A trillion dollar infrastructure plan...


Diamond Member
Mar 10, 2009
Finger Lakes, NY
Supposedly that's on Trump's agenda. Good idea, depending on the details.

Do you Trump supporters support that? Do you support paying for it?
I see another 'shovel ready' jobs bill where they forgot the shovels.


X amount for bridges,

X amount for roads,

Supposedly that's on Trump's agenda. Good idea, depending on the details.

Do you Trump supporters support that? Do you support paying for it?

Yea with your money..

I heard it just taxes the blue States..

Supposedly that's on Trump's agenda. Good idea, depending on the details.

Do you Trump supporters support that? Do you support paying for it?

I always support infrastructure investment from either party

I am not crazy about Trumps idea to sell off our roads to private investors
Supposedly that's on Trump's agenda. Good idea, depending on the details.

Do you Trump supporters support that? Do you support paying for it?

I always support infrastructure investment from either party

I am not crazy about Trumps idea to sell off our roads to private investors

Trumps fellow liberals have been doing that for a long time.....like the Skyway in Chicago ..

The best thing that happens it so expensive , their is no traffic on it.

As long as Illegals and Progressives are forced to do the actual work, yes I'm for it
infrastructure spending is always a good plan ... whether Shitforhair does it the right way remains to be seen.
So let's see a trillion dollars in government spending

How much of that trillion will actually be used for its stated purpose?

My bet is about 30%. The other 70% will line the pockets of union bosses and pay people who never show up for work

That's why the Big Dig in Boston was supposed to cost 2.4 billion but ended up costing 14.6 billion
I HATE TOLLS!!!!! We pay enough in taxes, raise the fucking gas tax and eliminate all TOLLS!!

What the thieves....er, bureaucrats love is that so many of us use 'EasyPass,'where we can't notice every time they raise those tolls.

The local bridge here...the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge is......ready.....$17.

I believe next year it will cost one gold bar.......
If the money is actually spent on the things it should be yes I support it. But when has that ever been the case with Washington spending? Sadly the money tends to go everywhere but where it's supposed to.
I do not support it for the same reasons posted..............

Have every state find infrastructure that NEEDS to be repaired............with costs and bids.............Like a Dam.........water mains with lead............bridges..............and approve or disapprove case by case................

I do not support it for the same reasons posted..............

Have every state find infrastructure that NEEDS to be repaired............with costs and bids.............Like a Dam.........water mains with lead............bridges..............and approve or disapprove case by case................


Perhaps you know of this history....and a reason Trump was elected:
NYC had an ice skating rink that couldn't seem to be able to be renovated...

"Shuttered for repairs in 1980 by the Koch administration and set to be restored at the cost of $4.7 million, by 1985, the rink was $12 million over budget and still not ready.

Trump confronted the thieves...er, politicians, and demanded the right to fix it.

"Trump had Wollman Rink up and running by November 1, two months ahead of schedule and $775,000 under budget."
A 1980s New York City Battle Explains Donald Trump’s Candidacy

And now the Democrats and Republicans are working together to prevent him from doing similar things that benefit Americans.

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