A Question For Mormons

What do you see as the basic differences between Mormonism/LDS and "mainstream" Protestant denominations (e.g., Baptist)? I am not interested in claims of moral superiority or authenticity, but rather basic beliefs in the relationship between Man and God.

A Mormon told me that when Jesus passed his authority on to his disciples and eventually was it Paul who was the first pope or Peter? Anyways, from that pope to the modern day pope, for centuries the Chistian/Catholic Church was corrupted and the whole thing is a scam.

So god told Joseph Smith to start his own religion, and that authority went from Joseph Smith to the Modern day leader of the Mormon church. The authority has never been broken. So all traditional christians are wrong.

The other ones I love are the born agains who say Christians who were baptized as babies need to be born again as adults otherwise we aren't saved and won't go to heaven. Nice angle to win over other Christians to your particular sect/cult of Christianity.
Mormonism is a false cult.

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Monotheist – there is only one God1.

Polytheist – there are many Gods2.


God is the creator of the universe and of humans. He is all good, all powerful, all knowing. He is omnipresent. He is eternal, the “uncaused cause” with no beginning or end. He is spirit only.

The Mormon God is an exalted man3 called “Elohim” who lives on a planet near the star-base Kolob4. Elohim has a physical body5 and is limited in power, he cannot create matter. He is not omnipresent being limited to one place at a time6. He is not eternal like the Christian God since Elohim had a beginning7. The Mormon God is married, to the “Heavenly Mother”8.


Jesus is God incarnate and divine. He has two natures: a human nature and His nature as God. He was born of a virgin. He performed miracles. He shares all of God’s attributes with the addition of a human body. Jesus was not created and is eternal. He did not marry. He died on the cross and was resurrected with the same physical body three days later, conquering death. Christians worship and have a personal relationship with Jesus.

Jesus and Satan are brothers9. Jesus was conceived via Elohim coming to earth and having physical sexual relations with Mary10. Jesus was married11, and was likely a polygamist12 and fathered children13. Jesus is a created being14. You cannot worship or have a personal relationship with Jesus.15 Jesus appeared to people in America after his resurrection.

Church Organizations

Going to church is not a means to salvation, but rather a way to grow in Jesus and join with other Christians. Christians can go to any other church as long as that church teaches the fundamental’s of Christianity.

Salvation is found nowhere else but through the Mormon Church organization16. The creeds of all other churches are an abomination17. People who go to these other churches “highly offend” God who considers their pastors and ministers the “most corrupt of all people”18. Christians are all damned19.


Jesus provided salvation by his death on the cross. Salvation is accepted by believing. It is a free gift – no works are required.

All will be raised from the dead, but individual salvation and forgiveness from sins is by works20. To reach the “Celestial Kingdom of God” and to have a chance of gaining godhood, a Mormon must keep the whole law21. These Mormon laws and commandments include: giving the Mormon church ten percent of your income22; accepting the Mormon gospel; Mormon baptism23; being married in a Mormon temple24; the constant wearing of Mormon sacred underwear known as a “temple garment”25; staying “worthy” by perfectly obeying Mormon laws26 which include avoiding liquor, tobacco and hot drinks27; the Mormon must obey the church authorities28.

Heaven for Men

A joyful place in the presence of God the Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. There will be perfect peace, love, and rest for eternity. Good works will be rewarded. Our bodies will be perfect. There will be no marriage in heaven. There will be plenty to do. We will know our creator, and in that relationship experience true happiness.

Being exalted to godhood29. Ruling their own planet30. Populating their planet with children via their wives31.

Heaven for Women

Exactly the same as heaven for men.

Being eternally pregnant populating her husband’s planet (along with her husband’s other wives)32. But only if her husband decides to call her into the Celestial Kingdom33.


The story of Jesus’ death on the cross, his burial, and resurrection, and the resulting forgiveness of sins for all who believe in Him.

The Mormon Church’s laws and ordinances.


The Bible.

The Book of Mormon. Doctrine and Covenants. Pearl of Great Price. The Bible (only the parts that do not contradict Mormon doctrine, any contradicting parts were mistranslated34).


Christianity is founded by Jesus who was born around 4 BC. Jesus was the messiah prophesied in the Jewish Scriptures and was God incarnate. After Jesus’ resurrection his apostles spread the good news of free salvation to the known world, and guided by the Holy Spirit they authored the New Testament books of the Bible.

Mormonism was founded by Joseph Smith born 1805 AD. In 1830 AD Smith said he found golden plates which contained in “reformed Egyptian” the history of people and Christianity in the Americas dating between 2500 BC and 400 AD. He translated these plates by using a seer stone in his hat, he would put his face into the hat and see the translated text written within the stone – this text became The Book of Mormon. After destroying a newspaper that threatened to expose his teachings on polygamy and multiple Gods, Smith was arrested and jailed. A mob stormed the jail and Smith died defending himself in a gun battle.


The Bible’s descriptions of places and peoples have been verified in many instances by archeology. Cities like Jerusalem, Jericho, and Nineveh are known. Peoples like the Hebrews, Philistines, and Egyptians really existed. The Hittites were thought to be a mythical people in the Bible until archeologists uncovered their artifacts in the second half of the nineteenth century. Jesus is mentioned many times outside of the Bible including by Josephus, Tacitus, and Pliny The Younger. Many examples of coinage mentioned in the Bible have been found, including the ancient shekel. Museums around the world are full of items from these times.

Mormons believe that The Book of Mormon is an historical record, however The Book of Mormon describes places and peoples in the Americas for which no archeological evidence exists. The civilizations of Nephites, Lamanites, Jaredites and Mulekites have never been found. The Smithsonian Institute and the National Geographic Society have issued statements saying that no evidence has been found supporting the history reported in the Book of Mormon35. There is no evidence that the Old World animals reported in the Book of Mormon existed in the New World before Columbus, including: horses, cattle, sheep, goats, swine, and elephants. Also not found are evidence for pre-Columbian chariots, silk, wheat and barley, cement, steel, metal swords, scimitars, and glass windows – all of which appear in the Book of Mormon. No examples of the coinages36 mentioned in the Book of Mormon, like the senum, ezrom, and shiblums, have ever been found.
The Mormon Bible says Jesus stopped by America, on his way up to heaven. Isn't it odd that there's no mention of that in the King James version? That's a pretty important detail to leave out.

I think the Mormons like to make chit up, to go along with the other made up chit.

I think I'll write up my own chit, claim I'm a prophet, and get rich. Then I can build my own Disney Land Castles, just like the Mormons. Except my religion is going to be fun and productive...HEALTHY!

The Mormon Bible says Jesus stopped by America, on his way up to heaven. Isn't it odd that there's no mention of that in the King James version? That's a pretty important detail to leave out.

I think the Mormons like to make chit up, to go along with the other made up chit.

I think I'll write up my own chit, claim I'm a prophet, and get rich. Then I can build my own Disney Land Castles, just like the Mormons. Except my religion is going to be fun and productive...HEALTHY!

View attachment 32258

The Mormons say, and it is true, that when Jesus passed his authority on to his 11 guys and eventually the first pope and then that pope passed on the authority to the next pope, and so on until today's pope.

We all know many of the pope's in history were corrupt, evil men with a lot of money. Some of these evil ones even became saints. Anyways, the point is, this is where traditional Christianity is today. It has lost it's way. Just look at the recent pope who covered up pedophile priests. So you have to admit that traditional Christianity has lost it's way. And even if it did re find it's way, when did that exactly happen? Because maybe the evil pope re wrote the bible and took stuff out and put stuff in? We say they did! How would you know? The only thing we do know is the official Catholic church has been corrupted in the past and so how can we take anything they say seriously? The authority is gone.

But not so with the Mormons. Joseph Smith passed on the authority to the next leader of the LDS and that chain has not been broken. They say traditional christianity was so lost Jesus had to come back and visit us again, in 1800 Utah.
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

Yes, I can imagine. LOL!


The sculpture is still unfinished, but the artist is reportedly making swift progress.

Since 2012, a statue of the Ten Commandments has graced the lawn outside the Oklahoma State Capitol in Oklahoma City. Now, it’s time for Satan to take his place, there too.

A group from New York called the Satanic Temple has raised more than $28,000 on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo to commission a bronze statue of Lucifer, the design of which has recently been released to the public. While many of the project’s backers are Satanists — as in, they worship Satan — the piece is actually intended to make a broader point: That a statue of the Ten Commandments on public property seems to violate the establishment clause of the First Amendment, which separates church and state. (This view is also held by the ACLU, which is challenging the Oklahoma government’s right to display the Ten Commandments.)

They asked for it. :banana:

Satan statue should be welcome in Oklahoma - Opinion - The Boston Globe
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

The faithful atheists continue their hatred. That is why we separate church and state. If the atheists were in charge, they would attempt to suppress religion, and then they would be stood against a wall.
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

The faithful atheists continue their hatred. That is why we separate church and state. If the atheists were in charge, they would attempt to suppress religion, and then they would be stood against a wall.

Lets just say in our new society you can't hold public office if you believe an invisible man is watching you 24/7 and loves you but sends everyone not like you to hell.

We worried if JFK could separate his politics from his Catholicism. We worried if Mitt Romney would make everyone wear magic underwear. We worried if Bush was waging a holy war with Muslims when he invaded Iraq.

What would you worry if an atheist were running the country? I think we might go after any church that is playing politics. If a church is telling its members to vote GOP because of abortion, we would take away their tax exempt status.
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

The faithful atheists continue their hatred. That is why we separate church and state. If the atheists were in charge, they would attempt to suppress religion, and then they would be stood against a wall.

Lets just say in our new society you can't hold public office if you believe an invisible man is watching you 24/7 and loves you but sends everyone not like you to hell.

We worried if JFK could separate his politics from his Catholicism. We worried if Mitt Romney would make everyone wear magic underwear. We worried if Bush was waging a holy war with Muslims when he invaded Iraq.

What would you worry if an atheist were running the country? I think we might go after any church that is playing politics. If a church is telling its members to vote GOP because of abortion, we would take away their tax exempt status.
Atheists leaders are well known for their genocidal tendencies whenever they have gained enough power.
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

The faithful atheists continue their hatred. That is why we separate church and state. If the atheists were in charge, they would attempt to suppress religion, and then they would be stood against a wall.

Lets just say in our new society you can't hold public office if you believe an invisible man is watching you 24/7 and loves you but sends everyone not like you to hell.

We worried if JFK could separate his politics from his Catholicism. We worried if Mitt Romney would make everyone wear magic underwear. We worried if Bush was waging a holy war with Muslims when he invaded Iraq.

What would you worry if an atheist were running the country? I think we might go after any church that is playing politics. If a church is telling its members to vote GOP because of abortion, we would take away their tax exempt status.
Atheists leaders are well known for their genocidal tendencies whenever they have gained enough power.

There are no atheist leaders. Are you trying to be dumb on purpose?
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

The faithful atheists continue their hatred. That is why we separate church and state. If the atheists were in charge, they would attempt to suppress religion, and then they would be stood against a wall.

Lets just say in our new society you can't hold public office if you believe an invisible man is watching you 24/7 and loves you but sends everyone not like you to hell.

We worried if JFK could separate his politics from his Catholicism. We worried if Mitt Romney would make everyone wear magic underwear. We worried if Bush was waging a holy war with Muslims when he invaded Iraq.

What would you worry if an atheist were running the country? I think we might go after any church that is playing politics. If a church is telling its members to vote GOP because of abortion, we would take away their tax exempt status.

That is already done, sillly. And if an atheist said 'there is no god and vote dem' we would take away his tax breaks of course.

The militant atheist, like the militant religionist, a la uncenosred or political chic, should never be elected office.
Mao, Pol Pot, Stalin, Hitler, all though born and raised in some faith, were atheists in the later years.
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

The faithful atheists continue their hatred. That is why we separate church and state. If the atheists were in charge, they would attempt to suppress religion, and then they would be stood against a wall.

Lets just say in our new society you can't hold public office if you believe an invisible man is watching you 24/7 and loves you but sends everyone not like you to hell.

We worried if JFK could separate his politics from his Catholicism. We worried if Mitt Romney would make everyone wear magic underwear. We worried if Bush was waging a holy war with Muslims when he invaded Iraq.

What would you worry if an atheist were running the country? I think we might go after any church that is playing politics. If a church is telling its members to vote GOP because of abortion, we would take away their tax exempt status.
Atheists leaders are well known for their genocidal tendencies whenever they have gained enough power.

Then so are theists like George W Bush. His murderous ways are well documented too. Did he murder for Christ?

An ad hominem deflection which demonstrates a failure to understand that atheism is simply a lack of belief in god(s), with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage, and thus no line can be drawn from it to the aforementioned ideologies.

Stalinism and Communism exercised gosateizm (state atheism) based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. Atheism was a means to an end, not a cause.
If ever there was a thread from left and right that clearly shows the need for sepration of church and state, this is it.

I didn't know anyone was arguing that.

All it takes is to listen to a crazy theist for a couple minutes to re confirm why we separate church and state.

Could you imagine the arguments between all the different religions if we decided to merge church and state? Would it be Catholic, Born again or a generic god so even Jews and Muslims can participate?

The faithful atheists continue their hatred. That is why we separate church and state. If the atheists were in charge, they would attempt to suppress religion, and then they would be stood against a wall.

Lets just say in our new society you can't hold public office if you believe an invisible man is watching you 24/7 and loves you but sends everyone not like you to hell.

We worried if JFK could separate his politics from his Catholicism. We worried if Mitt Romney would make everyone wear magic underwear. We worried if Bush was waging a holy war with Muslims when he invaded Iraq.

What would you worry if an atheist were running the country? I think we might go after any church that is playing politics. If a church is telling its members to vote GOP because of abortion, we would take away their tax exempt status.

That is already done, sillly. And if an atheist said 'there is no god and vote dem' we would take away his tax breaks of course.

The militant atheist, like the militant religionist, a la uncenosred or political chic, should never be elected office.

Militant atheists are just as bad as religious ones.
No, they’re not. There are no calls for slavery, rape or murder in the atheist holy book.

Atheists are most often called ‘militant’ when they passionately defend reason and advocate critical thinking. The bar theists set for perceived hostility appears to be any atheist simply voicing an opinion in dissent of religious belief. In contrast, the bar atheists set for perceived theistic hostility is any form of religiously motivated violence or oppression.

Atheism does not preclude someone from being argumentative or insensitive; those things are simply seen as being preferable to killing one another over an imaginary friend.

A ‘militant’ atheist will debate in a University theatre or appeal for the separation of religion and government. A militant theist will kill doctors, stone women to death, incite religious war, restrict sexual and gender equality and convince children they are flawed and worthless – all under the instruction of their imagined ‘god’ or holy book.

It can be argued that there is no such thing as a ‘militant’ atheist, that the term is itself a misnomer, because there is simply no ideology or philosophy in atheism to be militant about. If an atheist is someone who lacks belief in gods, then a ‘militant’ atheist is apparently someone who passionately lacks a belief in gods. All other possible beliefs and ideologies – including any desire to oppress theism – come from outside atheism. This is in contrast to religious belief, which often includes a set of laws and commandments purportedly derived from a supernatural source about which one can be ‘militant’.

Note: ‘Militant’ atheism is most often confused with gosateizm (state atheism), which was based on the ideology of Marxism-Leninism. It was this ideology which was responsible for the oppression and murder of theists under several 20th century communist regimes. Atheism is simply a lack of belief in gods with no inherit moral, political or philosophical baggage.
My buddy lost his job and no one in his born again church helped him find a job. I saw him complaining about it on facebook.

If he's complaining about it on Facebook then he's not talking to his Bishop as he should be.

IMHO, you buddy is a self-righteous jerk who is not an active member.

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