A question about I.C.E.

Harpy Eagle

Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Feb 22, 2017
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
ahh look at the leftist, who doesn't want to be called a leftist supporting the leftists. funny shit dudette. truly funny. I'm more concerned at the 145 million a year for supporting mexicans spending american peoples money.
ICE is worth every penny...if you want to save dollars I know a bunch of stuff we could eliminate...like monetary support for PBS or Planned parenting....etc etc
Tell you what, let I.C.E complete their mission of extracting the 14 million illegals and then let's chat.
Leaked Handbook Reveals How ICE Uses Civil Forfeiture To Seize Millions

In a bombshell report, The Intercept published excerpts from the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) “Asset Forfeiture Handbook,” which instructs agents on how to seize cash, real estate and other valuable property. Asset forfeiture includes property taken through both criminal forfeiture, which can occur only after the owner has been convicted, and civil forfeiture, which does not require a conviction or any charges to be filed and has a far lower standard of proof.

"The lack of transparency surrounding forfeiture is deeply troubling, especially considering the vast power law enforcement has to take property from people without so much as charging them with a crime,” “The public ought to know how forfeiture is being used.”

So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

Because tens or even hundreds of billions of dollars are wasted on illegal immigrants. So many schools and hospitals have to accommodate for them. Welfare and social security fraud we have to pay for. “Uninsured motorists” which is code word for paying for illegals without insurance we all have to pay for. A prison system overrun by illegals, and of course the lives ruined for victims and their families. The list goes on.

Time to end all this bullshit send these vagrants to the shit heaps they came from.
ICE stands for Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency within the Department of Homeland Security. ICE was created in 2003, as a part of the government’s reorganization after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

ICE is one of three agencies that absorbed and assumed the functions of the former Immigration and Naturalization Service (which was previously housed under the Justice Department) and the United States Customs Service (which was part of the Treasury Department).

The other two Homeland Security agencies that took some of those responsibilities are Customs and Border Protection and Immigration and Citizenship Services.

What Is ICE and Why Do Critics Want to Abolish It?
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

Sharper swords point easier in specific cardinal directions, and slice cleaner through new-old foes. The enemy stocks the game preserve with certain breeds of predators. We either do the same, in our own game preserve, with more specialized hunters of predators, or apologize to our citizens for letting them live lives as prey for the other guy's new-ancient wolf.
So what does ICE do?

ICE is made up of three major offices, one of which has overshadowed the others.

Enforcement and Removal Operations, the best-known division of ICE, arrests, detains and deports unauthorized immigrants already inside the United States. The office had about 7,900 full-time employees and a $3.8 billion budget in the 2017 fiscal year, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

Under President Barack Obama, the division prioritized removing undocumented immigrants who had committed serious crimes in the United States. Mr. Trump, after taking office, took a more hard-line stance and directed his administration to target anyone in the country illegally.

Beyond Enforcement and Removal Operations is the lesser-known Homeland Security Investigations, which pursues criminals and terrorists involved in drug trafficking, weapons smuggling, human trafficking, cybercrime, financial crimes and identity fraud. It is also the lead government agency for counterproliferation investigations, and targets individuals who illegally try to smuggle military and other high-tech equipment out of the United States.

With 8,300 full-time employees, H.S.I. is larger than E.R.O., although its $2 billion budget is smaller. It operates 26 offices across the country and about 50 internationally.

The Office of the Principal Legal Adviser is the smallest division of ICE. It employs about 1,400 workers who provide legal support to other employees and represent the government in immigration courts.
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

It's pretty obvious that you don't know what Immigration and Customs Enforcement is or what they do.
Like there wasn't always Immigration and Customs? The idea of that didn't magically appear in 2003, numbnuts.


What year did Operation Wetback go into effect?

Here's another question for ya:

On what contingency did Reagan grant amnesty to 3 million illegals for?
Is there something about 227 years that bothers the left? The US was 139 years old when the FBI was established and 169 years old when the CIA was founded and 194 YEARS OLD when the ATF was established. Some would say (especially after the world class boondoggle of operation fast/furious) we really don't need the ATF and there are factions that might argue that the FBI has become a redundant political tool of the democrat party and the CIA hasn't been on top of a world class event (9-11) since WW2
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
Well, for one thing it stops Democrats from stealing elections.

That's worth every penny.

Then there's drug-trafficking and human-trafficking.
Democrats are pissed because they're not getting their usual kick-back from Central America and Mexican drug lords.

Then there's terrorism.
Stuff isn't going boom because the SOBs that do it are getting deported.
This really makes Democrats mad......:argue:
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?
ahh look at the leftist, who doesn't want to be called a leftist supporting the leftists. funny shit dudette. truly funny. I'm more concerned at the 145 million a year for supporting mexicans spending american peoples money.

I want the government to be as small as possible, I am for getting rid the Dept of Edu and combining Labor, Economy and Finance into one department.

I am sorry that I cannot go along with your desire for a bigger and bigger government.
ICE is worth every penny...if you want to save dollars I know a bunch of stuff we could eliminate...like monetary support for PBS or Planned parenting....etc etc

Can you, or anyone else quantify what they do?

Who did what they do for the first 227 years the country existed?
Is there something about 227 years that bothers the left? The US was 139 years old when the FBI was established and 169 years old when the CIA was founded and 194 YEARS OLD when the ATF was established. Some would say (especially after the world class boondoggle of operation fast/furious) we really don't need the ATF and there are factions that might argue that the FBI has become a redundant political tool of the democrat party and the CIA hasn't been on top of a world class event (9-11) since WW2

I agree with all those points. There is no need for an ATF and an FBI.

So, what is it that ICE does? Can anyone quantify what they do?
So, this is a new agency, part of the multiple layers of government and bureaucracy that was added after 9/11.

We as a country survived and thrived for 227 years without ICE, why is it now the linchpin to our very survival as a county?

They have a budget of more than 6 billion dollars a year, what do we get for that money? Does anyone have any stats on the return we are getting for that money since ICE was started in 2003?

It's pretty obvious that you don't know what Immigration and Customs Enforcement is or what they do.

Well, then educate me. Give me as actual facts and stats about what they do and why they are worth 6 billion a year.

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