Act of War

USS Liberty incident - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Israel apologized for the attack, saying that the USS Liberty had been attacked in error after being mistaken for an Egyptian ship. Both the Israeli and U.S. governments conducted inquiries and issued reports that concluded the attack was a mistake due to Israeli confusion about the ship's identity.....

In May 1968, the Israeli government paid US$3,323,500 (US$22.2 million in 2012) as full payment to the families of the 34 men killed in the attack. In March 1969, Israel paid a further $3,566,457 in compensation to the men who had been wounded. On 18 December 1980, it agreed to pay $6 million as settlement for the final U.S. bill of $17,132,709 for material damage to the Liberty itself plus 13 years' interest...."
Obamination covered up this Iran incident just like he covered up keep the lies about terrorism and Iran not being a threat anymore because of his so-called greatness.

He couldn't have the American public knowing terrorists are getting stronger/killing Americans because of him, and Iran is getting more dangerous because they will choose a Republican over him 99% of the time on those issues. The media helped him cover up these incidents, so he could stick to the issues like free birth control, free healthcare, free stuff for everyone...
Everyone of the mindless responses here missed the entire point. It's not about going to war, it's not about over-reaction. It's about the cover up and withholding the info. Just like Benghazi. Petreus resigns just before he has to testify ?? Hmm... how convenient. This administration is the worst when it comes to being tranparent. I sure hope the closed hearing in congress use their subpeona power and order Petreus to testify under oath.

Three days after the election the head of the CIA resigns. Two days after, we find out Iran fired on ur military aircraft? You people prove my signature line to be true every day.
Everyone of the mindless responses here missed the entire point. It's not about going to war, it's not about over-reaction. It's about the cover up and withholding the info. Just like Benghazi. Petreus resigns just before he has to testify ?? Hmm... how convenient. This administration is the worst when it comes to being tranparent. I sure hope the closed hearing in congress use their subpeona power and order Petreus to testify under oath.

Three days after the election the head of the CIA resigns. Two days after, we find out Iran fired on ur military aircraft? You people prove my signature line to be true every day.

jesus you're a clueless fuck aren't you?

So we have the Iranians fire at a US aircraft 5 days before the election (which is an act of war) and nobody knows until after the election ? More transparency, I guess....

and now the president's want Valerie Jarrett to play nice and negotiate with the Iranians. There is only one country that Obama where can deplete all nuclear weapons. There is only one country where Obama can make it defensless. There is only one country where he can destroy the economy and capitalism. There is only one country he can redistribute wealth, and make it citizens dependent on government for everything.

I'm not sure it was an act of war if it was over Iranian air space. Would we allow their drones to fly over our air space?
Iran didn't try to sink whenever aircraft carriers...

No stupid. I stated that while I was stationed aboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and we transited the Straits of Hormuz, Iran sent out gunboats to try to fuck with us. It wasn't so much that they wanted to fight, it was about them trying to push what they considered their territorial waters out farther than what the internationally recognized border is.

Reading comprehension idiot.
Meanwhile at home in the USA:

Iran didn't try to sink whenever aircraft carriers...

No stupid. I stated that while I was stationed aboard the USS DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER (CVN-69), and we transited the Straits of Hormuz, Iran sent out gunboats to try to fuck with us. It wasn't so much that they wanted to fight, it was about them trying to push what they considered their territorial waters out farther than what the internationally recognized border is.

Reading comprehension idiot.

You said something about comprehension?
Everyone of the mindless responses here missed the entire point. It's not about going to war, it's not about over-reaction. It's about the cover up and withholding the info. Just like Benghazi. Petreus resigns just before he has to testify ?? Hmm... how convenient. This administration is the worst when it comes to being tranparent. I sure hope the closed hearing in congress use their subpeona power and order Petreus to testify under oath.

Three days after the election the head of the CIA resigns. Two days after, we find out Iran fired on ur military aircraft? You people prove my signature line to be true every day.

jesus you're a clueless fuck aren't you?


Again.. you are proving my point.. keep your head in the sand my friend
It should have been reported. If it wasn't classified, and released to Republicans, do you really think they wouldn't have turned it over to the media? Come on folks, act of war or not it should have been reported. Oh, that's right, there was a tight election coming up, never mind.
With Obama in the white house? Iran would kick our ass in a one on one match up.

Obama's rule of engagement would=defeat. Iran would send its navy to our coast.

So! There it is. This "DoorMat" doesn't care how stupid his posts are. Hey Mattie! Maybe you should add "smilies" or something so we can just all have a good laugh with you rather that at you.
With Obama in the white house? Iran would kick our ass in a one on one match up.

Obama's rule of engagement would=defeat. Iran would send its navy to our coast.

With obama in the white house, he wouldn't give them an ass to kick.
So we need to wage war on Iran because of this?

No, definitely not, we should just turn the other cheek, let Iran get their nukes, lob them at us and declare to them that "We're sorry ass White AMericans" .

With this pussy in the white house russia would join Iran. We would utterly get our asses handed to us.

We would be begging for surrender! Obama can't even beat the Taliban.
So we need to wage war on Iran because of this?

No, definitely not, we should just turn the other cheek, let Iran get their nukes, lob them at us and declare to them that "We're sorry ass White AMericans" .

With this pussy in the white house russia would join Iran. We would utterly get our asses handed to us.

We would be begging for surrender! Obama can't even beat the Taliban.

Stop throwing the word "we" around like that. You would surrender DoorMatt. Just speak for yourself.
Worry? No. Concern? Maybe.

Remember, before we go into that area of the world, we've already been drilling our asses off for at least a month and are prepared for whatever may come.

At least, the people I sailed with were.

Lets hope so. Because for all I know The Commander in Chief in the White House is pro-Muslim. We will have to wait and see if he delivers if needed.

Really? Even after the rescue of the Maersk captain? Even after getting OBL?

I'm pretty sure that he's capable of delivering if needed, remember, there was only a 60 percent chance of Bin Laden being where they thought he was, and many of his staff said it would be a mistake to run the operation. Clinton himself even said it was a hard decision to make.

As far as Obama being "pro-Muslim", got any proof to back that up? Because while he was growing up in INDONESIA (a full continent away from Kenya), he attended a Catholic school.

And............there's that little thing you tried to nail him on back in 2008 when you conservatives were bitching about Rev. Wright. Did you know that Obama attended his CHRISTIAN church for 20 years?

Partisan hackery doesn't look good on you Skye.

You got it half right.

Obama has noted in his two books, "Dreams From My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope," that he spent two years in a Muslim school and another two years in a Catholic school while living in Indonesia from age 6 to 10.
Trinity United church's mission statement is based upon systematized Black liberation theology that started with the works of James Hal Cone. And Christian it is!
It was 1972 when Wright first arrived at Trinity United. As previously stated, during his tenure, he grew the church from fewer than 100 people to thousands. Under his leadership, the church adopted the following motto, ”Unashamedly Black and Unapologetically Christian.”

There just aren't very many Christian ministers that would say this in a sermon.

In a 2003 sermon, Wright said blacks should condemn the United States. “The
government gives them the drugs, builds bigger prisons, passes a three-strike law and then wants us to sing ‘God Bless America.’ No, no, no, God damn America, that’s in the Bible for killing innocent people. God damn America for treating our citizens as less than human. God damn America for as long as she acts like she is God and she is supreme.”

I did find this rather interesting:

Considering all of the aforementioned elements, one can better understand Wright’s worldview and theology. It’s no surprise that television talk show host Oprah Winfrey, who attended the church from 1984 until 1986 and again sporadically in the 1990s, ended up leaving. In a 2008 report by The Daily Beast, sources claimed that Winfrey was never comfortable with Wright’s tone.

The popular host was apparently aware of the fact that an association with Wright could hurt her image. While she purportedly wasn’t surprised by his messaging, as she had been exposed to similar pastors and churches in the past, she eventually became weary of churches that focused upon negative messaging, one source close to her claimed. Considering Winfey’s alleged worries, one wonders why Obama, who was growing in his stature, didn’t seem to entertain the same fears.
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