A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires

A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires
May 05, 2018 ~ By Jeff Carlson
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires. A quiet hero, most will never understand what Rogers did for our country. Rogers is referring to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dunford is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council.
Admiral Rogers:
This nation entrust us with an amazing set of capabilities. We are given access to data of incredible sensitivity. We must continue to safeguard that, ensure the appropriate security, and to remember the trust the nation places in us.
We execute our critical mission of foreign intelligence and cybersecurity at NSA within a legal framework and set of policies that we follow to the letter.
That is our strength. That is what generates the confidence of this nation.
That these many resources that are granted to us are being used appropriately, wisely and in the best interests of the citizens we serve.

It’s difficult to fully convey or appreciate Admiral Rogers’ actions. He quietly stood against a deeply embedded Intelligence apparatus and risked his reputation and career.

Bottom line...the story states: "It’s entirely possible there would have been no FISA disclosure without the 2016 actions of Rogers. There might have been no investigation by Inspector General Horowitz."... " There is a direct benefit from Rogers’ retirement. His job at the NSA complete, Admiral Rogers is now free to testify."
I have a 100% favorable opinion on Mike Rogers. He was the first (and only) one who alerted Trump that he was being wiretapped in Trump Tower. The next day the entire campaign was moved to Jersey. I am not sure quite when that occurred on the above timeline; I think very early 2016. Had he not raised the stink, it may not have been known until six months later, or worse. For that, I am entirely grateful.
Rogers is probably the reason that Mueller didn’t choose even a single independent or Republican for his team. The lesson the Fusion GPS/CIA/FBI/Mueller team took from their experience with Adm. Rogers is that if you’re up to no good, it’s too much of a risk to have even a single good (or even just independent) person who might blow the whistle.
Without Admiral Rogers brave actions behind the scenes with President Trump, the attempted coup by Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA and in particular Bath House Barry and Hillary Clinton, the CIA/FBI/DOJ Operation Crossfire Hurricane would have succeeded.
We are still waiting for the good guys in the FBI/DOJ to come out and expose and shred the evil bastards in those departments, who led the Russia/Russia coup attempt.
Point of fact, remember, after Rogers travelled to meet Trump on Nov. 17, 2016, to advise him that he was being illegally surveilled, Clapper and Brennan both went to Obama to try and have Rogers fired.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.

Yes, Thomas Jefferson had it right then and it still holds true today.
I have a 100% favorable opinion on Mike Rogers. He was the first (and only) one who alerted Trump that he was being wiretapped in Trump Tower.
That idiotic claim about Trump being wiretapped is a dried pile of stale horseshit.
I have a 100% favorable opinion on Mike Rogers. He was the first (and only) one who alerted Trump that he was being wiretapped in Trump Tower.
That idiotic claim about Trump being wiretapped is a dried pile of stale horseshit.
Lookit this asshole carrying water for the police/snoop state.

What a pathetic fucking clown you are.
I have a 100% favorable opinion on Mike Rogers. He was the first (and only) one who alerted Trump that he was being wiretapped in Trump Tower.
That idiotic claim about Trump being wiretapped is a dried pile of stale horseshit.
Lookit this asshole carrying water for the police/snoop state.

What a pathetic fucking clown you are.
Just because I don't drink the piss about a fucking bullshit claim does not mean I support the police state, retard.

I've posted many, many times my opposition to DHS and the Patriot Act. I would bet I have done so more than you have.

A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires

A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires
May 05, 2018 ~ By Jeff Carlson
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires. A quiet hero, most will never understand what Rogers did for our country. Rogers is referring to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dunford is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council.
Admiral Rogers:
This nation entrust us with an amazing set of capabilities. We are given access to data of incredible sensitivity. We must continue to safeguard that, ensure the appropriate security, and to remember the trust the nation places in us.
We execute our critical mission of foreign intelligence and cybersecurity at NSA within a legal framework and set of policies that we follow to the letter.
That is our strength. That is what generates the confidence of this nation.
That these many resources that are granted to us are being used appropriately, wisely and in the best interests of the citizens we serve.

It’s difficult to fully convey or appreciate Admiral Rogers’ actions. He quietly stood against a deeply embedded Intelligence apparatus and risked his reputation and career.

Bottom line...the story states: "It’s entirely possible there would have been no FISA disclosure without the 2016 actions of Rogers. There might have been no investigation by Inspector General Horowitz."... " There is a direct benefit from Rogers’ retirement. His job at the NSA complete, Admiral Rogers is now free to testify."
I have a 100% favorable opinion on Mike Rogers. He was the first (and only) one who alerted Trump that he was being wiretapped in Trump Tower. The next day the entire campaign was moved to Jersey. I am not sure quite when that occurred on the above timeline; I think very early 2016. Had he not raised the stink, it may not have been known until six months later, or worse. For that, I am entirely grateful.
Rogers is probably the reason that Mueller didn’t choose even a single independent or Republican for his team. The lesson the Fusion GPS/CIA/FBI/Mueller team took from their experience with Adm. Rogers is that if you’re up to no good, it’s too much of a risk to have even a single good (or even just independent) person who might blow the whistle.
Without Admiral Rogers brave actions behind the scenes with President Trump, the attempted coup by Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA and in particular Bath House Barry and Hillary Clinton, the CIA/FBI/DOJ Operation Crossfire Hurricane would have succeeded.
We are still waiting for the good guys in the FBI/DOJ to come out and expose and shred the evil bastards in those departments, who led the Russia/Russia coup attempt.
Point of fact, remember, after Rogers travelled to meet Trump on Nov. 17, 2016, to advise him that he was being illegally surveilled, Clapper and Brennan both went to Obama to try and have Rogers fired.

Quite the gentleman and hero. Well decorated and he will be missed.

Way to go Admiral.
Love how the conservatives just ignore the fact that the GOP supported and expanded all this FISA spying shit post 911. It was all fine so long as we just violated brown peoples rights .
I'm interested to find out what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet he will be looking into the who, what, when and where of those FISA warrants.
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires

A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires
May 05, 2018 ~ By Jeff Carlson
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires. A quiet hero, most will never understand what Rogers did for our country. Rogers is referring to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dunford is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council.
Admiral Rogers:
This nation entrust us with an amazing set of capabilities. We are given access to data of incredible sensitivity. We must continue to safeguard that, ensure the appropriate security, and to remember the trust the nation places in us.
We execute our critical mission of foreign intelligence and cybersecurity at NSA within a legal framework and set of policies that we follow to the letter.
That is our strength. That is what generates the confidence of this nation.
That these many resources that are granted to us are being used appropriately, wisely and in the best interests of the citizens we serve.

It’s difficult to fully convey or appreciate Admiral Rogers’ actions. He quietly stood against a deeply embedded Intelligence apparatus and risked his reputation and career.

Bottom line...the story states: "It’s entirely possible there would have been no FISA disclosure without the 2016 actions of Rogers. There might have been no investigation by Inspector General Horowitz."... " There is a direct benefit from Rogers’ retirement. His job at the NSA complete, Admiral Rogers is now free to testify."
I have a 100% favorable opinion on Mike Rogers. He was the first (and only) one who alerted Trump that he was being wiretapped in Trump Tower. The next day the entire campaign was moved to Jersey. I am not sure quite when that occurred on the above timeline; I think very early 2016. Had he not raised the stink, it may not have been known until six months later, or worse. For that, I am entirely grateful.
Rogers is probably the reason that Mueller didn’t choose even a single independent or Republican for his team. The lesson the Fusion GPS/CIA/FBI/Mueller team took from their experience with Adm. Rogers is that if you’re up to no good, it’s too much of a risk to have even a single good (or even just independent) person who might blow the whistle.
Without Admiral Rogers brave actions behind the scenes with President Trump, the attempted coup by Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA and in particular Bath House Barry and Hillary Clinton, the CIA/FBI/DOJ Operation Crossfire Hurricane would have succeeded.
We are still waiting for the good guys in the FBI/DOJ to come out and expose and shred the evil bastards in those departments, who led the Russia/Russia coup attempt.
Point of fact, remember, after Rogers travelled to meet Trump on Nov. 17, 2016, to advise him that he was being illegally surveilled, Clapper and Brennan both went to Obama to try and have Rogers fired.

That's entirely untrue. First off, Trump Tower was not wire tapped. If it were they would have already known about phone calls made by Roger Stone, without having to rely on the testimony of Michael Cohen. Also if Rodgers was so in favor of Trump, why did his testimony often contradict statements made by Trump? Like the Russian meddling, and the farther Russian meddling? You really think you'd get to know that Brennan and Clapper tried to get Rodgers fired? Mueller is a lifetime Republican. Comey was a lifetime Republican. McCabe was a lifetime Republican. Here is a list of how many Republicans were on Mueller's team.

Checking Trump's claims on Mueller team's partisanship

As far as cyber-security, Trump has never taken it seriously and it has already come out that former Sec. Neilson had to work on it behind the scenes without even bringing it up to Trump.
I'm interested to find out what Barr's investigation will reveal.

You can bet he will be looking into the who, what, when and where of those FISA warrants.

Barr only announced this "investigation" because Trump asked him to. There is nothing there, other than the stuff that the intelligence agencies are supposed to follow, like when a Trump campaign member brags about Russia helping the Trump campaign. Trade Trump for any Democrat and there would be a million posts by you and other Trump supporters. They did their jobs.

Mueller reveals how the Russia-Trump investigation all began - over a glass of wine | Daily Mail Online
I was unaware of Mike Rogers being a traitor in the service of Putin like Flynn. Thanks for informing us.
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires

A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires
May 05, 2018 ~ By Jeff Carlson
A Quiet Hero – NSA Director Admiral Mike Rogers Retires. A quiet hero, most will never understand what Rogers did for our country. Rogers is referring to General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr. – the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Dunford is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military advisor to the President, Secretary of Defense, and National Security Council.
Admiral Rogers:
This nation entrust us with an amazing set of capabilities. We are given access to data of incredible sensitivity. We must continue to safeguard that, ensure the appropriate security, and to remember the trust the nation places in us.
We execute our critical mission of foreign intelligence and cybersecurity at NSA within a legal framework and set of policies that we follow to the letter.
That is our strength. That is what generates the confidence of this nation.
That these many resources that are granted to us are being used appropriately, wisely and in the best interests of the citizens we serve.

It’s difficult to fully convey or appreciate Admiral Rogers’ actions. He quietly stood against a deeply embedded Intelligence apparatus and risked his reputation and career.

Bottom line...the story states: "It’s entirely possible there would have been no FISA disclosure without the 2016 actions of Rogers. There might have been no investigation by Inspector General Horowitz."... " There is a direct benefit from Rogers’ retirement. His job at the NSA complete, Admiral Rogers is now free to testify."
I have a 100% favorable opinion on Mike Rogers. He was the first (and only) one who alerted Trump that he was being wiretapped in Trump Tower. The next day the entire campaign was moved to Jersey. I am not sure quite when that occurred on the above timeline; I think very early 2016. Had he not raised the stink, it may not have been known until six months later, or worse. For that, I am entirely grateful.
Rogers is probably the reason that Mueller didn’t choose even a single independent or Republican for his team. The lesson the Fusion GPS/CIA/FBI/Mueller team took from their experience with Adm. Rogers is that if you’re up to no good, it’s too much of a risk to have even a single good (or even just independent) person who might blow the whistle.
Without Admiral Rogers brave actions behind the scenes with President Trump, the attempted coup by Progressive Marxist Socialist Democrats/DSA and in particular Bath House Barry and Hillary Clinton, the CIA/FBI/DOJ Operation Crossfire Hurricane would have succeeded.
We are still waiting for the good guys in the FBI/DOJ to come out and expose and shred the evil bastards in those departments, who led the Russia/Russia coup attempt.
Point of fact, remember, after Rogers travelled to meet Trump on Nov. 17, 2016, to advise him that he was being illegally surveilled, Clapper and Brennan both went to Obama to try and have Rogers fired.

That's entirely untrue. First off, Trump Tower was not wire tapped. If it were they would have already known about phone calls made by Roger Stone, without having to rely on the testimony of Michael Cohen. Also if Rodgers was so in favor of Trump, why did his testimony often contradict statements made by Trump? Like the Russian meddling, and the farther Russian meddling? You really think you'd get to know that Brennan and Clapper tried to get Rodgers fired? Mueller is a lifetime Republican. Comey was a lifetime Republican. McCabe was a lifetime Republican. Here is a list of how many Republicans were on Mueller's team.

Checking Trump's claims on Mueller team's partisanship

As far as cyber-security, Trump has never taken it seriously and it has already come out that former Sec. Neilson had to work on it behind the scenes without even bringing it up to Trump.

Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump
Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump | Zero Hedge | Zero Hedge
Top NSA Whistleblower: Intelligence Agencies DID Spy On Trump. Plus the FBI and CIA plus others, as of the last month of the Obama administration, have direct access to all the NSA collection (metadata and content on phones, email and banking/credit cards etc.) with no attempt at oversight by anybody. So does it mean that the NSA spying on Trump Tower actually turned up some dirt? History shows that mass surveillance has long been used to blackmail opponents ... including high-level officials. And see this. And the former NSA director admitted that the mass surveillance is a power grab.

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