Adam Schiff "Whistle-blower will not testify"


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2014
Top Of The Great Divide
Its falling apart.. And now the players no longer want to play... And Adam Schiff is left swinging in the wind...

Source is Fox news; The Five -(link not yet available)

Adam is now left with nothing.....
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The leaker understands he has no whistle-blower protections as he was communicating with Schiff and democrats prior to filing the complaint just like leaker #1... So this is a wholly contrived fraud and the accuser no longer wants to be a party to it....
Its falling apart.. And now the players no longer want to play... And Adam Schiff is left swinging in the wind...

Source is Fox news; The Five

Adam is now left with nothing.....
Adam Schiff-face is the whistleblower???

He must be.....because he's acting as the mofo's spokesperson.....not the WB's lawyer.
The whistle blower does not want his identity to be known....the dems didn't think Trump would release the call....Buuuaaaahahahahahaha stupid democrats...told ya they would find the pile of shit and step in it...
The whistle blower does not want his identity to be known....the dems didn't think Trump would release the call....Buuuaaaahahahahahaha stupid democrats...told ya they would find the pile of shit and step in it...
Democrats are wearing a whole lot of crap...
I know on another forum lesh said Trump is the only president in history to ask for a favor before an election. I had to remind him that Obama asked Putin to wait till after the election, so he could really kiss his ass! On national television! Lol
Its falling apart.. And now the players no longer want to play... And Adam Schiff is left swinging in the wind...

Source is Fox news; The Five

Adam is now left with nothing.....
Adam Schiff-face is the whistleblower???

He must be.....because he's acting as the mofo's spokesperson.....not the WB's lawyer.
Schiff has been caught in yet another manufactured lie... And Pelosie is to scared to deal with him due to the rabid left wing base... Their party is crumbling into ashes right before our eyes...
Its falling apart.. And now the players no longer want to play... And Adam Schiff is left swinging in the wind...

Source is Fox news; The Five -(link not yet available)

Adam is now left with nothing.....

Here is the whole chinola!

The impeachment farce continues, with Schiff tacking to a new and more absurd direction, from The Last Refuge:

Posted on October 13, 2019 by sundance

Ridiculous Shift – Adam Schiff No Longer Requires CIA Gossip for Impeachment Testimony…


Well, this was entirely predictable. First the impeachment strategy needed the anonymous CIA gossiper to testify. Then it leaked about how HPSCI Chairman Adam Shiff and his Lawfare staff actually created the “gossiper’s” silly third-hand complaint to an inspector general; who then changed ‘gossip’ rules to allow second and third-hand hearsay.

It was all becoming more brutally sketchy, and the impeachment jenga blocks were tenuous at best. As a result, republicans were going to inquire about how the CIA gossiper constructed his complaint; and then the complaint attorney’s started saying the gossiper would not appear in person, but rather write more complaint letters instead of testifying.

The shift from sketchy testimony to “Dear Sir” letters was ridiculous in the extreme. So what happens next? Well, this is predictable…. Chairman Adam Schiff now says there will likely be no gossiper testimony because now he doesn’t need it.


Video and Transcript in the link.


A thread talking about Schiff's cascading failures.

Its falling apart.. And now the players no longer want to play... And Adam Schiff is left swinging in the wind...
Source is Fox news; The Five -(link not yet available)
Adam is now left with nothing.....

Oh Oh! Another Trump Alert up in flames! And the wheels of the Left go round and around in their never-ending mad dash to try to character-assassinate Trump because they think it is the only chance at beating him at the polls! Look, here comes the Fools again with another dangling Trump Klaxon trying to distract the country from the fact that the DNC are again nothing but a big bag of HOT AIR:

The next ludicrous tantrum will be that the traitor will meet in secret with Pelosi and he will whisper the awful details into her ear and she will then tell us what he told her and any American that does not accept her recounting is guilty of a variety of offenses.
The next ludicrous tantrum will be that the traitor will meet in secret with Pelosi and he will whisper the awful details into her ear and she will then tell us what he told her and any American that does not accept her recounting is guilty of a variety of offenses.
I remember this game. It's called the telephone game and what was started out with bears no resemblance to the ending..
Every republican in Washington would give their left nut to be the one who presents the president with the identity of the whistleblower. His rage at not knowing who the "spy" could be enough push his acolytes to desperate levels of illegality.
There probably was no "whistleblower"...schiff just made it all up :auiqs.jpg:

We have the transcript & they continue with this impeachment farce...what utter fucking fools! :)
Every republican in Washington would give their left nut to be the one who presents the president with the identity of the whistleblower. His rage at not knowing who the "spy" could be enough push his acolytes to desperate levels of illegality.
He has already been outed... He is a personal friend of the Biden's.... Yep.. the plot thickens..

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