A sheriff went looking for a truck with a profane Trump sticker. He found controversy instead

Ultimately, the decision to prosecute or not for Disorderly Conduct will be made by the Public Prosecutor's Office (as it said in the story).

Using disorderly conduct statutes to control public behavior (such as rowdiness and public swearing) are effective because the goal of the police officer is to stop the offensive conduct, not because they disagree with the speech, but because they want to prevent the inflammatory speech from inciting violent confrontation.

Once ordered to desist, a person who fails to desist can be arrested and removed from the venue to prevent confrontation. This solves the immediate problem even if the offender isn't prosecuted or simply receives a fine (disorderly conduct is a misdemeanor).

However, with a printed message, such as a billboard or a bumper sticker, which is more permanent, any attempt to prosecute will just wind up in escalating court proceedings. Something no prosecutor's office has the time or staffing to deal with.

This guy will just keep driving around with the sticker until he's eventually assaulted (or not) and then he will appeal to police for recompense. A judge will then decide if any assault was sufficiently provoked.
Can you imagine that defense in court? Your honor, a bumper sticker provoked me to violence. :lol:
Can you imagine that defense in court? Your honor, a bumper sticker provoked me to violence. :lol:

As stupid defenses go ... it wouldn't even rate in the top ten. People caught red-handed will say literally anything to excuse their actions and it occasionally works because mutant judges from Mars buy it.

I think judges get bored and will reward any behavior that relieves that boredom.
Can you imagine that defense in court? Your honor, a bumper sticker provoked me to violence. :lol:

As stupid defenses go ... it wouldn't even rate in the top ten. People caught red-handed will say literally anything to excuse their actions and it occasionally works because mutant judges from Mars buy it.

I think judges get bored and will reward any behavior that relieves that boredom.

Judge Judy would have none of that defense.
Judge Judy would have none of that defense.

Judge Judy hears a billionth of the cases a muni court judge hears in a week. Muni court is a zoo with an endless parade of what we affectionately refer to as 'scrotes'. Literally the dumbest carbon-based lifeforms who ever converted O2 int CO2 are telling their BS stories to the judge.

I honestly don't know how the judges just don't sentence everyone to summary executions. I think it warps their minds.
Judge Judy is what you would have if Grampa Murked You was a judge. A whiny overbearing obnoxious bitch.

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