Abortion advocate: I love abortion and I don’t want it to be “rare”


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
Pro-choice activist Jessica DelBalzo.

Let's hear it for killing babies and scraping the shit out of uteruses! Yeah! It's a GOOD thing!

"“I love abortion. I don’t accept it. I don’t view it as a necessary evil. I embrace it. I donate to abortion funds. I write about how important it is to make sure that every woman has access to safe, legal abortion services. I have bumper stickers and buttons and t-shirts proclaiming my support for reproductive freedom. I love abortion,” DelBalzo declares. …

"As Delbalzo writes, “And I bristle every time a fellow activist uses a trendy catch-phrase or rallying cry meant to placate pro-lifers. The first of these, “Make abortion safe, legal, and rare!” has been used for decades as a call for abortion rights.”"

Abortion advocate: I love abortion and I don’t want it to be “rare” « Hot Air
I kinda understand what she's getting at, but she sure chose a weird way of expressing it. The whole point behind "rare" IMO is that we do all we can to ensure that there are as few unwanted pregnancies as possible. I never thought "rare" code to imply that abortions were immoral or whatever else she claims here.
well i think the pro abortion side of the equation is divided in to 2 subsets. both support the right to an abortion. with one subset they see their support as the result of a very tough moral / rights analysis on an issue for which there is no compromise (despite what obama once said). in other words it is a necessary evil to them, and something that they see as very distateful and not a legitimate form of family plannig -- but a woman should have the right to decide to do it.

the other side can be summed up more succinctly -- they see nothing wrong , no moral issue and even (as in the case of the nut job quoted) something to be celebrated since they see it as some sort of expression of womens' rights.
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I remain completely disgusted by those who think that murdering babies is a "necessary evil". That's exactly what the good Nazi docs said, too.
I agree with all of it except for the first line.

Fact is that abortion has been with us since our first pregnancy and it will always be a part of what we are. It should be our ethical and moral duty to make that reality absolutely painless and easy for both the fetus and the woman.

Problem is, there will always be meddling, religious, fruitcake fanatics who believe they have the right to control our most personal and private lives and what they want is more pain and suffering. They will always work to that end.
I remain completely disgusted by those who think that murdering babies is a "necessary evil". That's exactly what the good Nazi docs said, too.

So don't have an abortion.

Other Than that, it's really none of your frickin business.

It really is just that simple.
Yes, it is my business. It's my business, and everybody's business, when human rights violations are taking place and being called a "right". It's my business when women are exploited and subjugated, when those who abuse them are protected and it's called a "right". It's my business when an industry develops that makes money by killing babies, and lying to the public about what they're doing.

All that's my business.

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