A peak inside the progressive mindset


Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
When one really listens to what is being said here, it is stupefying. Let's start with the idiotic mayor who calls it (and I quote) "well-merited time off". What?!? Columbus Day was designed to recognize Christopher Columbus. Good Friday was designed to reflect on the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ.

Like most public school educated progressives, this nitwit literally does not know why these holidays exist. He doesn't! That is astounding. He thinks they are "merit-based" time off from work.

But it gets even better. One progressive nitwit citizen who supports the name change refers to Columbus Day as "Genocide". Uh.....ok. If that's true, then why are you taking the day off to celebrate?!? If you truly believe that Christopher Columbus represents genocode then why wouldn't you advocate to completely scrap the holiday altogether and go into work? Why rename it to "fall holiday" and take the day off to have fun over something as horrific as "genocide"?!?

Progressives are doing what they always do - looking for a reason not to work while simultaneously attempting to rewrite history and erase God.

City Renames Good Friday and Columbus Day
erm public holidays ARE an excuse not to work and that's a good thing.

I agree with your premise but not your argument.
What we did to the Indians was pretty terrible but that is ancient history. And to be quite honest that is how all nations were created. You conquer the people and take their land. It was normal no matter who did it.

I never knew general history could fuck up a leftie so bad. Almost as bad as honesty & math.
When one really listens to what is being said here, it is stupefying. Let's start with the idiotic mayor who calls it (and I quote) "well-merited time off". What?!? Columbus Day was designed to recognize Christopher Columbus. Good Friday was designed to reflect on the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ.

Jesus never existed.

Columbus Day is supposed to recognize that Columbus discovered America. Uh, there were already people here. People who died by the hundreds of millions after the Europeans came over. That's nothing to celebrate.
When one really listens to what is being said here, it is stupefying. Let's start with the idiotic mayor who calls it (and I quote) "well-merited time off". What?!? Columbus Day was designed to recognize Christopher Columbus. Good Friday was designed to reflect on the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ.

Jesus never existed.

Yes He does.

Columbus Day is supposed to recognize that Columbus discovered America. Uh, there were already people here. People who died by the hundreds of millions after the Europeans came over. That's nothing to celebrate.

Evidence for your numbers? The total population of the Americas before Columbus arrived was anywhere from 10 million to 50 million individuals. Your assertion makes as much sense as those insisting that sharks still follow the paths the slave ships took because so many were thrown overboard.

Oh, and it's well established that Europeans landed on the Americas long before Columbus got here.
Yes He does.

sorry, man, Jesus is a myth. It's why even the Gospels can't agree on what year he was born in (Matthew says before 4 BCE, while Luke puts it at 6 CE)

Evidence for your numbers? The total population of the Americas before Columbus arrived was anywhere from 10 million to 50 million individuals. Your assertion makes as much sense as those insisting that sharks still follow the paths the slave ships took because so many were thrown overboard.

Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia

Using an estimate of approximately 37 million people in Mexico, Central and South America in 1492 (including 6 million in the Aztec Empire, 5-10 million in the Mayan States, 11 million in what is now Brazil, and 12 million in the Inca Empire), the lowest estimates give a death toll due from disease of 90% by the end of the 17th century (nine million people in 1650).[5] Latin America would match its 15th-century population early in the 19th century; it numbered 17 million in 1800, 30 million in 1850, 61 million in 1900, 105 million in 1930, 218 million in 1960, 361 million in 1980, and 563 million in 2005.[5] In the last three decades of the 16th century, the population of present-day Mexico dropped to about one million people.[5] The Maya population is today estimated at six million, which is about the same as at the end of the 15th century, according to some estimates.[5] In what is now Brazil, the indigenous population declined from a pre-Columbian high of an estimated four million to some 300,000.

While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus,[6] estimates range from a low of 2.1 million[7]to 7 million[8] people to a high of 18 million[9]
Yes He does.

sorry, man, Jesus is a myth. It's why even the Gospels can't agree on what year he was born in (Matthew says before 4 BCE, while Luke puts it at 6 CE)

Evidence for your numbers? The total population of the Americas before Columbus arrived was anywhere from 10 million to 50 million individuals. Your assertion makes as much sense as those insisting that sharks still follow the paths the slave ships took because so many were thrown overboard.

Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia

Using an estimate of approximately 37 million people in Mexico, Central and South America in 1492 (including 6 million in the Aztec Empire, 5-10 million in the Mayan States, 11 million in what is now Brazil, and 12 million in the Inca Empire), the lowest estimates give a death toll due from disease of 90% by the end of the 17th century (nine million people in 1650).[5] Latin America would match its 15th-century population early in the 19th century; it numbered 17 million in 1800, 30 million in 1850, 61 million in 1900, 105 million in 1930, 218 million in 1960, 361 million in 1980, and 563 million in 2005.[5] In the last three decades of the 16th century, the population of present-day Mexico dropped to about one million people.[5] The Maya population is today estimated at six million, which is about the same as at the end of the 15th century, according to some estimates.[5] In what is now Brazil, the indigenous population declined from a pre-Columbian high of an estimated four million to some 300,000.

While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus,[6] estimates range from a low of 2.1 million[7]to 7 million[8] people to a high of 18 million[9]

Progressives: Jesus = Bad! Allah = Good!
When one really listens to what is being said here, it is stupefying. Let's start with the idiotic mayor who calls it (and I quote) "well-merited time off". What?!? Columbus Day was designed to recognize Christopher Columbus. Good Friday was designed to reflect on the sacrifices made by Jesus Christ.

Jesus never existed.

Columbus Day is supposed to recognize that Columbus discovered America. Uh, there were already people here. People who died by the hundreds of millions after the Europeans came over. That's nothing to celebrate.
he didn't? who is the guy on the cross then? or don't crosses exist?
Yes He does.

sorry, man, Jesus is a myth. It's why even the Gospels can't agree on what year he was born in (Matthew says before 4 BCE, while Luke puts it at 6 CE)

Evidence for your numbers? The total population of the Americas before Columbus arrived was anywhere from 10 million to 50 million individuals. Your assertion makes as much sense as those insisting that sharks still follow the paths the slave ships took because so many were thrown overboard.

Population history of indigenous peoples of the Americas - Wikipedia

Using an estimate of approximately 37 million people in Mexico, Central and South America in 1492 (including 6 million in the Aztec Empire, 5-10 million in the Mayan States, 11 million in what is now Brazil, and 12 million in the Inca Empire), the lowest estimates give a death toll due from disease of 90% by the end of the 17th century (nine million people in 1650).[5] Latin America would match its 15th-century population early in the 19th century; it numbered 17 million in 1800, 30 million in 1850, 61 million in 1900, 105 million in 1930, 218 million in 1960, 361 million in 1980, and 563 million in 2005.[5] In the last three decades of the 16th century, the population of present-day Mexico dropped to about one million people.[5] The Maya population is today estimated at six million, which is about the same as at the end of the 15th century, according to some estimates.[5] In what is now Brazil, the indigenous population declined from a pre-Columbian high of an estimated four million to some 300,000.

While it is difficult to determine exactly how many Natives lived in North America before Columbus,[6] estimates range from a low of 2.1 million[7]to 7 million[8] people to a high of 18 million[9]
the people said no? how did he win?
Jesus never existed.
Yeah....we know. You believe in a lot of myths. Like communism works, global warming is "real", and Jesus never existed. Typical uneducated progressive.
Columbus Day is supposed to recognize that Columbus discovered America.
Yeah nitwit. Exactly. The east (much like you and your fellow progressives today) believed that the world was flat. Christopher Columbus did "discover" America since no one outside of the Native Americans knew it existed. Additionally he should be recognized for having the courage to take the voyage nobody else dared to take.
Uh, there were already people here. People who died by the hundreds of millions after the Europeans came over. That's nothing to celebrate.
Then you and your fellow nitwit progressives have no need for a "fall holiday" and can get your lazy asses in to work.
You mean other than the fact we still use a relic from the 18th century to select presidents?
If it's not broke, don't fix it. And our system is definitely not broke. It has worked flawlessly.

I find it amazing that after spending your life as a loser, you still haven't learned how to lose. I guess some people just can't learn. :dunno:
I'm sure there were a lot of people on Crosses.
Really? You are "sure"? Well there is some compelling evidence. If an uneducated high school drop out is "sure", that's good enough for me. :doubt:
Jesus wasn't one of them.
And your evidence for this is......?
In fact, there is no evidence Jesus ever existed.
Bwahahaha! I literally never get tired of this guy embarrassing himself. There has been volumes of evidence. From the Shroud of Turin to the famous "bone box" (which incidentally was found to be an accurate geochemical match), to people who have seen Jesus and interacted with him through near death experiences, to the Bible and everything in between, the evidence is pretty overwhelming.

But what else would we expect from Joey than to be uninformed?
Columbus Day is supposed to recognize that Columbus discovered America. Uh, there were already people here. People who died by the hundreds of millions after the Europeans came over. That's nothing to celebrate.

Evidence for your numbers? The total population of the Americas before Columbus arrived was anywhere from 10 million to 50 million individuals. Your assertion makes as much sense as those insisting that sharks still follow the paths the slave ships took because so many were thrown overboard.

Oh, and it's well established that Europeans landed on the Americas long before Columbus got here.
Wait. Wait. Wait. You want evidence? From little Joseph there? You must be new here, uh?

First, Joey is always completely devoid of evidence. When he gets caught lying, he'll do what he did in this thread and suddenly change the narrative from America to North America (as if Christopher Columbus had anything to do with Mexico :lmao:).

Second, he's really desperate for attention. He doesn't get any in the physical world so he looks for it in the virtual world.

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