A suggestion for the "war on women".

Did you actually read the link you posted? It says very clearly that the differences in income between men and women comes primarily from working in different firms and from the differences in pay between those firms.

Actually, it said that was PART of the reason for difference in income. There were OTHER factors as well. Would you like me to copy and paste them? Or are you going to man-up and actually acknowledge them? I'll wait.

You somehow forgot the adjective "large" before "part". And nowhere in the link you gave does it give any indication of any proof for men and women in the same job in the same firm being paid different wages.

Remember toodles, YOU said "indication".......from the Census link:

Firms with 76-90 percent male
employees paid wages that, on
average, were 40 percent higher
than similar firms whose work
force was almost entirely female.

• When firms with similar sales receipts
were compared, firms with
76-90 percent males still paid,
on average, wages that were 10 percent
higher than comparable firms
whose work force was almost entirely
Probably because what the bill is designed to do is NOT to ensure that men and women doing the exact same job in the same firm are paid the same but because it tries to foist some "pay equity" on different jobs in different firms.

The bill would repeal the law that gives women the legal right to contest pay discrimination in a court of law. To date, no one has proven that what you assert has been going on since the law was in effect. Your right to take people to court is in the Constitution, you know.

If it's in the constitution, why is there a seperate state law required?

For the same reason you have AMENDMENTS, you blithering bumpkin! For the same reason you have a Bill of Rights! The Constitution was not (Thank God) a 'one time only' set in stone scripture that was NOT to be altered, but only interpreted by a select few. You know...the whole, "By the people, for the people, of the people" thing? Jeez, what are they teaching in the schools these days!
For those of you that don't live in America or for those who do, but live in a cave;

In the last few months there has been a political battle being waged regarding women's rights here. That's right, in 2012 the "battle of the sexes" is STILL going on....only at this point it's become a "war on women". As I right this "conservative" politicians and their backers/supporters are passing in some individual States laws that circumnavigate federal laws that give women the right to advocate for equal pay in the work space or to insert all types of "extra" requirements regarding their consultation with their physician regarding a decision to have an abortion (yep, they're STILL pissed about Roe vs. Wade).
Well, rather than write on and on about my personal views in relation to federal vs. state law, religious vs. secular morality, Constitutional rights and protections, etc., etc., I'll just sum it up like this:

Guys, women MUST have breast and MUST have vaginas! That’s how you were born and then fed as a baby. If they didn't have those things, there wouldn't be a human race. And if the vast majority of women didn't use them properly, you'd be dead before your 2nd birthday.

So, stop acting simple...mind your own business and just pay the women properly, will ya please? Thank you.

chicks rule and guys drool...

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