'A whole new level of wackadoodle': Kari Lake promotes theory that Trump won California


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
She's even gone too far for her party..yet, she just can't help herself..she must lie:

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake this week promoted a conspiracy theory about former President Donald Trump having won the state of California in the 2020 presidential election -- and even some of her fellow conservatives are saying enough is enough.
Posting on Twitter early on Friday morning, Lake composed a message that simply said, "Read this thread," and then linked to a series of Twitter posts filled with false claims about voting in California during the election.
The thread begins by falsely claiming that President Joe Biden in 2020 only won in the San Francisco Bay area, whereas the rest of the state, including Los Angeles, voted for Trump.
In reality, Biden won in counties up and down the coast of California and only lost to Trump in the interior sections of the state that traditionally votes for Republicans.
The theory that Lake promoted was so far out there that it drew a mocking rebuke from George Andrews, who currently serves as Chief of Staff to Republican California State Assemblyman Tom Lackey.
"This is a whole new level of wackadoodle," Andrews wrote of Lake's theory. "Not worth wasting precious kilobytes and battery power arguing over it. Just pointing it out for pure entertainment."
Conservative commentator Ryan James Girdusky, meanwhile, said that Lake's promotion of the theory showed she didn't have the smarts to be in politics.
"If you believe this tweet thread, you should not be in politics," he wrote. "You’re too gullible to even buy a car on your own."
And conservative attorney AG Hamilton argued that Lake's promotion of the theory could have potential legal repercussions.

"Kari Lake is now promoting an insane conspiracy thread claiming CA is secretly red and only seems blue because of voter fraud using Dominion and Smartmatic machines," he wrote. "Aside from being easily disprovable nonsense, this is a good way to get added to lawsuits by those companies."
She's even gone too far for her party..yet, she just can't help herself..she must lie:

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake this week promoted a conspiracy theory about former President Donald Trump having won the state of California in the 2020 presidential election -- and even some of her fellow conservatives are saying enough is enough.
Posting on Twitter early on Friday morning, Lake composed a message that simply said, "Read this thread," and then linked to a series of Twitter posts filled with false claims about voting in California during the election.
The thread begins by falsely claiming that President Joe Biden in 2020 only won in the San Francisco Bay area, whereas the rest of the state, including Los Angeles, voted for Trump.
In reality, Biden won in counties up and down the coast of California and only lost to Trump in the interior sections of the state that traditionally votes for Republicans.
The theory that Lake promoted was so far out there that it drew a mocking rebuke from George Andrews, who currently serves as Chief of Staff to Republican California State Assemblyman Tom Lackey.
"This is a whole new level of wackadoodle," Andrews wrote of Lake's theory. "Not worth wasting precious kilobytes and battery power arguing over it. Just pointing it out for pure entertainment."
Conservative commentator Ryan James Girdusky, meanwhile, said that Lake's promotion of the theory showed she didn't have the smarts to be in politics.
"If you believe this tweet thread, you should not be in politics," he wrote. "You’re too gullible to even buy a car on your own."
And conservative attorney AG Hamilton argued that Lake's promotion of the theory could have potential legal repercussions.

"Kari Lake is now promoting an insane conspiracy thread claiming CA is secretly red and only seems blue because of voter fraud using Dominion and Smartmatic machines," he wrote. "Aside from being easily disprovable nonsense, this is a good way to get added to lawsuits by those companies."
One of the many amazing things about watching this is how quickly and easily they can talk themselves into believing the absurd.

This is learned behavior, and it's the result of existing in a separate, closed circuit informational/ideological ecosystem that is constantly validating itself.

It can happen on either end of the spectrum, but in MAGA world it reaches all the way to the top.
She's even gone too far for her party..yet, she just can't help herself..she must lie:

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake this week promoted a conspiracy theory about former President Donald Trump having won the state of California in the 2020 presidential election -- and even some of her fellow conservatives are saying enough is enough.
Posting on Twitter early on Friday morning, Lake composed a message that simply said, "Read this thread," and then linked to a series of Twitter posts filled with false claims about voting in California during the election.
The thread begins by falsely claiming that President Joe Biden in 2020 only won in the San Francisco Bay area, whereas the rest of the state, including Los Angeles, voted for Trump.
In reality, Biden won in counties up and down the coast of California and only lost to Trump in the interior sections of the state that traditionally votes for Republicans.
The theory that Lake promoted was so far out there that it drew a mocking rebuke from George Andrews, who currently serves as Chief of Staff to Republican California State Assemblyman Tom Lackey.
"This is a whole new level of wackadoodle," Andrews wrote of Lake's theory. "Not worth wasting precious kilobytes and battery power arguing over it. Just pointing it out for pure entertainment."
Conservative commentator Ryan James Girdusky, meanwhile, said that Lake's promotion of the theory showed she didn't have the smarts to be in politics.
"If you believe this tweet thread, you should not be in politics," he wrote. "You’re too gullible to even buy a car on your own."
And conservative attorney AG Hamilton argued that Lake's promotion of the theory could have potential legal repercussions.

"Kari Lake is now promoting an insane conspiracy thread claiming CA is secretly red and only seems blue because of voter fraud using Dominion and Smartmatic machines," he wrote. "Aside from being easily disprovable nonsense, this is a good way to get added to lawsuits by those companies."

Well, it was the state with more people voting for Trump than any other.
Shows just how bad the US electoral system is.
She's even gone too far for her party..yet, she just can't help herself..she must lie:

Failed Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake this week promoted a conspiracy theory about former President Donald Trump having won the state of California in the 2020 presidential election -- and even some of her fellow conservatives are saying enough is enough.
Posting on Twitter early on Friday morning, Lake composed a message that simply said, "Read this thread," and then linked to a series of Twitter posts filled with false claims about voting in California during the election.
The thread begins by falsely claiming that President Joe Biden in 2020 only won in the San Francisco Bay area, whereas the rest of the state, including Los Angeles, voted for Trump.
In reality, Biden won in counties up and down the coast of California and only lost to Trump in the interior sections of the state that traditionally votes for Republicans.
The theory that Lake promoted was so far out there that it drew a mocking rebuke from George Andrews, who currently serves as Chief of Staff to Republican California State Assemblyman Tom Lackey.
"This is a whole new level of wackadoodle," Andrews wrote of Lake's theory. "Not worth wasting precious kilobytes and battery power arguing over it. Just pointing it out for pure entertainment."
Conservative commentator Ryan James Girdusky, meanwhile, said that Lake's promotion of the theory showed she didn't have the smarts to be in politics.
"If you believe this tweet thread, you should not be in politics," he wrote. "You’re too gullible to even buy a car on your own."
And conservative attorney AG Hamilton argued that Lake's promotion of the theory could have potential legal repercussions.

"Kari Lake is now promoting an insane conspiracy thread claiming CA is secretly red and only seems blue because of voter fraud using Dominion and Smartmatic machines," he wrote. "Aside from being easily disprovable nonsense, this is a good way to get added to lawsuits by those companies."
Wouldn't surprise me one bit. Democrats learned how the steal and cheat California elections decades ago. Even die hard democrats have got to be sick and tired of democrats ravaging a once great state... I believe they woke up big time in 2020 but the dems cheat .
It has long been known that illegal aliens vote in California. To what extent other irregularities happen, only an investigation will reveal.
"But if 19 people admitted that they voted illegally, there are probably many more others," he added. "The question is: Is this isolated or sufficient enough a number to overturn the election?"

According to the Times report, Hermandad registered 916 people to vote and 585 of them cast ballots. The 18 people said that officials at the organization urged them to register and vote, even though they had not been sworn in as U.S. citizens.

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