absurd decision on Obama makes a mockery of the Nobel peace prize

Benedict Brogan-

The whole business of a bunch of Scandinavian worthies doling out the profits of a long-gone dynamite maker’s fortune has always smacked of the worst sort of self-satisfied plutocratic worthiness. But this takes the biscuit. President Obama remains the barely man of world politics, barely a senator now barely a president, yet in the land of the Euro-weenies (copyright PJ O’Rourke) the great and the good remain in his thrall. To reward him for a blank results sheet, to inflate him when he has no achievements to his name, makes a mockery of what, let’s face it, is an already fairly discredited process (remember Rigoberta Menchu in 1992? Ha!).

Nobel prize for President Obama is a shocker. He should turn it down. – Telegraph Blogs
Yes, Virginia, Barack Hussein Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize
The formidable Paris-based writer Nidra Poller explains why the President is a perfect recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize -- notably for his betrayal of Israel and aid to the global jihad:

Surprised? Shocked? Outraged? Not me. I'm delighted to see that the Nobel-Peace-Prize has been awarded to the person who most richly deserves it. Not only has he made gigantic efforts to promote Nobel-Peace in his nine short months in office but as president of the residually powerful United States of America he has the superforce to impose Nobel-style peace.

President and Nobel Prince of Peace Obama is not naïve, inept, inexperienced, or wet behind the ears. He is practicing what he preached. He has already fulfilled more promises than most voters ever suspected were being made. And the way things are going, only a miracle will keep him from delivering on the rest.

Bat Ye'or teaches us the meaning of peace in our times, the peace of dhimmitude, the peace that Nobel Norwegians have dutifully honored. It is the peace of convert or die...or hang in by the skin of your teeth. When the heads have been severed from the stiff necks that refuse Islam, when the converted have been folded into the prostrate masses of the ummah, the dhimmis hand over the keys to their granges, their wives and children, their hearts and minds, their lands and dwellings in exchange for a fragile peace requiring endless sacrifice and constant restraint.

This is the peace of dhimmitude, this is the peace Nobelly rewarded in...uhhh...Oslo, right? And B Hussein O is the most deserving laureate. On the very day the prize was announced, forty people were killed in a jihad attack in Peshawar Pakistan. Do you remember, way back when, during the campaign, he narrowed his eyes and said Iraq's a distraction, let me get my hands on the trigger and I'll take care of Pakistan. There you have it. A promise keeper of the first order. Iraq was also a distraction from Afghanistan. So mister Taliban tally your bananas, we've got other fish to fry, do your jihad thing and we'll lower our eyes, peace be upon you.

President Obama's Cairo speech alone earned him enough points to get this prize hands down. His bow to the king of Saudi Arabia. His consistent snubbing of European leaders. His betrayal of Poland and the Czech Republic. His outstretched hand that reaches all the way to Iran's nuclear sites and protects them from rain, hail, and Israel. His betrayal of Persians yearning for democracy. His reluctance to look into McChrystal's ball and find some kind of half way plausible strategy for the overseas contingency whatchamegig in Afghanistan.

Am I being coy? Why haven't I mentioned his master plan for the nuclear disarmament of...


Leaving the best for last. Even if he had not done all of the above, dayenu, he would be worthy of being hoisted on high in the Nobel firmament because he has declared war on Jewish construction in choice neighborhoods of al Quds and wannabe Palestine. Donche know, if you want peace be prepared to make war. And if you want the peace of jihad, make war on the Jews. Point your finger at them like a smoking gun. Sock it to 'em like a latter day koranic saint. Grab them by the scruff of the neck and scold them for all the world to see. Sic 'em with Goldstone, saddle them with Abbas, and send them to bed without dinner and ammunition. They wanted planes to fight to win? Stop the program, cancel the contracts, and if they holler strangle them with peace. Play footsy with Hamas, set up a mahjong date with Ahmadinejad, make cuddly eyes at Assad, and secretly decorate the private quarters of the White House with shahid posters, who would dare to protest?

Did you hear the latest? Anonymous sources have leaked to the press a flood of indignation from the peaceful Obama to you know who in the holy land. Aha! You thought he was fed up because his moderate ally Abu Mazen has reverted to PLO same o same o? Stirring up trouble on the Temple Mount because a bunch of French tourists got in the way of some irate Palestinian rocks? Which naturally led the Palestinians to go on a rampage in the narrow lanes of the Old City. How can President Obama call for the creation of a Palestinian state the day after tomorrow when his protégés are rousing a billion and a half Muslims to protect al Aqsa...from French tourists?

No. That's not why the Nobelly anointed young man is indignant. He is pissed off because Israelis are badmouthing him. Big shots and little guys in the street and on the beach, officials and cab drivers and housewives and left wing columnists are criticizing him.

Watch out. Even a Nobel-Peace-Prizer can lose his temper and explode. But then, who would blame him? What's more dangerous for world peace, a flock of Taliban or a gaggle of chuzpadike Israelis?

Hail to the Chief for reaching out to the Taliban and forgiving them for he knows not what they do, reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood in all its forms and machinations, reaching out to the democratically elected Ahmadinejad and drawing a veil over the rape of the innocents, reaching out to Putin over the half dead body of Georgia...and trying to close Gitmo if only the jack-in-the-box would sit down and shut up.

And if he manages to push his health care revolution bill down US throats, they'll give him the Nobel Prize for Medicine next year. On the other hand, if he can maintain double digit unemployment and bring the dollar down to parity with the yuan he could outdistance Mugabe for the Nobel Prize for Economics.

A Nobel Prize to the wise is sufficient: when you hear the word "peace" praise the lord and pass the ammunition.
You are so full of shit your eyes are brown. I don't care what political party he belongs to. I wouldn't care if he was the ambassador from Mars. In my humble but accurate opinion the award was nothing less that politics in action, a comment on the Nobel prize committee, not Obama. So once again, a swing and a miss, dearie.

Here are some of the things the Nobel committee said as to their reasons why Obama was chosen. Again, how is this a "political" position? And your "swing and miss" bullshit gets old. Find some different cliches, just for kicks.

VOA News - Obama: Surprised, Humbled by Nobel Peace Prize Win

Nobel Committee chairman Thorbjoern Jagland praised Mr. Obama for what the committee called "his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples."

Jagland said the committee attached special importance to his "vision of and work for a world without nuclear weapons."

The decision has been well-received by many Nobel laureates and world leaders. But others have said Mr. Obama has yet to make significant contributions to the international stage.

The Nobel committee chairman said that under Mr. Obama's leadership "dialogue and negotiations are preferred as instruments for resolving even the most difficult international conflicts."

Jagland said "only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Mr. Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future."

He said the committee had recognized the U.S. president's "more constructive role" in meeting the "great climatic challenges the world is confronting."

Each one listed are political talking points and are highly valued talking points by most politicians in Europe. And for what you consider "is getting old", I could care less, you made an assumption about me that was completely off base and refused to acknowledge your uninformed, partisan assessment. Pretty much blows this statement away: "Apparently I read, observe, and digest what I see much more than you do."
Have a nice day.

Your argument about political talking points lacks logic. Any global peace proposition that isn't already a done deal is still in "talking point" mode. I don't think a few Norwegians are going to have a tremendous influence on world concensus, but winning this prize just may give Obama a little more leverage with the more difficult countries is the way I see it. I simply see no harm, no foul, whereas it is the constant whiners about everything Obama does, from wearing "funny" jeans throwing out the first baseball to the Nobel Peace Prize.

If there are any "talking points" driving this thing, its the ones who are trying, once more, to nail Obama to the wall come hell or high water.

As for my "partisanship," I suggest you are a hypocrite. What would YOU be if not partisan?
Think about it for just a second. Put politics aside, just for one second. What happens when you lower the operating cost of a firm? You allow them to expand. What happens when you raise the disposable income of a household? You allow them to spend. What happens when you give bailouts to irresponsible banks (investment firms, whatever)? You encourage more irresponsibility. It's corporate welfare of the most obvious kind. Period.

Which never would have happened if those very financial institutions did not have the capacity to completely derail not just s***ler banks, but every household across America. That you cannot see how this thing snowballed at light speed is astonishing. You can preach your little principled ideology till pigs fly, but ideology doesn't maintain your job security or put food on the table.

Maybe the larger financial firms would not have taken those risks if they weren't confident that they could get a bailout if they failed. How can you even argue for this kind of bullshit? Our entire system is set up to socialize risk and loss. Basically what you're saying is, "they screwed us, so let's prop them back up by screwing ourselves." You can preach your lack of rationality all you want, but it won't make it rational. This was quid pro quo, period.

These arguments are what is becoming irrational. That's got to be the worst attempt at justification I've seen so far. That anyone actually takes the side of these financial giants responsible for driving this country into the toilet is beyond me.

I'm still waiting (on any thread where I've asked, to no avail) what YOU would have done to stop the hemmorhaging? All you can do is bitch and moan and whine, offering no solutions of your own. Whenever I see ridiculous excuses like yours, it's obvious you haven't taken ten minutes to even briefly study what the problem was that needed IMMEDIATE emergency surgery.

The shoe is eventually going to drop and the lies are going to be exposed...

It won't be pretty.

Oh, you got the memo? Please share, genius.

But the Nobel Peace prize jumped the shark for me when they gave it to Yassir Arafag.

He was the first Palestinian leader to even agree to sit at the table to discuss peace. I guess that was a crime in your warped mind. Since the world was basically at peace in 1994 with the exception of the never-ending Israeli-Palestinian conflict, perhaps it should have been awarded to Clinton?

He was a terrorist you idiot.

Just don't vote. Stay home and hit the bong.
How profound...

I never said Arafat wasn't a terrorist, asshole. I simply provided the rational for the committee to award the peace prize to him.

It really really really pisses you people off when people like me can provide another side to whatever the argument du jour happens to be. You absolutely HATE IT that anyone has the audacity to disrupt your gang attacks on President Obama. If you wish so desperately to have a one-sided conversation, then leave this board. Otherwise, put me on ignore.
I don't really get the outrage over the whole Nobel Prize thing.

I've been itching all day long to make a smart post about it but in all honesty I dont see how it really matters one way or another.

I mean they gave Arafat, Carter, and Al-Gore peace prizes....to me the nobel peace prize is a hollow accomplishment that has lost any and all siginifigance it once had.

Well shit, Pilgrim, if you're at a loss for words, then just tell everyone who disagrees with you in principal not to vote and stay off the bong. That should make you feel smug for the day. Idiot...
Probably one of the best things Steele has ever publicly said is in response to this absurdity

"It is unfortunate ***t the president's star power has outshined tireless advocates who have made real achievements."

The GOP is just burying itself by its hatred, which has now expanded into just-say-no to anything AMERICAN, if ***t means Obama's America. If you can't see ***t, then you truly have my sympathies.

You libs make me sick.

Seriously. You personify everything that is wrong with this country.

And how have you made it better? I won't wait for your answer.
How so? What political capital would be diminished (or even added) by this? ZERO, NONE, NADA.

Criticisms, projections and wishful thinking. The comments here were so very predictable. :lol:

Yep. God Bless America--except in 2009. Right, cons?

No No No GodDamn America. ***t's who you voted for!

Give it up. She \'s drowning in the koolaid and she likes it.

Comments from Willow just make me laugh. Comments from you simply indicate your Kool-Aid choice is a different flavor. But then that makes me laugh too, because you don't *get* that!!
It's hilarious that 3 days ago you were all abuzz about how the "International community had BITCH-SLAPPED Obama" in the Olympic bid.
Now he get's a blow job from the Internationals

Thats a pretty good description. Makes you think though, what are they getting in return?

Ohhhhhh, scary. Yes, yes, yes, we're comin' to yer house and gonna git all yer guns and then grab all yer money and send it across the pond in brown wrapping. Or the NWO conspiracy theorists will say that Obama's last name is really Rothchild and that he is last in line to become President of THE WORLD, after he crashes the dollar and sends the good ol' USA into a tailspin. Or The Birthers will say that Obama is really a Muslim and is surreptitiously (look it up) turning America into an Islamic Caliphate.
I was wondering about that myself.

Yours came out fine. Hmmmm....

Don't play that game with me. I raised the question first, and you know I was right about it. Why suggest that I wasn't by saying that "mine came out fine"? They didn't and you know it.

I wasn't accusing YOU of anything. I simply thought it was strange. I've never even seen a posting by you before, so why would I pick on you?

Jeezus you people are nervous. BOO!!!
Benedict Brogan-

The whole business of a bunch of Scandinavian worthies doling out the profits of a long-gone dynamite maker’s fortune has always smacked of the worst sort of self-satisfied plutocratic worthiness. But this takes the biscuit. President Obama remains the barely man of world politics, barely a senator now barely a president, yet in the land of the Euro-weenies (copyright PJ O’Rourke) the great and the good remain in his thrall. To reward him for a blank results sheet, to inflate him when he has no achievements to his name, makes a mockery of what, let’s face it, is an already fairly discredited process (remember Rigoberta Menchu in 1992? Ha!).

Nobel prize for President Obama is a shocker. He should turn it down. – Telegraph Blogs

So who matters most? The right-wing bloggers or the parties to potential peace?

Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak said he hoped the prize "will boost President Obama's ability" as a peacemaker. And a spokesman for the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority, Ghassan Khatib, said Palestinians hope the prize "will provide an additional incentive" for Obama to work for an end to the decades-old conflict.

Israeli, Palestinian leaders mostly praise peace prize for Obama -- latimes.com

Only Hamas has dismissed the award as being insignificant. That says volumes, my friends.
Will Republicans stop the bitching? Some of you are acting like your date for the prom just dumped you.

The award was named after a man who created Dynamite and you put that much weight into it? How jokeful.
Yes, Virginia, Barack Hussein Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize
The formidable Paris-based writer Nidra Poller explains why the President is a perfect recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize -- notably for his betrayal of Israel and aid to the global jihad:

Surprised? Shocked? Outraged? Not me. I'm delighted to see that the Nobel-Peace-Prize has been awarded to the person who most richly deserves it. Not only has he made gigantic efforts to promote Nobel-Peace in his nine short months in office but as president of the residually powerful United States of America he has the superforce to impose Nobel-style peace.

President and Nobel Prince of Peace Obama is not naïve, inept, inexperienced, or wet behind the ears. He is practicing what he preached. He has already fulfilled more promises than most voters ever suspected were being made. And the way things are going, only a miracle will keep him from delivering on the rest.

Bat Ye'or teaches us the meaning of peace in our times, the peace of dhimmitude, the peace that Nobel Norwegians have dutifully honored. It is the peace of convert or die...or hang in by the skin of your teeth. When the heads have been severed from the stiff necks that refuse Islam, when the converted have been folded into the prostrate masses of the ummah, the dhimmis hand over the keys to their granges, their wives and children, their hearts and minds, their lands and dwellings in exchange for a fragile peace requiring endless sacrifice and constant restraint.

This is the peace of dhimmitude, this is the peace Nobelly rewarded in...uhhh...Oslo, right? And B Hussein O is the most deserving laureate. On the very day the prize was announced, forty people were killed in a jihad attack in Peshawar Pakistan. Do you remember, way back when, during the campaign, he narrowed his eyes and said Iraq's a distraction, let me get my hands on the trigger and I'll take care of Pakistan. There you have it. A promise keeper of the first order. Iraq was also a distraction from Afghanistan. So mister Taliban tally your bananas, we've got other fish to fry, do your jihad thing and we'll lower our eyes, peace be upon you.

President Obama's Cairo speech alone earned him enough points to get this prize hands down. His bow to the king of Saudi Arabia. His consistent snubbing of European leaders. His betrayal of Poland and the Czech Republic. His outstretched hand that reaches all the way to Iran's nuclear sites and protects them from rain, hail, and Israel. His betrayal of Persians yearning for democracy. His reluctance to look into McChrystal's ball and find some kind of half way plausible strategy for the overseas contingency whatchamegig in Afghanistan.

Am I being coy? Why haven't I mentioned his master plan for the nuclear disarmament of...


Leaving the best for last. Even if he had not done all of the above, dayenu, he would be worthy of being hoisted on high in the Nobel firmament because he has declared war on Jewish construction in choice neighborhoods of al Quds and wannabe Palestine. Donche know, if you want peace be prepared to make war. And if you want the peace of jihad, make war on the Jews. Point your finger at them like a smoking gun. Sock it to 'em like a latter day koranic saint. Grab them by the scruff of the neck and scold them for all the world to see. Sic 'em with Goldstone, saddle them with Abbas, and send them to bed without dinner and ammunition. They wanted planes to fight to win? Stop the program, cancel the contracts, and if they holler strangle them with peace. Play footsy with Hamas, set up a mahjong date with Ahmadinejad, make cuddly eyes at Assad, and secretly decorate the private quarters of the White House with shahid posters, who would dare to protest?

Did you hear the latest? Anonymous sources have leaked to the press a flood of indignation from the peaceful Obama to you know who in the holy land. Aha! You thought he was fed up because his moderate ally Abu Mazen has reverted to PLO same o same o? Stirring up trouble on the Temple Mount because a bunch of French tourists got in the way of some irate Palestinian rocks? Which naturally led the Palestinians to go on a rampage in the narrow lanes of the Old City. How can President Obama call for the creation of a Palestinian state the day after tomorrow when his protégés are rousing a billion and a half Muslims to protect al Aqsa...from French tourists?

No. That's not why the Nobelly anointed young man is indignant. He is pissed off because Israelis are badmouthing him. Big shots and little guys in the street and on the beach, officials and cab drivers and housewives and left wing columnists are criticizing him.

Watch out. Even a Nobel-Peace-Prizer can lose his temper and explode. But then, who would blame him? What's more dangerous for world peace, a flock of Taliban or a gaggle of chuzpadike Israelis?

Hail to the Chief for reaching out to the Taliban and forgiving them for he knows not what they do, reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood in all its forms and machinations, reaching out to the democratically elected Ahmadinejad and drawing a veil over the rape of the innocents, reaching out to Putin over the half dead body of Georgia...and trying to close Gitmo if only the jack-in-the-box would sit down and shut up.

And if he manages to push his health care revolution bill down US throats, they'll give him the Nobel Prize for Medicine next year. On the other hand, if he can maintain double digit unemployment and bring the dollar down to parity with the yuan he could outdistance Mugabe for the Nobel Prize for Economics.

A Nobel Prize to the wise is sufficient: when you hear the word "peace" praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

Plagiarize much?
Yes, Virginia, Barack Hussein Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize - Jihad Watch
Yes, Virginia, Barack Hussein Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize
The formidable Paris-based writer Nidra Poller explains why the President is a perfect recipient of the Nobel Peace Prize -- notably for his betrayal of Israel and aid to the global jihad:

Surprised? Shocked? Outraged? Not me. I'm delighted to see that the Nobel-Peace-Prize has been awarded to the person who most richly deserves it. Not only has he made gigantic efforts to promote Nobel-Peace in his nine short months in office but as president of the residually powerful United States of America he has the superforce to impose Nobel-style peace.

President and Nobel Prince of Peace Obama is not naïve, inept, inexperienced, or wet behind the ears. He is practicing what he preached. He has already fulfilled more promises than most voters ever suspected were being made. And the way things are going, only a miracle will keep him from delivering on the rest.

Bat Ye'or teaches us the meaning of peace in our times, the peace of dhimmitude, the peace that Nobel Norwegians have dutifully honored. It is the peace of convert or die...or hang in by the skin of your teeth. When the heads have been severed from the stiff necks that refuse Islam, when the converted have been folded into the prostrate masses of the ummah, the dhimmis hand over the keys to their granges, their wives and children, their hearts and minds, their lands and dwellings in exchange for a fragile peace requiring endless sacrifice and constant restraint.

This is the peace of dhimmitude, this is the peace Nobelly rewarded in...uhhh...Oslo, right? And B Hussein O is the most deserving laureate. On the very day the prize was announced, forty people were killed in a jihad attack in Peshawar Pakistan. Do you remember, way back when, during the campaign, he narrowed his eyes and said Iraq's a distraction, let me get my hands on the trigger and I'll take care of Pakistan. There you have it. A promise keeper of the first order. Iraq was also a distraction from Afghanistan. So mister Taliban tally your bananas, we've got other fish to fry, do your jihad thing and we'll lower our eyes, peace be upon you.

President Obama's Cairo speech alone earned him enough points to get this prize hands down. His bow to the king of Saudi Arabia. His consistent snubbing of European leaders. His betrayal of Poland and the Czech Republic. His outstretched hand that reaches all the way to Iran's nuclear sites and protects them from rain, hail, and Israel. His betrayal of Persians yearning for democracy. His reluctance to look into McChrystal's ball and find some kind of half way plausible strategy for the overseas contingency whatchamegig in Afghanistan.

Am I being coy? Why haven't I mentioned his master plan for the nuclear disarmament of...


Leaving the best for last. Even if he had not done all of the above, dayenu, he would be worthy of being hoisted on high in the Nobel firmament because he has declared war on Jewish construction in choice neighborhoods of al Quds and wannabe Palestine. Donche know, if you want peace be prepared to make war. And if you want the peace of jihad, make war on the Jews. Point your finger at them like a smoking gun. Sock it to 'em like a latter day koranic saint. Grab them by the scruff of the neck and scold them for all the world to see. Sic 'em with Goldstone, saddle them with Abbas, and send them to bed without dinner and ammunition. They wanted planes to fight to win? Stop the program, cancel the contracts, and if they holler strangle them with peace. Play footsy with Hamas, set up a mahjong date with Ahmadinejad, make cuddly eyes at Assad, and secretly decorate the private quarters of the White House with shahid posters, who would dare to protest?

Did you hear the latest? Anonymous sources have leaked to the press a flood of indignation from the peaceful Obama to you know who in the holy land. Aha! You thought he was fed up because his moderate ally Abu Mazen has reverted to PLO same o same o? Stirring up trouble on the Temple Mount because a bunch of French tourists got in the way of some irate Palestinian rocks? Which naturally led the Palestinians to go on a rampage in the narrow lanes of the Old City. How can President Obama call for the creation of a Palestinian state the day after tomorrow when his protégés are rousing a billion and a half Muslims to protect al Aqsa...from French tourists?

No. That's not why the Nobelly anointed young man is indignant. He is pissed off because Israelis are badmouthing him. Big shots and little guys in the street and on the beach, officials and cab drivers and housewives and left wing columnists are criticizing him.

Watch out. Even a Nobel-Peace-Prizer can lose his temper and explode. But then, who would blame him? What's more dangerous for world peace, a flock of Taliban or a gaggle of chuzpadike Israelis?

Hail to the Chief for reaching out to the Taliban and forgiving them for he knows not what they do, reaching out to the Muslim Brotherhood in all its forms and machinations, reaching out to the democratically elected Ahmadinejad and drawing a veil over the rape of the innocents, reaching out to Putin over the half dead body of Georgia...and trying to close Gitmo if only the jack-in-the-box would sit down and shut up.

And if he manages to push his health care revolution bill down US throats, they'll give him the Nobel Prize for Medicine next year. On the other hand, if he can maintain double digit unemployment and bring the dollar down to parity with the yuan he could outdistance Mugabe for the Nobel Prize for Economics.

A Nobel Prize to the wise is sufficient: when you hear the word "peace" praise the lord and pass the ammunition.

Plagiarize much?
Yes, Virginia, Barack Hussein Obama deserves his Nobel Peace Prize - Jihad Watch

Oh lighten up, Francis. The attribution might have been a little clearer, but for God's sake, it's not like it isn't given in the very first paragraph. See the item I bolded and highlighted. The fact is the piece from Jihad Watch which itself merely quoted Nidra Poller is not plagiarism. Accusing Mr. Fitnah of it doesn't make it true.
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