A Salute to the Democrats that Attended the Inaugural!


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Congratulations to the Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi and the rest of the adult Democrats who decided that the integrity of the peaceful transition of power is much more important than acting like a spoiled commie brat and skipping the ceremony.

Well done my fellow American Democrats. No matter how much we disagree, nor how much rancor we share with each other in the ring, when the competition is over, out of the ring we are courteous, respectful (mostly) and we work together to improve the whole "gymnasium" for everyone.


I just have to wonder how long the adult Democrats will let the childish neoMarxist leftwing children run the party into the ground.
One big difference from 8 yrs ago. Obama got polite applause from the conservatives while Bush got booed as outgoing President. And before the libs say it, the conservs disliked Obama just as much as the libs disliked Bush. The conservs today showed a little more class. I didn't like the booing of Hillary today though. It's over, get over it.
I give them credit for attending but they will still act against America's interests if there is a political benefit to be gained.
the conservs disliked Obama just as much as the libs disliked Bush

Wrong. Bush went into exile because of how hated he was. Obama will be around for a long time.

And did you miss the "lock her up" chants against Hillary even though she was showing you rubes respect by attending? Class my ass.

Wrong, only the uber-libs hated Bush and coincidentally, only the uber-libs adore Obama. You apparently have trouble perceiving reality. Of course that is a trait of all uber-libs and is why they lost the election.
the conservs disliked Obama just as much as the libs disliked Bush

Wrong. Bush went into exile because of how hated he was. Obama will be around for a long time.

And did you miss the "lock her up" chants against Hillary even though she was showing you rubes respect by attending? Class my ass.

Wrong, only the uber-libs hated Bush and coincidentally, only the uber-libs adore Obama. You apparently have trouble perceiving reality. Of course that is a trait of all uber-libs and is why they lost the election.
Listen to yourself you fucking idiot. Dubya is poison. Even 8 years later, Trump was able to score huge points off of what a fucking disaster Dubya was. While Obama leaves office with high approval ratings. Those are facts.
I give them credit for attending but they will still act against America's interests if there is a political benefit to be gained.
But that is not how they understand the impact of what they are doing. We have to try to learn to understand what our opposition sees as important, what threatens them and find middle ground so that legislation can be passed that gets us most of the loaf instead of no loaf at all.
the conservs disliked Obama just as much as the libs disliked Bush

Wrong. Bush went into exile because of how hated he was. Obama will be around for a long time.

And did you miss the "lock her up" chants against Hillary even though she was showing you rubes respect by attending? Class my ass.

Wrong, only the uber-libs hated Bush and coincidentally, only the uber-libs adore Obama. You apparently have trouble perceiving reality. Of course that is a trait of all uber-libs and is why they lost the election.
Listen to yourself you fucking idiot. Dubya is poison. Even 8 years later, Trump was able to score huge points off of what a fucking disaster Dubya was. While Obama leaves office with high approval ratings. Those are facts.

Wow, another uber-lib resulting to cursing in an attempt to speak forcefully. Look, idiot, Bush was only poison to you brain dead. Obama only scored points in the bowls of the libs empty heads. He wasted 8 years and destroyed the good things his party had done in the past. Your facts are like smoke in the wind. You see them, but can't hold on to them. Trump may turn out to be a terrible president, but I will wait and see, not anoint him as the savior on day one and refuse to change my opinion because I can't bear to lose. It's over, get over it.
I give them credit for attending but they will still act against America's interests if there is a political benefit to be gained.
But that is not how they understand the impact of what they are doing. We have to try to learn to understand what our opposition sees as important, what threatens them and find middle ground so that legislation can be passed that gets us most of the loaf instead of no loaf at all.
Who are you and what have you done with Jim?
I'm likin' it, mindjya.
Congratulations to the Clintons, Schumer, Pelosi and the rest of the adult Democrats who decided that the integrity of the peaceful transition of power is much more important than acting like a spoiled commie brat and skipping the ceremony.

Well done my fellow American Democrats. No matter how much we disagree, nor how much rancor we share with each other in the ring, when the competition is over, out of the ring we are courteous, respectful (mostly) and we work together to improve the whole "gymnasium" for everyone.



Don't get your hopes up, they'll be back to their demagoguery tomorrow. They can NOT let Trump succeed as President. If he does, it will prove that the progressive Agenda is harmful to America (and any Western country).
Who are you and what have you done with Jim?
I'm likin' it, mindjya.
Hahahah, funny gal you are.

I consider myself to be a right of center moderate, and I do tgry to be honest when speaking about liberals. Not all are bad, most are good people, which is why I use 'libtard' for the Marxists, and 'liberal' for the lost and confused flock.

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