Adon Drumphler


Gold Member
Jan 12, 2012
Los Angeles
So it appears America is attempting to take a major shift to the right.

Any comparisons to Hitler are ridiculous. America can't meet NAZI standards of "white". They're going to have to find a different example of right-wing extremism, and "fascist" is going to be a tough sell considering Obama was the one who passed the fascist Obamacare bill. It is un constitutional to force the public to be customers of business.

The only downside to Trump's campaign is he seems to call for a bigger police state. What does that mean exactly? I don't know. The only thing he can do is try to give more funding to the police agencies.

He seems to call for increased intelligence. I guess that means more money for the CIA, FBI, Dep Homeland "Security" , ...KGB. We really don't need that crap. We should be talking about saving money by defunding that garbage.

Trump is rich, he doesn't know what the downside is to a police state. He doesn't know what it's like to break 10 laws simply by driving down the street. If he has any legal trouble, he hires a high price lawyer, stands there in a suit, and everything is dismissed.

But on the other hand, we've had years on neglect in the inner cities. The Chicago community that Obama organized is having 300 to 400+ murders. The Democrats allowed drugs to be sold, people to live off welfare, these people are left to rot. Trump thinks he can fix this, well we need to try something, because when people in the ghetto ask why the city is so screwed up, the democrats tell them "it's because you're not white and no one likes you"

The most important thing is he has sworn to keep his hands off gun rights.

1) The dictators are already fkn here. For the last several months they have been pushing hard for gun control. They invite people who despise us into the country, then try to play on people's emotions ,attempting to make them think gun control is some kind of answer...and the two topics aren't even related. A lot of people in America THINK they are pro-gun but the truth of the matter is, gun control is not an opinion, it's a direct violation of the U.S. Constitution. any politician who passes a gun control law should be jailed, any police department who enforces gun control laws should be disbanded.

2) The issue of illegal immigration is proof the U.S. government doesn't care about laws , Democracy, or Representative Republic. When 70% to 80% of American citizens want something done about illegal immigration and the government says "fk you shut up" , this is no government by the people.

Our government implements foreign Socialist policy, not the system of laws set up by the U.S. Constitution, and the truth of the matter is, this has been going on so long, Americans are totally desensitized to it.

With Bernie Sanders, A large portion of Americans are making a strong push to the left. they either want improvements to their welfare hand outs, OR they want privileged placement in the criminal bureaucracy . That's the only reason any college student would vote for old man Sanders.

After Trump wins the Presidency, you're going to be hearing a new slogan, which will be "The Presidency is not a dictatorship". Paul Ryan says " congratulations Trump", and he's going to go back to Washington, and oppose every reform Trump tries to make. The Democrats and the GOP leadership are nice and happy with the decline of America and the way things are going.

Any Republican like Paul Ryan who showed they are upset with the choice of the people, and talked about usurping the nomination , need to me removed.

Americans need to push as hard as they can to the right, just to try to hit center.
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