticizing or blaming blacks for anything? Aside from the fact that women are a recognized underprivileged minority (or have been), not only does this prove they were better prepared and proactive to take advantage of a program slanted their way, but if you go back a couple years, you don't find your thinking at all. If blacks failed to capitalize on AA as much as you would have hoped, I'd try looking at blacks and asking them how they failed at that too! :auiqs.jpg: Or maybe blacks were never neither underprivileged nor a minority!

Wrong. This proves that white men remain racist. Whites could hire another white person and satisfy AA requirements. Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.

Thank you.

You jokers are the same people that say snow proves global warming..
Furthermore all your grade school argument does is show how AA does not discriminate against whites, thereby proving my point.
I guess you're not good at math but I'll break it down for you. AA discriminates against 50% of Whites, and 0% of Blacks.

Sucks for you that you're upset that you're not the only person getting bigotry benefits..

The facts show that your opinion is untrue.

By race, Whites made up the majority of the labor force (78 percent).

Labor force characteristics by race and ethnicity, 2017 : BLS Reports: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

Now shut up.

Not a single Black person is discriminated against with by your progressive racist AA program... Zero. Zilch. Nadda.. That's a fact you can't whine your way out of.

You're not a loser because white women are getting your entitled bigotry advantage.

You're a loser because you expect someone to give you something that someone else earned by working harder than you did and by being smarter than you.
Post evidence of my racism. My argument proves what I say. You cannot say the same.
You support the racist Affirmative Action program.
You support the party of Slavery.
You support the party of Jim Crow.
You support the party of Segregation.
You blame people for your failure in life based on the other people's race.
Once again a thread made detailing advantages whites have received as part of a system based on white racial preferences gets closed here at USMB. But whites here get to post things about blacks based on racist beliefs in almost every section of this forum. Whites here are allowed to fuck up any and every thread by people pointing out advantages whites have had until those in charge come in and close them. This is done on purpose and it needs to be stopped and instead of threads getting closed the trolls need to be thread banned.

Since 1776 whites in America have received what they claim is affirmative action. The current policy itself has benefitted whites the most. White women have been the main beneficiary of the policy and this has increased overall white family income. Yet today white females complain about and oppose Affirmative Action and both white men and women complain about the unfairness of the policy.

This thread is a discussion of Affirmative Action for whites. Not how blacks do anything. There will be no acceptance of off topic posts. All off topic posts will be immediately reported.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
By Victoria M. Massie

A 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee found that white women held a majority of managerial jobs (57,250) compared with African Americans (10,500), Latinos (19,000), and Asian Americans (24,600) after the first two decades of affirmative action in the private sector. In 2015, a disproportionate representation of white women business owners set off concerns that New York state would not be able to bridge a racial gap among public contractors.

A 1995 report by the Department of Labor found that 6 million women overall had advances at their job that would not have been possible without affirmative action. The percentage of women physicians tripled between 1970 and 2002, from 7.6 percent to 25.2 percent, and in 2009 women were receiving a majority of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, according to the American Association of University Women. To be clear, these numbers include women of all races; however, breaking down affirmative action beneficiaries by race and gender seems to be rare in reported data.

Contrary to popular belief, affirmative action isn't just black. It's white, too. But affirmative action's white female faces are rarely at the center of the conversation.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents

"But affirmative action has been quite beneficial to women, and disproportionately beneficial to white women. Women are now more likely to graduate with bachelor’s degrees and attend graduate school than men are and outnumber men on many college campuses. In 1970, just 7.6 percent of physicians in America were women; in 2002, that number had risen to 25.2 percent. But — and this is a big but — those benefits are more likely to accrue to white women than they are to women of color, and that imbalance has very real effects on employment and earnings later in life. In other words: affirmative action works, and it works way better for white women than it does for all the other women in America."

Affirmative Action Is Great For White Women. So Why Do They Hate It? | HuffPost

"Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.

The numbers prove it: After two decades of affirmative action, it was white women who held the majority of managerial jobs, compared to African American, Latino, and Asian American women (the supposed beneficiaries of these policies), according to a 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee. Across the board, affirmative action helped women obtain success in the labor market. Today, women are more educated and successful in the workforce than ever before, while married women are taking over as household breadwinners."

The People Who Benefit Most From Affirmative Action Are The White Women Who Oppose It
This is the last thing I am gonna say on this topic, IM2.

I know we have raided the "cookie jar" (U.S. Treasury) for ourselves and left the black folks out more times than my (fill in the blank) white ass would like to admit, but it's wrong.

We are not going to raid the treasury again, just because you got left out on the last raid.

Doing so would be against my principles.

(I stabbed myself in the thigh with a knife so I could say this with a straight face)

...and to add to this:

I swear on any book, holy or otherwise, take your pick, that we are not doing this because you're black.

I swear to Thor and Odin.

I realize that it may look that way, but didn't Dr. Martin Luther King once say that he was having a dream one night and people learned to judge a book by the content of it's pages, rather than the picture on the cover, or some shit like that? Y'all should do that here. Don't be hypocrites.

I know I am taking a shit-ton of oaths here, but one more. I swear to Allah that I have never had any comedy training whatsoever. The fucking jokes are writing themselves. Please give me credit when you share it with friends.
Post evidence of my racism. My argument proves what I say. You cannot say the same.
You support the racist Affirmative Action program.
You support the party of Slavery.
You support the party of Jim Crow.
You support the party of Segregation.
You blame people for your failure in life based on the other people's race.

AA has helped whites more than blacks.
I supported no such party.
My failure doesn't exist, but white racism does.
Post evidence of my racism. My argument proves what I say. You cannot say the same.
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