What? No post mortem on the Gingrich campaign?

Nosmo King

Gold Member
Aug 31, 2009
Buckle of the Rust Belt
Last Autumn and into January as each of the Republican candidates called it quits, huge swaths of bandwidth were dedicated to the whys and hows of their individual demise. Now that Newt Gingerich finally visited the death bed of his campaign and told it he was leaving, no one seems a bit concerned.

There were avid Newt supporters (why only God knows). Do any of you think that Newt might be drafted into a potential Romney administration? What lies ahead for the philandering Newt? Academia? A cabinet post? Selling Lady Kenmores?
Last Autumn and into January as each of the Republican candidates called it quits, huge swaths of bandwidth were dedicated to the whys and hows of their individual demise. Now that Newt Gingerich finally visited the death bed of his campaign and told it he was leaving, no one seems a bit concerned.

There were avid Newt supporters (why only God knows). Do any of you think that Newt might be drafted into a potential Romney administration? What lies ahead for the philandering Newt? Academia? A cabinet post? Selling Lady Kenmores?

As the process progressed in the debates, and after today's announcement by Newt that he was "suspending" his campaign...:lol: I began to see so much that he has in common with Barack Obama.

Small and petty, for starters....

I don't think Newt deserves an appointment by Mitt Romney, in any capacity....

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