Absolute power corrupts: Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading


Gold Member
Oct 23, 2018
Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.
Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.

This should greatly worry the Trump mafia. The SEC should also be looking into this.
Congressman/senators are immune for charges of "insider trading".

They wrote the law just for themselves!

Just sayin'...
The democrats are truly insane. Trump isn't a real heavy player in the stock market. The democommiecrats are just throwing out accusations as fast as they can make them up.
Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.
You mean someone in the white house with enough knowledge to be a leaker?

Sounds like a democrat.
Investigation number 1852.
Amazing how they keep going and going and going.

Why ???? Why do they hate this president more than any other ?? Almost all government officials to some degree, have been tempted by the private sector to favor them in some kind of way or another, and it is that they (most all president's) have used their positions to gather wealth in various way's while they served.

It's been going on forever, but then Trump comes along to knock out the candidate that might have been the most corrupt of all, and the one that most thought would have used the office to push the most radical agenda's ever for them, and bam they lose their minds after Trump won. They didn't even know if he would be a bad president or not, they just went crazy with fear and hate as being based upon info that had undoubtedly brainwashed them, and was implemented by the swamp over a long period of time.

Are we looking at the most corrupt time in U.S. history, where groups are or were attempting to support candidates soley based upon their own wants and wishes instead of wanting the President (being elected) to be as the President for all American's in a fair and balanced way ??
Investigation number 1852.
Amazing how they keep going and going and going.

Why ???? Why do they hate this president more than any other ?? Almost all government officials to some degree, have been tempted by the private sector to favor them in some kind of way or another, and it is that they (most all president's) have used their positions to gather wealth in various way's while they served.

It's been going on forever, but then Trump comes along to knock out the candidate that might have been the most corrupt of all, and the one that most thought would have used the office to push the most radical agenda's ever for them, and bam they lose their minds after Trump won. They didn't even know if he would be a bad president or not, they just went crazy with fear and hate as being based upon info that had undoubtedly brainwashed them, and was implemented by the swamp over a long period of time.

Are we looking at the most corrupt time in U.S. history, where groups are or were attempting to support candidates soley based upon their own wants and wishes instead of wanting the President (being elected) to be as the President for all American's in a fair and balanced way ??
He's not part of the club. He has no filter and he will mix it up with anyone. He is the anti-politician and he scares the daylights out of the political elite of both parties and foreign leaders who want a patsy president.
Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.

I think Trump should seize absolute power and be done with these knuckleheads. Building the camps would be a great jobs program to boot.
For 8 years democrats said that Bush was the last Republican president ever. They had complete control within grasp. Open the borders kill more Americans and demographic change would have the population replaced. They need never have to worry about a challenger.

For a year phony polls and expert opinions convinced Democrats that Hillary's win was a certainty. Democrats convinced themselves of a delusion. They simply could not lose.

Then they lost.

They lost to Trump. It's HIS fault and They will make sure that never happens again.
Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.

This should greatly worry the Trump mafia. The SEC should also be looking into this.

Remember 9/11 when investors with concealed identities short sold airline stocks "the afternoon before the attack". The SEC and FBI did not reveal the names of those profiteers. Buyers and sellers of shares and other traded financial commodities have no right to privacy in an open, honest, transparent market, and the names of those profiteers should have been publicly exposed.

Why were they not exposed?

Profiting From Disaster?

... Sources tell CBS News that the afternoon before the attack, alarm bells were sounding over unusual trading in the U.S. stock options market.
An extraordinary number of trades were betting that American Airlines stock price would fall.
The trades are called "puts" and they involved at least 450,000 shares of American. But what raised the red flag is more than 80 percent of the orders were "puts", far outnumbering "call" options, those betting the stock would rise.
Sources say they have never seen that kind of imbalance before, reports CBS News Correspondent Sharyl Attkisson. Normally the numbers are fairly even.
After the terrorist attacks, American Airline stock price did fall obviously by 39 percent, and according to sources, that translated into well over $5 million total profit for the person or persons who bet the stock would fall. ...
Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.

Translation: We can’t find any evidence of crimes from the past accusations, so let’s just have the FBI investigate until they do find something.
Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.

Trump liquidated his stocks after he was elected. So now it's phantom proxies. Great conspiracy theory.

Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.


Insider trading is legal for congressmen and women..

Talk about hypocrites, they voted for it.

Donald Trump may be brazen enough to directly profit from his manipulation of the markets.

However, it is likely he is profiting from proxies or associates.

It certainly appears that there is market manipulation happening by people with foreknowledge of Trump's actions.

Could this be the issue that nails and jails Donald Trump?

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Democrats Request FBI Investigation Into Trump Insider Trading

Reps. Ted W. Lieu (D-CA) and Kathleen Rice (D-NY) sent letters to the FBI and SEC demanding an investigation into Trump market manipulation and insider trading.

The Democrats who are former prosecutors wrote:
We write to urge you to investigate potentially unlawful behavior related to the trading of electronically traded futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in the last several months.
On October 16, Vanity Fair reported on numerous instances in which individuals or groups of individuals made millions, and in some cases billions, of dollars in profits by trading large numbers of Standard & Poor’s 500 (S&P) e-mini futures contracts immediately prior to major geopolitical events. In each of these instances, the e-mini contracts were traded within days, and often within hours, of the S&P rising or falling sharply. The trades preceded such events as the Saudi Aramco attack as well as announcements related to progress in talks between the United States and China over the trade war and the withdrawal of the extradition bill in Hong Kong. In one case occurring in August, the trader or traders made $1.5 billion when the S&P rose after President Trump lied about phone calls taking place between United States and Chinese officials.
While the aforementioned trades may be purely coincidental, their timing and scale raise serious suspicions about whether the traders received material nonpublic information that would affect the S&P and how they received such information. We urge you to swiftly investigate whether trading on insider information or any other fraudulent behavior occurred in relation to these trades.

Vanity Fair detailed a series of strange trades that have resulted in billions of dollars in profits for whoever bought suspicious futures before Donald Trump made key announcements. The situation looks even more dubious when one considers Trump’s habit of babbling on his cell phone to his friends day and night about what he is doing as president.

Trump himself has tried to manipulate the stock market, and it is predictable that the same president who would award his own golf club the G7 would be engaging in insider trading from the White House. Trump never separated himself from his business which has created a ripe environment for corruption.
Trump’s corruption is likely to include insider trading.

Sure..... great another in the endless attempts to find something anywhere, that you can pin on Trump.

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