Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King died so that Mitt Romney could be president


Gold Member
Mar 27, 2012
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7R78LOpyM8]Madonna - 2nd Night Speech - MDNA Tour - Washington DC 9/24/12 - YouTube[/ame]

Madonna pretends that Lincoln and MLK's deaths were about making Obama president.

I don't think so!

These were (semi) honest men who believed in the value of character. MLK's dream was not that someday a man will be judged by the content of his skin. Lincoln fought so that the union would be preserved; not divided as Obama is currently doing.
I could barely push the button to watch that cuz Madonna is such an idiot. But I did and I was right.

Let's adopt black babies and use them as props to show how non racist I am.
If one wanted people to buy his/her product, Madonna could be hired to advertise for the competition.
Let's adopt black babies and use them as props to show how non racist I am.

I think you're going to have to go a lot further than that, Misty, particularly when you're constantly parading around in your white hood.

Please you know it's a fashion statement for hollyweirds. You are in denial.

I have a black cat. Lol.

She called me a Black Muslim...


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