A Ocassional Cortext ETHICS PROBLEMS: Payments to boyfriend spur Republican group's FEC complaint

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
The half-baked socialist is a virtual whiz at spending other people's money.


That's her mother holding the Bible.....boyfriend is grinning tall guy on right with the beard.

She got caught putting her live-in boyfriend on the Congressional payroll.....
and the buzz is he's got top level security clearance over OUR SAFETY and SECURITY.

Reports reveal suspicious payments to AOC’s boyfriend began during her campaign.

<><> Absent a waiver from House Ethics, family members have to be volunteers to get official house.gov email addresses,
<><> AOC’s office apparently doesn’t believe in having unpaid workers; according to her COS they have no volunteers in the office.
<><> So boyfriend Roberts is designated as staff but also isn’t on AOC’s staff,
<><> even though Roberts showed up Friday morning in the House directory as processing into her personal office as a staffer.


Taxpayers demand to see all of AOC's financial records as a member of Congress....outlays WE paid for.
We need to see AOC's correspondence, emails, snail mails, hard drives, wire-transfers, text files, offshore banking activity, and the like.

ACTION—Demand to see govt reports of all tax dollars outlaid to AOC, and everyone employed in her office.......including her boyfriend and family members.

<><> credit cards,
<><> gift cards,
<><> cell phone/landline bills,
<><> electronic/wire transfers,
<><> detailed expense accounts,
<><> transportation expenses
<><> office expenses
<><> office equipment expenses
<><> office supplies,
<><> unusual stamp purchases (a classic govt corruption MO)
<><> housing allotments,
<><> clothing allotments,
<><> entertainment
<><> household help,
<><>reimbursements for varied ancillary interests.


ACTION-—TAXPAYERS DEMAND TO KNOW WHO IN THE AOC PERSONAL AND GOVT CIRCLE IS CASHING GOVT PAYCHECKS, WHO HAS APPLIED FOR GOVT PENSIONS, AND WHO SHE MIGHT HAVE PLACED ON THE GOVT PAYROLL.It’s an old trick politicians use-—hand-picking people and putting them on several govt payrolls. (Long after you think they’re gone, they’re still cashing in).These maneuvers leave a huge paper trail.

CALLPRES TRUMP 202-456-1414
email at Contact the White House | The White House @POTUS or @realDonaldTrump on Twitter!


An FEC complaint alleges AOC may have illegally funneled thousands of dollars through an allied PAC to her boyfriend. DC-based Coolidge Reagan Foundation allege in their complaint that when the Brand New Congress PAC (BNC) -- a political arm of Brand New Congress LLC, hired by Ocasio-Cortez, to run and support her campaign -- paid Riley Roberts for marketing services, it potentially ran afoul of campaign finance law. “It’s not illegal to pay her boyfriend, but it appears they created some sort of scheme to avoid claiming the money [as a campaign expense].” What exactly did he do for that money?”

FEC records show Brand New Congress PAC made two payments – in Aug 2017 and Sept 2017 – both for $3,000. The FEC complaint specifically cites the use of "intermediaries", "the vague and amorphous nature of the services Riley ostensibly provided," the relatively small amount of money raised by the campaign at that early stage and "their romantic relationship" in asserting the transactions might violate campaign finance law......campaign contributions “shall not be converted by any person to personal use” and that “an authorized committee must report the name and address of each person who has received any disbursement not disclosed.”

“[Riley Roberts] is a professional digital marketing and growth consultant who specializes in social media presence and subscriber engagement,” said BNC’s Zeynab Day; his hiring was based “on his experience managing successful advertising and social media campaigns.” “He was hired through a 2 month trial period August 3, 2017, through the end of Sept 2017.” Services consisted of advertising strategies for potential growth, developing metrics, and aiding in execution of strategy to increase brand awareness for the PAC.” Wednesday's complaint comes after a blog post on Medium by political consultant Luke Thompson, who first flagged the payments to Roberts.

(Excerpt) Read more at foxnews.com ...




I knew that the middle east terrorist looking douche who is allegedly Donkey Face's boyfriend illegally received a government email account. Maybe Donkey Face was told to hire the terrorist looking douche to circumvent that controversy.

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