Acosta Proves Border Wall Works

Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.
no, the border patrol requested the wall. What that tells us is that the border patrol can't patrol open space, there has to be a point of entry to police and only that. without that, they can't do their jobs. It's like taking cars away from cops to go in less than minutes to a crime scene. it's like not having a silent alarm in a bank to push to call for police. it's all the same.

It is a tool.

Sorry, I guess the English is hard.

Yes, the Border Patrol wants the wall. So the left is trying to discredit and vilify the BP at every turn, in hopes that people will not listen to their expert opinions on border security.

I already posted a clip about the wall, fence and other things and even with a wall or multi layered fence, they still rely on sensors and Boots on the Ground which they don't have enough of to really do the job. A Border Patrol sitting in a 4wd on lookout is better than any wall ever will be.
No it isn't, turd. An illegal can be two miles into the country before border patrol ever shows up. With a wall, then have time to get to the spot.
Israel has a border wall, moron, and it works.
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.
no, the border patrol requested the wall. What that tells us is that the border patrol can't patrol open space, there has to be a point of entry to police and only that. without that, they can't do their jobs. It's like taking cars away from cops to go in less than minutes to a crime scene. it's like not having a silent alarm in a bank to push to call for police. it's all the same.

It is a tool.

Sorry, I guess the English is hard.

Yes, the Border Patrol wants the wall. So the left is trying to discredit and vilify the BP at every turn, in hopes that people will not listen to their expert opinions on border security.

I already posted a clip about the wall, fence and other things and even with a wall or multi layered fence, they still rely on sensors and Boots on the Ground which they don't have enough of to really do the job. A Border Patrol sitting in a 4wd on lookout is better than any wall ever will be.
do those stop an illegal from entry? the wall does.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.
no, the border patrol requested the wall. What that tells us is that the border patrol can't patrol open space, there has to be a point of entry to police and only that. without that, they can't do their jobs. It's like taking cars away from cops to go in less than minutes to a crime scene. it's like not having a silent alarm in a bank to push to call for police. it's all the same.

It is a tool.

Sorry, I guess the English is hard.

Yes, the Border Patrol wants the wall. So the left is trying to discredit and vilify the BP at every turn, in hopes that people will not listen to their expert opinions on border security.

I already posted a clip about the wall, fence and other things and even with a wall or multi layered fence, they still rely on sensors and Boots on the Ground which they don't have enough of to really do the job. A Border Patrol sitting in a 4wd on lookout is better than any wall ever will be.
No it isn't, turd. An illegal can be two miles into the country before border patrol ever shows up. With a wall, then have time to get to the spot.

You go on troll, rude boy ignore list.
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
so vaults in banks don't protect money cause they can be breached? is that your philosophy? if it can be breached it's no good? Your front door locks can be picked so you should take them off.

A battering ram can knock in your doors, you should remove those too.
LOL okay so this Acosta retard goes down to the boarder and films a video next to a steel slat wall, and claims the wall isn't working because there are no illegals around. Thus proving the wall is effective. Now the poor guy is being mocked in social media without mercy. :21::21::21:

CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work

In this video you'll see how they torch through the steel wall.

So I think the joke is on you--:auiqs.jpg:

But last night on MSNBC on the Crissy Matthews show Crissy claimed "they had used a hacksaw".

Much to your ignorance they do have Home Depot's in every city in Mexico also, and yes torches, heavy equipment, shovels, ropes& block & tackle. Not to many illegals are dumb enough to get in front of camera's while they're getting over or under walls--which is probably why you didn't see them on the video--:auiqs.jpg:

And they're great for making tunnels.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels


Which is why Republican Texas congressman Hurd who's district covers 840 miles of the border wants to go with high tech.
Hurd Out with Plans for "High Tech" Border Wall | KTSA
Israel has a border wall, moron, and it works.
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
are you speaking for the border agents? just curious. They asked for the wall.

Cars are only vehicles for cops, they shouldn't need them correct cause cops can do their jobs. you should not go in front of any mirrors.

You have to remember, this guy is better at tax accounting than professional tax accountants, and better at border security than the professional working on border security.

Not so inconceivable now, is it?
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
yes they do, with sensors the agents can be at the spot of the breach before the breach. without the wall, all the patrol agent does is hunt in the area in hopes of a find. they don't like that because that exposes them to death. it's why they asked for the wall.
LOL okay so this Acosta retard goes down to the boarder and films a video next to a steel slat wall, and claims the wall isn't working because there are no illegals around. Thus proving the wall is effective. Now the poor guy is being mocked in social media without mercy. :21::21::21:

CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work

In this video you'll see how they torch through the steel wall.

So I think the joke is on you--:auiqs.jpg:

But last night on MSNBC on the Crissy Matthews show Crissy claimed "they had used a hacksaw".

Much to your ignorance they do have Home Depot's in every city in Mexico also, and yes torches, heavy equipment, shovels, ropes& block & tackle. Not to many illegals are dumb enough to get in front of camera's while they're getting over or under walls--which is probably why you didn't see them on the video--:auiqs.jpg:

And they're great for making tunnels.


The ins and outs of U.S.-Mexico border tunnels


Which is why Republican Texas congressman Hurd who's district covers 840 miles of the border wants to go with high tech.
Hurd Out with Plans for "High Tech" Border Wall | KTSA

so you think every illegal stops at home depot for a torch? is that what you're going to tell us?

So because the wall can be breached it's not any good at stopping people from entry? Wow, I've never heard that logic before. do you know doors can be breached on your house? Doh!!! no good. did you know your locks can be picked? oops no good. Bank vaults get robbed, should close all banks. you have such incite.
LMAO Trump trolls Acosta...a while back wise ass Acosta decided it would be funny if he began his Trump tweets with "Dear diary". President Trump finally chimed in on Acosta's moronic video by simply re-tweeting "Dear diary..." :auiqs.jpg: Acosta owned!
LOL okay so this Acosta retard goes down to the boarder and films a video next to a steel slat wall, and claims the wall isn't working because there are no illegals around. Thus proving the wall is effective. Now the poor guy is being mocked in social media without mercy. :21::21::21:

CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work

In this video you'll see how they torch through the steel wall.

So I think the joke is on you--:auiqs.jpg:

The wall will STOP a significant number of illegals and SAVE AMERICAN LIVES so :anj_stfu: you traitor.
LOL okay so this Acosta retard goes down to the boarder and films a video next to a steel slat wall, and claims the wall isn't working because there are no illegals around. Thus proving the wall is effective. Now the poor guy is being mocked in social media without mercy. :21::21::21:

CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work

In this video you'll see how they torch through the steel wall.

So I think the joke is on you--:auiqs.jpg:

they use dynamite on bank vaults, do we stop making those then?

These stupid shit Dem's and their deflections. I have a dead bolt on the front door of my house, it won't stop a chainsaw that's how utterly stupid these liberals are.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
yes they do, with sensors the agents can be at the spot of the breach before the breach. without the wall, all the patrol agent does is hunt in the area in hopes of a find. they don't like that because that exposes them to death. it's why they asked for the wall.
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Illegal Border Crossing Arrests Down 25 Percent From 2016
The Department of Homeland Security released its border security report for fiscal year 2017, which showed that Border Patrol arrests are at a 46-year low.
"Overall, removals are down because the border's under better control than it has been in 45 years," said Tom Homan, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

New data released by DHS show that Border Patrol arrests are at a 46-year low.
LOL okay so this Acosta retard goes down to the boarder and films a video next to a steel slat wall, and claims the wall isn't working because there are no illegals around. Thus proving the wall is effective. Now the poor guy is being mocked in social media without mercy. :21::21::21:

CNN’s Jim Acosta mocked for accidentally proving that border walls work

In this video you'll see how they torch through the steel wall.

So I think the joke is on you--:auiqs.jpg:

they use dynamite on bank vaults, do we stop making those then?

These stupid shit Dem's and their deflections. I have a dead bolt on the front door of my house, it won't stop a chainsaw that's how utterly stupid these liberals are.

Why are people coming after you with chainsaws?
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
Spare us the horseshit. A wall that's guarded stops them cold:


Boots on the ground by themselves do not stop them. That's what the graph shows. No one has more boots on the ground than Israel. Their illegal border crossings didn't stop until they built the wall.

You keep spouting stuff that is just total horseshit.
Thanks for making one of my points, Israel is an apartheid police state state.

  • Israeli arms sales to Europe grew from $724M in 2014 to $1.63B in 2015
  • Although the size of New Jersey Israel is one of the top 10 arms dealing nations in the world
  • Israel produces 60% of all drones worldwide and sells to over 50 countries, at times selling to both sides of a given conflict, and Israel fueled the drones arms race between India and Pakistan
Palestine is an open air weapons testing and crowd control laboratory with Palestinians being used in the development phase; Gaza is a lab of mass destruction. US super bunker busters were supplied to the Israelis in 2014 and investors stock shot up; war is just business after all.

The “War in Terror” has been a boon to the industry, you’ve seen what amounts to advertisement in every “news” outlet, we are being whipped up into a frenzy once again. The industry also pioneers crowd control research on the Palestinians, and Israel is involved in the training of American forces and law enforcement. We see this in the militarization of our own police departments, Ferguson was but one example of how our system is prepping to Palestinianize our own population, and in fact Ferguson now has Israeli developed/sold skunk spray post the Ferguson events, although no incidents have yet been reported of use on American streets. It’s pretty clear that the Israeli occupation style power structure is moving toward the same in America; a warehousing of the poor in a post industrial age with diminishing living wage jobs and privatized for profit prisons complete with a return to convict leasing.

Much of the security monitoring and mass surveillance technologies are also produced in Israel and sold across the globe. “Targeted assassination” was invented in Israel, which Obama was quite fond of. Abu Ghraib torture methods? Israel.

The US and Israel are not allies. The US and Israeli arms dealers are allies, and war is the business they are both in. We are all collateral damage.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
are you speaking for the border agents? just curious. They asked for the wall.

Cars are only vehicles for cops, they shouldn't need them correct cause cops can do their jobs. you should not go in front of any mirrors.

You have to remember, this guy is better at tax accounting than professional tax accountants, and better at border security than the professional working on border security.

Not so inconceivable now, is it?
He's a certified idiot. Everything he posts is total horseshit. I prove him wrong every time.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
Spare us the horseshit. A wall that's guarded stops them cold:


Boots on the ground by themselves do not stop them. That's what the graph shows. No one has more boots on the ground than Israel. Their illegal border crossings didn't stop until they built the wall.

You keep spouting stuff that is just total horseshit.

Oh I do so hope we can become a police state like Israel, and we are well on our way, why the Israeli military is training our militarized police in population control and subjugation.
you lose the battle when you have to qualify a reason. too fking funny.

Jim Acosta proved they work. he didn't see anyone around the wall. see how that works? BTW, the border agents are the ones asking for the wall. Go ahead tell them they don't know they don't work.

One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
Spare us the horseshit. A wall that's guarded stops them cold:


Boots on the ground by themselves do not stop them. That's what the graph shows. No one has more boots on the ground than Israel. Their illegal border crossings didn't stop until they built the wall.

You keep spouting stuff that is just total horseshit.

How about some graphs and data from your own country?

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Illegal Border Crossing Arrests Down 25 Percent From 2016
The Department of Homeland Security released its border security report for fiscal year 2017, which showed that Border Patrol arrests are at a 46-year low.
"Overall, removals are down because the border's under better control than it has been in 45 years," said Tom Homan, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

New data released by DHS show that Border Patrol arrests are at a 46-year low.
One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
Spare us the horseshit. A wall that's guarded stops them cold:


Boots on the ground by themselves do not stop them. That's what the graph shows. No one has more boots on the ground than Israel. Their illegal border crossings didn't stop until they built the wall.

You keep spouting stuff that is just total horseshit.

Oh I do so hope we can become a police state like Israel, and we are well on our way, why the Israeli military is training our militarized police in population control and subjugation.
Israel isn't a police state, moron. It's the only democracy in the Middle East. It even has socialized medicine, which numskulls like you are always raving about.
One of many reasons the left is going out of their way to discredit and vilify the Border Patrol.

No they are not. They are villifying the approach of "The Wall, The Wall, the Wall". Border security is more than just a wall. It's a lot more than the wall. And the Border Security is pretty damned good right now. Yes, it could be better but I would like for more moneyt be spend on boots on the ground and electronics. For instance, the United States Air Force has a surplus of Global Hawks. They are slowly being replaced by Predators which are armed. The Global Hawks have precision optics, can easily fly 350 mph cruise at a range of over 14,000 miles and can be controlled from anywhere on the face of the earth. They are surplus so Homeland Security can just appropriate them. With very little expenditure they can have a 1st class drone fleet that they only have to monitor, and only really have to fly it on landing and takeoff. Once it's on the correct heading and altitude, it goes on autopilot and the boot operator or operators monitor the cameras. One operator can handle more than one drone. One Global Hawk can do the work of a whole flightline full of Cessna 172s and do it faster, cheaper day or night. The Coast Guard loves them. Customs is already using the Reaper Drone which is a prop driven version and they are patrolling the Gulf and Oceans with it. This type of systems work. there is no reason that the Border Patrol can't use either of these to do the job of the Eyes in the Sky. Funny, 4 reapers are stationed by the Homeland in Arizona now. But they need more Reapers and if they could get their hands on the Global Hawks life would be good.

The problem is, they need more funding. for these programs for equipment, personnel and training. Over something like a the middle of a Desert in the dead of the night, either the Global Hawk or the Reaper can see just fine and pick humans up from quite a distance. People stand out like sore thumbs in the middle of a cooling down desert. So do motor vehicles. If they can aquire them surplus then they are much cheaper than any wall or fence in the middle of nowhere that isn't monitored full time. Trust me on this one, The border patrol is going to have plenty of time to be sitting just across the border waiting on them to cross the border and the illegal (by that time) immigrant won't be in any condition to resist after 2 or 3 days in that desert. If it can find a dug in Taliban it can find a Immigrant in the middle of a desert.
No one has ever claimed that the wall would replace all other border security measures. That's a snowflake diversion.

We need a wall. That's the bottom line. Drones can't stop a person. A wall can.

No, walls don't stop them. It just slows them down. Or they find creative ways to defeat it which also slows them down. What stops them is boots on the ground when they pick them up.
Spare us the horseshit. A wall that's guarded stops them cold:


Boots on the ground by themselves do not stop them. That's what the graph shows. No one has more boots on the ground than Israel. Their illegal border crossings didn't stop until they built the wall.

You keep spouting stuff that is just total horseshit.

How about some graphs and data from your own country?

Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low
December 5, 201711:10 AM ET
Arrests For Illegal Border Crossings Hit 46-Year Low

Illegal Border Crossing Arrests Down 25 Percent From 2016
The Department of Homeland Security released its border security report for fiscal year 2017, which showed that Border Patrol arrests are at a 46-year low.

"Overall, removals are down because the border's under better control than it has been in 45 years," said Tom Homan, acting director of Immigration and Customs Enforcement.

New data released by DHS show that Border Patrol arrests are at a 46-year low.
Nice attempt at ignoring the data I posted. Post some data that proves walls don't work. You can't, of course. Even data from the US shows that walls do work.

There is no possible excuse for not funding the wall. None.

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