A Time to Face Reality-Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info
Volume does not replace quality or content value. I prefer the transcript.

What you prefer or what I prefer is irrelevant. The facts are not. And these are the facts.
The FACTS are in the transcript-try reading it.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info
3 years of a witch hunt and now you want to face reality? lol 3 years of a witch hunt looking for a crime any crime and now you want to face reality?
WHERE in America? Under who's jurisdiction and policies?

Do tell
The United States of America. In every state. During the presidency of Donald Trump.

You can't answer the question honestly lol. No surprise there.

The problem is in select cities that are run SOLELY by Democrats.
Donald Trump is not the governor or mayor or council member responsible for those cities homeless issues.

You fail
The poorest states in the country are solely run by Republicans. So what's your point?

Yet the state with the lowest standard of living is run solely by Democrats....go figure.
You going with that fake news thread from a day or two ago saying California won the worst state in the union award? We posted the real report, which shows they're 19th and were not 50th in ANY category.
Dang, sure hope you're not one of them intelligent libs, that award/article from US News was a few years ago.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.
Also I wrote as it fucking stands now the evidence is weak and Trump might be impeached by the fucking House but he will never be convicted by the Senate with this evidence!

You keep mentioning EVIDENCE.....

Evidence of WHAT???

What is the crime the "evidence" supports? Be specific.

You have been bamboozled by the corrupt media. Know how? You are falling into the trap. You keep citing evidence but that evidence points to WHAT exactly.

I never attacked you. You got triggered because me asking you that question exposed your lack of critical thinking.
The possible crimes in the Trump-Ukraine scandal, explained

Allegations of wrongdoing are flying around — a record of a July 25 phone call between President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky reads more like a mafia shakedown than a conversation between two world leaders. Trump asks Zelensky to do him a “favor,” i.e. dig up dirt on his political rival Joe Biden. Trump then suggested that Zelensky take this offline and talk with Trump’s personal lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, and US Attorney William Barr about it. In the background, Trump had frozen American aid to Ukraine, a strong-arm move that some on the internet pointed out would make Tony Soprano proud.

Did Trump or his associates violate campaign finance law?
Federal law makes it illegal to “solicit, accept, or receive a contribution or donation” from a foreign national. The question of whether or not the president ran afoul of that law certainly seems in play in light of what we saw in the transcript.

For purposes of this statute, a “contribution or donation” is defined as “money” or another “thing of value.” So a prosecution of Trump would hinge upon whether the opposition research Trump sought on Biden constitutes such a “thing of value.” Barr and Giuliani, meanwhile, could be considered accomplices in Trump’s effort to obtain opposition research from Ukraine’s president.

Continued at link.

Does Trump’s act constitute bribery?
Prosecutors might also look to a federal anti-bribery statute, which imposes criminal sanctions on a public official who “corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for ... being influenced in the performance of any official act.”

Any prosecution under this statute would raise similar issues to the ones that arise under the campaign finance law. Does opposition research constitute “anything of value”? Ultimately, that question would need to be resolved by the courts.

Continued at link

Did he commit extortion?
Writing in the Daily Beast, former United States Attorney Barbara McQuade points to the Hobbs Act, a federal anti-extortion law, as another possible source of criminal liability against Trump.

The Hobbs Act prohibits actions that “in any way or degree obstructs, delays, or affects commerce or the movement of any article or commodity in commerce, by robbery or extortion.” The word “extortion,” is defined as “obtaining of property from another, with his consent, induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.”

The magic words here are “under color of official right.” This language refers to public officials who use their office to pressure another person. As the Supreme Court has explained, to show that a criminal defendant acted under color of official right, “the Government need only show that a public official has obtained a payment to which he was not entitled, knowing that the payment was made in return for official acts.

Thus, if Trump blocked military assistance to Ukraine in order to extract a payment from that country, that could form the basis for a Hobbs Act prosecution.

contunued at link above...

Did he obstruct justice?
Several other federal laws make it a crime to tamper with documents related to a federal investigation. One statute, for example, imposes criminal liability on anyone who “knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence” a federal investigation. If Trump or one of his associates committed such an act to cover up other potentially criminal activity, they could face prison time (though, again, any prosecution of Trump would have to wait until he leaves office).

At this stage, however, we can’t know for sure whether such a cover-up took place — although a whistleblower accused White House officials of moving the transcript of Trump’s call with Zelensky to a “separate electronic system that is otherwise used to store and handle classified information of an especially sensitive nature.” The White House, in other words, may have tried to shield Trump from political damage by hiding the transcript in a system normally afforded to the most sensitive national security information.

Whether this attempt to conceal the transcript was done at Trump’s behest and whether it was done specifically to obstruct a federal investigation are not yet known. So it remains to be seen whether an obstruction case could be built against Trump or against other Trump administration officials.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
who is telling you this crap?


first hand WITNESSES and


he determined that the whistle blower complaint was CREDIBLE.and URGENT

Then why did they not file the complaint?

Are you getting your news from MSNBC?
No, I believe she got that from the IG's actual letter forwarding the complaint to the Director of National Intelligence. Do you want me to post it for you?

Go ahead because when I try to read it the font was to small...
Here you go. I know it's CNN but the print is big enough to read.
READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

No, it is not large enough to read on my phone and IM2 being a smart ass thinking it is funny should know Trump is not being removed so what will IM2 do after being shown this?

Most likely go into a rant about how Republicans are racists...
who is telling you this crap?


first hand WITNESSES and


he determined that the whistle blower complaint was CREDIBLE.and URGENT

Then why did they not file the complaint?

Are you getting your news from MSNBC?
No, I believe she got that from the IG's actual letter forwarding the complaint to the Director of National Intelligence. Do you want me to post it for you?

But also remember many of you claim the favor was to get dirt on Biden and the transcript says Cyberstrike...
Yes, they talked about Crowdstrike and then they talked about the prosecution of corruption in general and then Trump said,

The other thing,
There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,.that Biden stopped the
prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if
you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Bruce, I don't believe Crowdstrike had anything to do with Biden or his son, did it? If it did, enlighten me. I don't know much about what Crowdstrike is, except the DNC hack.

Read the transcript of Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president

Biden DID NOT go around and brag that he stopped the ProsecuTION, he bragged that he was able to get the ProsecuTOR, fired....

Trump is the one that is using the word prosecution, where it does not belong... the liar and chief that he is....

He bragged about getting the prosecutor fired but that is not stopping the prosecutor in your mind...

Hmmm, alrighty then...
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
who is telling you this crap?


first hand WITNESSES and


he determined that the whistle blower complaint was CREDIBLE.and URGENT

Then why did they not file the complaint?

Are you getting your news from MSNBC?
No, I believe she got that from the IG's actual letter forwarding the complaint to the Director of National Intelligence. Do you want me to post it for you?

But also remember many of you claim the favor was to get dirt on Biden and the transcript says Cyberstrike...
Yes, they talked about Crowdstrike and then they talked about the prosecution of corruption in general and then Trump said,

The other thing,
There's a lot of talk about Biden's son,.that Biden stopped the
prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so
whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great.
Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if
you ·can look into it ... It sounds horrible to me.

Bruce, I don't believe Crowdstrike had anything to do with Biden or his son, did it? If it did, enlighten me. I don't know much about what Crowdstrike is, except the DNC hack.

Read the transcript of Trump’s call with Ukraine’s president

Read the transcript in it entirely and at the time of the favor it was crowdstrike he was asking the favor on...

I do not deny Trump talked about Biden but he did not say " Hey do me a favor and let look into that also "...

That part is murky and can be looked at different ways...
Wrong of course. But I didn't expect honesty from you. Trump is not responsible for the MASSIVE homeless problem plaguing democrat cities.

He's the president of this country, so yes he is responsible. Don't tell me about honesty you dishonest Trump supporting trash.
A week or two ago Trump said if California doesn't do something about the homeless problem the Feds would. And what happened? The left CAME UNGLUED stating that Trump can not interfere in States rights/issues.

You motherfuckers are so fake it is just sad.

And NO, Trump is not responsible for States drug, crime, mental health and illegal alien problems. All of which are the biggest drivers of homelessness.

The only dishonest person in this discussion is YOU

Trump has lied over 12,000 times. Fuck what he said. Trump is the president of the United States. He is responsible for this entire country.
Then Obama was responsible for all the Chicago murders and gang violence? Cop murders too? The raping of American women by illegals?

Your logic is juvenile

When Obama was the president he was.. But there were a whole lot of places worse than Chicago and Obama is not president anymore. Talk about juvenile logic....

Bush was not President when Obama was President and yet those like you love to use Bush to excuse Obama failures...
Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
who is telling you this crap?


first hand WITNESSES and


he determined that the whistle blower complaint was CREDIBLE.and URGENT

Then why did they not file the complaint?

Are you getting your news from MSNBC?
No, I believe she got that from the IG's actual letter forwarding the complaint to the Director of National Intelligence. Do you want me to post it for you?

Go ahead because when I try to read it the font was to small...
Here you go. I know it's CNN but the print is big enough to read.
READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Also you know better to play " well it is CNN " with me seeing my news sources are usually BBC, POTUS radio and Al-Jazeera...

I hate to say it I am more liberal than most of you on here and very open minded...

Could be the reason why I am saying the Whistleblower need to name names and have them testify in front of Congress to support the whistleblower claims...

Sounds crazy to the mob ( maybe not you ) that have convicted Trump already but you can not go off the whistleblower secondhand or thirdhand information...

If the whistleblower is just going off the words of others then those others need to be brought to Congress to testify, do you agree or disagree?
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

I think we have the "right" to know who this "whistle blower" is.

Why not?
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Watch what this guy is doing here fellows. We've gone from "second hand information" to "second and third hand information" in just a few days. By the end of next week they will be claiming the whistleblower heard it on CNN.

This is how the right operates. They start with a little lie, then when that becomes accepted because everyone is tired of pointing out it's a lie over and over, they make it a little bit bigger. Each change is small, but over a few days thet change the whole story. They have lying and disinformation down to a science. Well, probably not a science since they don't believe in that, but they are really good at lying.
Barr needs to fix the whistleblower law that was changed illegally from firsthand knowledge to allow secondhand hearsay. If the whistleblower can name names and they come forward and testify themselves, that would be a credible complaint. As it stands now the entire complaint should be tossed out.
That didn't happen. You are repeating a lie.

  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
There is more than this one whistleblower.

Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint

READ: Inspector General letter on whistleblower complaint - CNNPolitics

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

The whistleblower complaint reportedly involving a discussion between President Trump and a foreign leader was based on more than one incident, said a Democratic lawmaker who attended the House Intelligence Committee's closed-door meeting Thursday with the intelligence community's inspector general.

Lawmakers said the inspector general, Michael Atkinson, declined to share incidents during the meeting.

Whistleblower complaint based on multiple incidents; watchdog won't disclose info

Still it is second and third hand information and not firsthand information...

So until the Whistleblower name names then all you have is what someone told him or her.

You need the people that told him or her to come forward and spill what they know and if not your case is still weak...
Doesn’t matter who they are if trump got caught breaking the law and trying to cover it up.

Like if I called anonymously and said someone credible told me you killed your wife but they don’t want you to ruin their lives after they come forward because in the end the senate won’t impeach..

So the cops find you did kill your wife. At that point it doesn’t matter who told.

Mafia hates rats.

Actually it does matter seeing the transcript clearly says the favor if for crowdstrike...

Why do you not want the ones leaking the information not brought to Congress?

Trump has the right to face his accusers...
Same reason we don’t let el chapo know who’s on the jury.

This isn’t he said she said. We don’t need the whistleblowers testimony to know what trump did was illegal and impeachable. We have the damning transcripts

Plus I want the plant to keep whistleblowing on the trump crime family wrong doings
Barr needs to fix the whistleblower law that was changed illegally from firsthand knowledge to allow secondhand hearsay. If the whistleblower can name names and they come forward and testify themselves, that would be a credible complaint. As it stands now the entire complaint should be tossed out.

I have to agree but the left will not accept that.

The Democrats know their case is weak at thos point in time and until those that actually said what is being reported by the whistleblower come forward there is nothing but gossip.

It is credible gossip but not impeachable gossip...
Its a fuck of a lot stronger than Nixon's cover-up and Clinton's blowjob. And we've got evidence of a cover up too.

No blowjobs so far though.

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