A question for all the Anti-Israelis on this board

Quote: Originally Posted by BecauseIKnow
Typical argument by pro Israelis, show Hamas charter. Hamas agrees to a peace deal.

from: Sayit
Woo. You stepped right in it.

“The treacherous Zionist enemy will never permit us to lessen our revenge towards him or stray from our confrontation against him, until he is wiped off this land, which is saturated with the blood of the martyrs.”
- Ahmad Dahbour, Palestinian Authority propagandist
(Jerusalem Post, March 23, 2008)

“Now more than ever I tell you – we will never recognize Israel... We will form the Palestinian state on all of Palestine’s territories and the sun of liberty will burn the Zionists.”
- Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas leader in Gaza
(UPI, May 14, 2008)

From Hamas Charter:

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

It is necessary to instill in the minds of the Moslem generations that the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis.

Initiatives ... are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.


More typical posts from pro Israeli posters.
Post what a Hamas supporter or official said from 4 years ago near the Israeli assault on Gaza.

You falsely claimed "Hamas agrees to a peace deal" but the words of Hamas expose your lies again, Princess. Hamas can not, by their charter, even discuss peace. :D
Hamas publically advocates tying bombs onto the stinking asses of the sluts of gaza and nudging in the direction of children ----in fact they even teach kindergarten girls to sing songs of praise of the sluts who have already tied bombs to their stinking whorish asses in order to murder children----- I am not surprised that tinnie adimires the people who get rid of the sluts of gaza and murder babies at the same time-----so efficient in the world of tinnie
We already said Hamas is not allowed to have represantives in any negotiations or talks.

So SAYIT yet again makes irrelevant posts.

The party in talks is the PA in the West Bank, which holds most of the Palestinian popualtion and is subjugated to settlement construction.

Gaza is under a siege and closed out to the world.

Hamas only governed the Gaza Strip.
More typical posts from pro Israeli posters.

Post what a Hamas supporter or official said from 4 years ago near the Israeli assault on Gaza.

Honest people know the events around that timeline.

Their way of discrediting any chances of peace is to quote a government that doesn't recognize Hamas. So why should Hamas recognize them.

And then they overlook anything that comes out of the Israeli prime ministers mouth.

And the so called peace deal that gets nothing.

Breakdown of Netanyahu's Appearance in US Congress - YouTube

"I Know My Roots" Vows PM at Merkaz HaRav - Inside Israel - News - Israel National News

But you are not an honest person, Baghdad Bob, since many of us have noticed how you pull things out of thin air, so your posts are actually typical of a young fanatical Muslim boy. And don't forget, Bob, that honest people know just what the Muslims are doing to non Muslims and even Muslims of different sects. They are not just stuck on what is happening in only one small part of the Middle East, but the entire Middle East and the rest of the Muslim world.
Hamas's charter is not relevant.

It's not even their charter the government made.

It was made by a Hamas linked Imam 20 years ago

Not used in their website and was never adopted since 2006 election of the Gaza government.

Hamas drops call for destruction of Israel from manifesto | World news | The Guardian

Old news.

The words of Hamas officials and their charter may be irrelevant to you, Princess, but Israelis would be foolish to ignore them.
Given the choice, I believe them and not this board's village idiot. Sorry. :D
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Hamas's charter is not relevant.

It's not even their charter the government made.

It was made by a Hamas linked Imam 20 years ago

Not used in their website and was never adopted since 2006 election of the Gaza government.

Hamas drops call for destruction of Israel from manifesto | World news | The Guardian

Old news.

The words of Hamas officials and their charter may be irrelevant to you, Princess, but Israelis would be foolish to ignore them.
Given the choice, I believe them and not this borad's village idiot. Sorry. :D

Nice deflection you lame liar. Ha Ha Ha! Too bad the link is up already :lol::lol::lol:
We already said Hamas is not allowed to have represantives in any negotiations or talks.

So SAYIT yet again makes irrelevant posts.

The party in talks is the PA in the West Bank, which holds most of the Palestinian popualtion and is subjugated to settlement construction.

Gaza is under a siege and closed out to the world.

Hamas only governed the Gaza Strip.

Hamas is reconized as a clear and present danger by all but the most ignorant Arab apologists, Princess. They are a threat to those they govern as well as to Israel.
We already said Hamas is not allowed to have represantives in any negotiations or talks.

So SAYIT yet again makes irrelevant posts.

The party in talks is the PA in the West Bank, which holds most of the Palestinian popualtion and is subjugated to settlement construction.

Gaza is under a siege and closed out to the world.

Hamas only governed the Gaza Strip.

Hamas is reconized as a clear and present danger by all but the most ignorant Arab apologists, Princess. They are a threat to those they govern as well as to Israel.


A Jews way of blaming people and not them. A blockade is an act of war. Hamas has every right to respond.

We remember what happened in 67 when Israel claimed to be blockaded by Egypt. They started a war over it.

Quit being dishonest. It makes you look rusty
They still won't answer whether Hamas's representatives are allowed to peace talks.

And how a peace deal will change anything in Gaza.

Hamas will govern and Gaza will still be under siege.

Same thing.
We already said Hamas is not allowed to have represantives in any negotiations or talks.

So SAYIT yet again makes irrelevant posts.

The party in talks is the PA in the West Bank, which holds most of the Palestinian popualtion and is subjugated to settlement construction.

Gaza is under a siege and closed out to the world.

Hamas only governed the Gaza Strip.

Hamas is reconized as a clear and present danger by all but the most ignorant Arab apologists, Princess. They are a threat to those they govern as well as to Israel.


A Jews way of blaming people and not them. A blockade is an act of war. Hamas has every right to respond.

We remember what happened in 67 when Israel claimed to be blockaded by Egypt. They started a war over it.

Quit being dishonest. It makes you look rusty

I have good days and not so good days, Princess, but you are always the village idiot.
Gazans have always had the Egyptian border available to them (when Egypt opens it).
Perhaps your venom and that of Gazans would be better spit at Egypt, eh? :D
Hamas is reconized as a clear and present danger by all but the most ignorant Arab apologists, Princess. They are a threat to those they govern as well as to Israel.


A Jews way of blaming people and not them. A blockade is an act of war. Hamas has every right to respond.

We remember what happened in 67 when Israel claimed to be blockaded by Egypt. They started a war over it.

Quit being dishonest. It makes you look rusty

I have good days and not so good days, Princess, but you are always the village idiot.
Gazans have always had the Egyptian border available to them (when Egypt opens it).
Perhaps your venom and that of Gazans would be better spit at Egypt, eh? :D

Deflection again.

Gazans have their 7 other borders Israel should set free.

One that makes a crucial path to the West Bank which should be open.
They still won't answer whether Hamas's representatives are allowed to peace talks.

And how a peace deal will change anything in Gaza.

Hamas will govern and Gaza will still be under siege.

Same thing.

Two women about Gaza. Starts at 10:25

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?featurev=wq9zTDAjmiI#t=622s]41 Sleepless Gaza Jerusalem...divx - YouTube[/ame]
You are all coming up with these threads to try and make Israel look like a terrorist nation. But I fail to see anyone here coming up with a solution to the Israeli-"Palestinian" Problem.

So what would you like the State of Israel to do. What is your solution to the problem ?

Please be detailed
I have no idea what is going on in in Israel, nor do I care. As far as I'm concerned it is none of our business. Israel is a foreign country which the U.S. has become much too deeply involved with and that involvement is and has been much too costly to us.

I do not regard Israel as an ally, "strategic" or otherwise, and I believe it is in the U.S.' interest to sever all relations with that troublesome little nation.
You are all coming up with these threads to try and make Israel look like a terrorist nation. But I fail to see anyone here coming up with a solution to the Israeli-"Palestinian" Problem.

So what would you like the State of Israel to do. What is your solution to the problem ?

Please be detailed
I have no idea what is going on in in Israel, nor do I care. As far as I'm concerned it is none of our business. Israel is a foreign country which the U.S. has become much too deeply involved with and that involvement is and has been much too costly to us.

I do not regard Israel as an ally, "strategic" or otherwise, and I believe it is in the U.S.' interest to sever all relations with that troublesome little nation.

It doesn't matter if YOU don't consider Israel an ally, they will always be the ally of the U.S !
You are all coming up with these threads to try and make Israel look like a terrorist nation. But I fail to see anyone here coming up with a solution to the Israeli-"Palestinian" Problem.

So what would you like the State of Israel to do. What is your solution to the problem ?

Please be detailed
I have no idea what is going on in in Israel, nor do I care. As far as I'm concerned it is none of our business. Israel is a foreign country which the U.S. has become much too deeply involved with and that involvement is and has been much too costly to us.

I do not regard Israel as an ally, "strategic" or otherwise, and I believe it is in the U.S.' interest to sever all relations with that troublesome little nation.

It doesn't matter if YOU don't consider Israel an ally, they will always be the ally of the U.S !
In your vastly outnumbered mind.
Wow Angelica is a mind controlled weasel.

I remember when Hamas never had those minimal damage rockets. Israel would kill dozens a week. Now the Palestinians can actually make Israel think twice sometimes. Hamas will do anything to defend its people.

Israel doesn't think twice because of the rockets. It think twice because after any attack which was provoked, Hamas goes to whine to the world about Israel attacking them.

Hamas are a bunch of coward crybabies. defend their people my a**
We already said Hamas is not allowed to have represantives in any negotiations or talks.

So SAYIT yet again makes irrelevant posts.

The party in talks is the PA in the West Bank, which holds most of the Palestinian popualtion and is subjugated to settlement construction.

Gaza is under a siege and closed out to the world.

Hamas only governed the Gaza Strip.

Hamas is reconized as a clear and present danger by all but the most ignorant Arab apologists, Princess. They are a threat to those they govern as well as to Israel.


A Jews way of blaming people and not them. A blockade is an act of war. Hamas has every right to respond.

We remember what happened in 67 when Israel claimed to be blockaded by Egypt. They started a war over it.

Quit being dishonest. It makes you look rusty
So Israel started the 6 day war now? What crap are you reading Mahmoud?
Why would Israel attack 3 countries 100 times its size ? Go look up the definition 'pre emptive strike'.

Now I fully understand why you are referred to as the 'village idiot' here haha :lol:
Typical argument by pro Israelis, show Hamas charter. Hamas agrees to a peace deal.

Woo. You stepped right in it.

“The treacherous Zionist enemy will never permit us to lessen our revenge towards him or stray from our confrontation against him, until he is wiped off this land, which is saturated with the blood of the martyrs.”
- Ahmad Dahbour, Palestinian Authority propagandist
(Jerusalem Post, March 23, 2008)

“Now more than ever I tell you – we will never recognize Israel... We will form the Palestinian state on all of Palestine’s territories and the sun of liberty will burn the Zionists.”
- Mahmoud al-Zahar, Hamas leader in Gaza
(UPI, May 14, 2008)

From Hamas Charter:

Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it" (The Martyr, Imam Hassan al-Banna, of blessed memory).

It is necessary to instill in the minds of the Moslem generations that the Palestinian problem is a religious problem, and should be dealt with on this basis.

Initiatives ... are in contradiction to the principles of the Islamic Resistance Movement.

There is no solution for the Palestinian question except through Jihad.

More fake translations.

You need to link these gibberish quotes that mean nothing.

you, i, and a lot of people know that all this "HAMAS charter" boolshite is just a stalling tactic to avoid negotiations. if it isn't the HAMAS charter it will be something else until they finally succeed in ethnically cleansing the palestinians.

all these things can be resolved in negotiations, if israel truly wanted to negotiate.

me, i think the time is very ripe for another intifada, a completely non-violent intifada at first, and people should expect a lot of palestinians to die, but israel will show her hand. this will get thee story out.

then, maybe, hit some military targets, but also government and economic, and avoiding civilian casualties as much as possible, by some very dedicated but humane soldiers. hit the police, politicians, the military, reservists, banks and markets...

then, when the world enters into it, and they will, and maybe america will change (that is where pro-palestinians here come into play) peace negotiations should and settlements should begin at 181 and stop somewhere between there and 242.

a lot of blood when the iron is hot is better than the slow blood letting that results from a missed opportunity....and as terry mac suibhne said before his death from hunger strike in a stinkin' britsh gaol in 1920 'it is not those who can inflict the most, but those that can suffer the most who will conquer." a year later, the english were turning over beggars bush barracks and military posts in most of irelaand and their soldiers were marching out under a flag of defeat and surrender.

i mean, look...kvetch offered them the farm and to these people, and i am sure the israelis, it wasn't enough. if the israelis want to push the palestinians into the sea (figuratively), and make no mistake they do, then palestine should push back with any and all means they have.
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Hamas is reconized as a clear and present danger by all but the most ignorant Arab apologists, Princess. They are a threat to those they govern as well as to Israel.


A Jews way of blaming people and not them. A blockade is an act of war. Hamas has every right to respond.

We remember what happened in 67 when Israel claimed to be blockaded by Egypt. They started a war over it.

Quit being dishonest. It makes you look rusty
So Israel started the 6 day war now? What crap are you reading Mahmoud?
Why would Israel attack 3 countries 100 times its size ? Go look up the definition 'pre emptive strike'.

Now I fully understand why you are referred to as the 'village idiot' here haha :lol:

why even try to deal honestly with these people. this smart ass yidmo opens the thread with a whine and what seems to be a reasonable question but he has a dagger hidden beneath his cloak and at the ready.

there is an aire of dishonesty about them in everything they do.

lol...i have never seen anyone refer to you as "the village idiot."...maybe one person who refers to anyone who disagrees with mim as a village idiot or some other thng..
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