A Question For Mormons


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
What do you see as the basic differences between Mormonism/LDS and "mainstream" Protestant denominations (e.g., Baptist)? I am not interested in claims of moral superiority or authenticity, but rather basic beliefs in the relationship between Man and God.
What do you see as the basic differences between Mormonism/LDS and "mainstream" Protestant denominations (e.g., Baptist)? I am not interested in claims of moral superiority or authenticity, but rather basic beliefs in the relationship between Man and God.
Man should be wearing some magic underwear to commune with god.
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.
What do you see as the basic differences between Mormonism/LDS and "mainstream" Protestant denominations (e.g., Baptist)? I am not interested in claims of moral superiority or authenticity, but rather basic beliefs in the relationship between Man and God.

Your question operates on two levels, the theological and the practical. I'm not much interested in the theological but I sure find interesting how Mormons are LIVING. I'm not a Mormon, I don't claim any specific knowledge, so in fact I may be wrong about some points, but from what I know Mormon temples have food canning operations attached to them and the Church has big warehouses all across the country where they store food in bulk. The encourage families to stockpile X months of food, the loan out equipment where you can seal your own metal cans. I believe that this infrastructure is also used to support their in-Church welfare efforts.

How they live is actually producing good outcomes. I don't know anything about how their souls are faring.
I would say the biggest differences are that we believe the bible when it teaches us that man and God are the same species and that we believe God speaks to us the same as He ever has. We don't believe the bible has everything and in fact we believe that God will speak and reveal His will as He pleases. And that His words now are as binding on us as His words to our forefathers is.

Thanks for your response. It doesn't seem a lot different from the traditional Biblical view that God created man "in his own image." Do you believe that God is a physical being and that we will all be physically reconstructed when He returns? Are your ceremonial practices necessary for unity with God or simply a form of worship?

Concerning latter day prophets, do you believe that Joseph Smith was more like Moses (leader/giver of laws) or John The Baptist (foretelling the coming of Christ)? Is the Book of Mormon considered to be more like Gospel (New Testament) or history/prophesy (Old Testament)?

The reason I am interested in this is because I think that the LDS Church has the potential of becoming the dominant Christian denomination the the U.S. if it can shed a few more of its questionable doctrines. Just as the repudiation of polygamy and racism helped change it from a minor sect into a major religion, revision of its antiquated historical dogma could propel it into Christianity's principal steward for the 21st century.
The church does not belief in the trinity.It also believes everyone will get saved. There are levels to which the saved will belong. There are more works of God then the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

be specific what dogma? Or are you suggesting the Church should quit believing what it believes to be more mainstream? Remind us how well that has worked for other Religions.
The church does not belief in the trinity.It also believes everyone will get saved. There are levels to which the saved will belong. There are more works of God then the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

be specific what dogma? Or are you suggesting the Church should quit believing what it believes to be more mainstream? Remind us how well that has worked for other Religions.

I just cited two beliefs (polygamy and racism) that were changed. Do you oppose those changes? I am not well versed in the Mormon religion, but it seems that some of its claims about precolumbian civilization in the Western Hemisphere have no evidentiary basis whatsoever. Also, the references to magic spectacles and gold tablets seem more suited as allegorical explanation (e.g., Biblical Creation) rather than literal interpretation.

I do not mean to disparage your beliefs, but rather to explore the potential of LDS becoming a unifying, rather than contrarian, force in American Christianity.
I see the hate-Mormons crowd showed up/

But, there were some interesting responses it was a pleasure to read.

The one about "living" hit the mark. They believe in holding their families together by eating meals together and participating in many family activities. Their individual churches are an extension of their families and they believe in helping one another in time of need. Someone loses a job, the entire community pitches in to help the family and to find another job.

No sucking up food stamps or drawing unemployment.

I will point out one negative - this infrastructure is designed only for those who "toe the line" and live the beliefs of the church.
I haven't been to a Sacrament service in over 30 years. I'm not up to date on the latest doctrine but my impression is an emphasis on keeping the family together for obvious reasons.

Most churches don't put such an emphasis on that.
If I'm not mistaken, they also believe God was once a human being came from the planet call Kolob. And that like him we can all become gods.
And for some reason it seems like Mormons have lots of hot girls to count among them.

I grew up in Idaho and dated three Mormon girls in high school and they were hot!!! And I had a more casual relationship with a Mormon girl while serving in the Marine Corps and she was also hot.

But they always seem to feel guilty about being in any kind of relationship with someone who doesn't think that an early 19th century con artist is the prophet Of immortal man that came from the planet Kolob.
The church does not belief in the trinity.It also believes everyone will get saved. There are levels to which the saved will belong. There are more works of God then the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

be specific what dogma? Or are you suggesting the Church should quit believing what it believes to be more mainstream? Remind us how well that has worked for other Religions.

I just cited two beliefs (polygamy and racism) that were changed. Do you oppose those changes? I am not well versed in the Mormon religion, but it seems that some of its claims about precolumbian civilization in the Western Hemisphere have no evidentiary basis whatsoever. Also, the references to magic spectacles and gold tablets seem more suited as allegorical explanation (e.g., Biblical Creation) rather than literal interpretation.

I do not mean to disparage your beliefs, but rather to explore the potential of LDS becoming a unifying, rather than contrarian, force in American Christianity.
There were witnesses to the tablets. Some of them later left the Church yet none ever recanted their witness.
The church does not belief in the trinity.It also believes everyone will get saved. There are levels to which the saved will belong. There are more works of God then the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

be specific what dogma? Or are you suggesting the Church should quit believing what it believes to be more mainstream? Remind us how well that has worked for other Religions.

I just cited two beliefs (polygamy and racism) that were changed. Do you oppose those changes? I am not well versed in the Mormon religion, but it seems that some of its claims about precolumbian civilization in the Western Hemisphere have no evidentiary basis whatsoever. Also, the references to magic spectacles and gold tablets seem more suited as allegorical explanation (e.g., Biblical Creation) rather than literal interpretation.

I do not mean to disparage your beliefs, but rather to explore the potential of LDS becoming a unifying, rather than contrarian, force in American Christianity.
There were witnesses to the tablets. Some of them later left the Church yet none ever recanted their witness.

Defensiveness does not inspire confidence or confer legitimacy.
And for some reason it seems like Mormons have lots of hot girls to count among them.

I grew up in Idaho and dated three Mormon girls in high school and they were hot!!! And I had a more casual relationship with a Mormon girl while serving in the Marine Corps and she was also hot.

But they always seem to feel guilty about being in any kind of relationship with someone who doesn't think that an early 19th century con artist is the prophet Of immortal man that came from the planet Kolob.
Try Muslims next time
The church does not belief in the trinity.It also believes everyone will get saved. There are levels to which the saved will belong. There are more works of God then the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

be specific what dogma? Or are you suggesting the Church should quit believing what it believes to be more mainstream? Remind us how well that has worked for other Religions.

I just cited two beliefs (polygamy and racism) that were changed. Do you oppose those changes? I am not well versed in the Mormon religion, but it seems that some of its claims about precolumbian civilization in the Western Hemisphere have no evidentiary basis whatsoever. Also, the references to magic spectacles and gold tablets seem more suited as allegorical explanation (e.g., Biblical Creation) rather than literal interpretation.

I do not mean to disparage your beliefs, but rather to explore the potential of LDS becoming a unifying, rather than contrarian, force in American Christianity.
There were witnesses to the tablets. Some of them later left the Church yet none ever recanted their witness.

Defensiveness does not inspire confidence or confer legitimacy.
How is responding to a question defense? He asked specific questions to which I answered. He said the church should change dogma with out being specific. That usually means change core beliefs. And the result of that is degradation and loss of identity. The Church does change as God commands it. In 1890 God commanded that polygamy no longer be practiced and the Church responded in the early 70's God commanded that the restrictions of black people in high office be removed and the Church responded. When God commands a change the Church responds. As to the specific response you replied too The golden tablets had witnesses to their existence some of whom later left the church yet not one witness recanted his testimony as to the existence of the plates.

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