Zone1 Acts chapter 29?


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2022

So, I had actually not heard of this debate over another possible trip by the Apostle Paul to Spain and Britain. Apparently, he went there to speak with a group of Israelites that had escaped the Assyrians back in the 700 BC.
The Lost Chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, also known as the Sonnini Manuscript, is a short text purporting to be the translation of a manuscript containing the 29th chapter of the Acts of the Apostles, detailing Paul the Apostle's journey to Britannia, where he preached to a tribe of Israelites on "Mount Lud" (Ludgate Hill), later the site of St Paul's Cathedral, and met with Druids, who proved to him that they were descended from Jews. Thereafter, Paul preached in Gaul and Belgium, and then to Switzerland (Helvetia), where a miraculous earthquake occurred at the site of Pontius Pilate's supposed suicide.[1]
The canonical book of Acts ends rather abruptly with Paul kept under house arrest in chapter 28, which has led to various theories about the history of the text.[2] This "Lost Chapter" does not explain how Paul escaped or was released from arrest to take up new travels.[3]

I know that there is no Greek or Roman translation but why would there be from the Roman or Greek Churches? They would certainly like to hide this from their patrons. The idea that there is a living group of Israelites during that time frame might upset the apple carts. It would definitely give credence to The Book of Mormon and another group of lost tribes of Israel...
The text made its first appearance in London in 1871.[2] According to the editor, it was translated in the late 18th century by the French naturalist Sonnini de Manoncourt from a "Greek manuscript discovered in the archives at Constantinople and presented to him by the Sultan Abdoul Achmet". It was found hidden in an English translation of Sonnini's Voyage en Grèce et en Turquie in the library of Sir John Newport, MP (1756–1843) after his death. However, no trace of any such manuscript has been found, and from internal evidence, mainstream philology considers it to most likely be a fraud, thus it is classed among the modern pseudepigrapha.[2]

It is available in a 1982 edition by E. Raymond Capt (ISBN 0-934666-09-1) from Artisan Publishers, Muskogee, which is a publisher specializing in evangelical fringe subjects.
no trace of any such manuscript has been found, and from internal evidence, mainstream philology considers it to most likely be a fraud
Historians and scientists have also looked into it and find no historical or scientific evidence to back up its claims.
Historians and scientists have also looked into it and find no historical or scientific evidence to back up its claims.
Some say the same thing about the entire Bible...So, why should we believe these historians and scientists?
Some say the same thing about the entire Bible...So, why should we believe these historians and scientists?
There is a difference between "some" and "none". For example, some archaeologists, scientists, and historians agree that some of their findings do fit ancient literature, whether that literature is The Illiad, The Odyssey, or the Bible. Some Biblical sites include Sodom and Gomorrah, The Tower of Babel, Jericho, Babylon, and King Hezekiah's Monumental Inscription. While stories abound about Roman crucifixions. very few unearthed skeletons show nail punctures. So...while there is no physical evidence of Jesus or his crucifixion, there is some evidence that the Romans did crucify people as related in the Bible.
There is a difference between "some" and "none". For example, some archaeologists, scientists, and historians agree that some of their findings do fit ancient literature, whether that literature is The Illiad, The Odyssey, or the Bible. Some Biblical sites include Sodom and Gomorrah, The Tower of Babel, Jericho, Babylon, and King Hezekiah's Monumental Inscription. While stories abound about Roman crucifixions. very few unearthed skeletons show nail punctures. So...while there is no physical evidence of Jesus or his crucifixion, there is some evidence that the Romans did crucify people as related in the Bible.
Some say Acts 29 is real. I have no idea. I read it. Didn't seem like a big deal if it was.
Some say Acts 29 is real. I have no idea. I read it. Didn't seem like a big deal if it was.
And if it wasn't? According to Acts 29, Paul was in Switzerland (Helvetia) and saw Pontius Pilate commit suicide there. Christianity did not reach Switzerland until the fourth century, and apparently mountain known as Mount Pilatus (probably from "pileatus" meaning snow-covered) became the legendary site of the suicide. There is a similar story about a Mountain in Italy, and also a legend of Pilate meeting his death in the Tiber River. There is no historical notes of Pilate committing suicide anywhere, let alone climbing a mountain in Switzerland where Acts 29 says Paul just happened to witness the event--over three hundred years before Switzerland (Hevetia) even heard of Christianity, Paul, or Pontius Pilate. Jews were not in Switzerland until about 1200.
And if it wasn't? According to Acts 29, Paul was in Switzerland (Helvetia) and saw Pontius Pilate commit suicide there. Christianity did not reach Switzerland until the fourth century, and apparently mountain known as Mount Pilatus (probably from "pileatus" meaning snow-covered) became the legendary site of the suicide. There is a similar story about a Mountain in Italy, and also a legend of Pilate meeting his death in the Tiber River. There is no historical notes of Pilate committing suicide anywhere, let alone climbing a mountain in Switzerland where Acts 29 says Paul just happened to witness the event--over three hundred years before Switzerland (Hevetia) even heard of Christianity, Paul, or Pontius Pilate. Jews were not in Switzerland until about 1200.
You misuse the term "Jew." The Assyrians swept away 10 tribes of Israel. Well, half of Benjamin too. He then encountered a tribe or two in Switzerland. But, Jews are of the two tribes that remained in the southern portion of Israel, Judah and half of Benjamin. The Jews you refer to are those from the southern Israel, Judah. And, as it says, they weren't vocal about it either. So, your Switzerland argument just went boom!
As far as legends, they never die. But, often rooted in truth. Just because we haven't yet uncovered this truth, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Unless you think that man has reached the pinnacle of absolute facts and truth. That, science is settled. We cannot learn anything new anymore. Heck, there are books in the OT mentioned that we don't have. There are letters mentioned in the NT we don't have. Does that mean they never existed? Like I said, I don't know if Acts 29 is real. But, I don't see anything in that suggest it's not. Israel was carried away and assimilated into the 4 corners of the earth. Did some end up in Britain or Spain? I would suppose so. Why not? They wouldn't be Jews. They would be Israelites.
You misuse the term "Jew." The Assyrians swept away 10 tribes of Israel. Well, half of Benjamin too. He then encountered a tribe or two in Switzerland. But, Jews are of the two tribes that remained in the southern portion of Israel, Judah and half of Benjamin. The Jews you refer to are those from the southern Israel, Judah. And, as it says, they weren't vocal about it either. So, your Switzerland argument just went boom!
Don't be silly. I am speaking of people of faith, not their genetic material.

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