A Message To Pres. Obama From A Former Muslim

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
This is a message to President Obama from a former Muslim. It is getting alot of attention with many viewers and so far the response from Americans has been very positive!
Published on Sep 2, 2014 He has so far received 406,802 views and it looks as if it has gone viral.
Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about ISIL and Islam; he explains to him how ISIL is imitating the prophet Muhammad in every detail they do. ISIL represents Islam

Listen to his message and share your thoughts. Will President Obama see this message? Will he respond? What do you think?

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GREAT video!
Great load of BS.

You have absolutely no right to say ANYTHING in criticism of this courageous former Muslim.

In 8 short minutes he has revealed the truth about Islam and ISIS.

Yet, in more than 8 months you haven't revealed shit to help save the free world from the demon Jihadists.

You conceal the truth about Islam, you take advantage of our freedom of expression to spread and facilitate the slime of Islam which has targeted the USA for conquest from within.

Bottom line: You are an enemy agent. Fuck you, Bitch.
I didn't hear anything I could disagree with in the video. Question, will Muslims begin to kill other Muslims who don't join the fight? Isn't it happening already?
I could find no fault with the video either, Saveliberty. He is a most excellent witness of what is really happening in those Mosque prayer meetings and many millions of people will watch his video I do believe. I also believe that President Obama will watch his video because he will want to address it, I believe President Obama knows full well that ISIL is a replica of Mohammad's actions / teachings of Islam and what he taught his followers to do.

It is quite clear that this wonderful brother has laid down his life for the love of God and his fellow man and to let others know that Islam is a false religion, that they pray for our deaths in the mosques. This is what Christians are required to do - to speak the truth - although many who are too cowardly to do it will call those who are willing to do it - Christian bible thumpers / - fundies, haters, hammering people, not acting like "peaceful, loving" Christians who only talk about how Jesus loves all of us. I sometimes think they have this picture of Jesus laying on a blanket smoking a joint on a Saturday afternoon with hippie beads around his neck and a John Lennon song playing on his boom box. Wrong Jesus, folks. That is the new age Jesus that will take you straight to hell.

Getting back to Brother Rachid we can trust his testimony in that from the time he was raised a Muslim - as a babe-he was raised to hate all Jews and Christians and to hate the United States of America and Israel and to pray for the destruction of both our nation and the nation of Israel.

That his father was an Imam, a religious leader of Islam, a leader of a Mosque, he knew exactly what was going on inside those prayer meetings and the prayer meetings of mosques around the world.

Indeed he does know that ISIL is the exact replica of Islam and imitates Mohammad down to the finest detail and he is exposing Islam even as the former Druid witch who sat on the council of 13 - John Todd - did by exposing the Illuminati family he was born into.

Both John Todd a brother in Christ who was murdered for his testimony of exposing the evil within the USA and Europe and this courageous born again Christian and brother in Christ, Brother Rachid, have done the world a great favor by speaking the truth to us about what Satan's plans are for this world.

In the case of John Todd - the plans of the Satanists and Witches seated in high places of govt. throughout the world and in the case of Brother Rachid - the plans of ISIL - who are Muslims - in the tens of thousands - all members of Mosques - all followers of Mohammad and the Koran coming from at least 10 different nations around the world thus far and determined for our destruction.

Americans must wake up.

They must realize that the reason some Muslims ( and those who defend them ) do not want us to know the truth about Islam and its plans against us is because the less we know the easier it is for them to overtake us. The Muslims do not want us to know the truth. Our universities and colleges have been fed a pseudo - Islam that does not exist. There is no such thing as moderate Islam. There is only one Islam and it is the Islam ISIL is following which is an exact replica to the finest detail of what Mohammad followed and taught his followers. This is reality. It is time to face reality. The Saudi's financed the Islamic Learning Centers throughout America's Universities - they paid for them - they built them - they provided the professors to teach in those Islamic centers and not only that but also paid their salary to teach history, math, other subjects so they could indoctrinate the students quite thoroughly. They did the same thing in Europe. Check out Oxford University. They wanted the land owned by Oxford University sold to them for an Islamic Learning Center to be built. Initially Oxford University refused. Then the Muslims invited Prince Charles as an honorary member of their Muslims Gentlemen's Club. Next thing that happens is Oxford University sells the land to the Muslims and they build the Islamic Learning Center at Oxford University. Mission accomplished. One more University to indoctrinate with their brand of "pseudo - Islam". This has happened around the world. Do not be shocked. Do your own research.

It has been a quite insidious plan and now we have Brother Rachid even having to educate our very own President who lived his early years in Indonesia, studied Islam yet we are to believe he does not know it when he sees it? ( ISIL is exact replica of Islam as taught By Mohammad and the Koran ) I find it hard to believe. We shall see what his response is but for now I am not at all convinced this President is telling us the truth. Thank God Brother Rachid will.

There is only one thing that will destroy the plans of the enemy against your life, your city, your nation and that is to give yourself to the Lord as Brother Rachid and John Todd did and do not fear what man can do - instead speak out and encourage others to do the same, pray for yourselves, your families, your city, your nation, become very vigilant to pray and pray for your enemies - make sure you are living a life as the LORD has commanded us to live and are protected therein - come against these powers of darkness with prayer - the Satan John Todd used to serve is the same Satan that Bro Rachid used to serve ( before coming to Christ ) because the god of Islam is none other than the very same Satan the Satanists work for - you will often find the two in friendship one to another even defending one another - that is until the day neither benefits the other and then it is only a matter of who kills who first.

What a miserable existence! What a terrible way to go!

These people have no future - ISIL - the followers of Mohammad who worship baal allah have no more hope of heaven - than those who serve other Baal gods, goddesses, Lucifer, the force, whatever name you choose to call him. Oh the irony that the Word of God has made it clear the when heaven was opened paradise was emptied! Paradise- It has been made part of hell - hell hath enlarged her mouth and yet in video message after video message you hear these muslim terrorists claiming they shall go to paradise!

Paradise is located in hell! They are speaking the truth! That is precisely where they are all headed! God have mercy! Over a billion people marching towards hell as if it were heaven and all this in Lucifers name while they worship and serve him as a god named Allah! Could it be any more pitiful? These people need our prayers! Truly they need our prayers! That is the greatest need of this hour is more prayer!

I thank God for Brother Rachid's salvation but truly there are over a billion more Muslims that need salvation and deliverance out of Islam! We must get serious about this matter, inform other, alert others and pray as we never have before.

Americans need to seize this hour to prepare themselves for the days ahead because we are truly facing perilous times. Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam has plans to destroy America ( they call us the great Satan or the big Satan ) and Israel ( who they call the little Satan)

It is time for America to repent and call upon the LORD to save us. That is what time it is. I could care less whether we are on a current events forum or a religion forum this is the honest truth. Only the LORD can protect us in the days ahead.
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The Son of Hamas is also giving a similar testimony.

I just randomly selected this vid from all of those he has on YouTube.

If it isn't exactly on target and in sync with my narrative, go to YouTube and find one which matches better.
This is a message to President Obama from a former Muslim. It is getting alot of attention with many viewers and so far the response from Americans has been very positive!
Published on Sep 2, 2014 He has so far received 406,802 views and it looks as if it has gone viral.
Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about ISIL and Islam; he explains to him how ISIL is imitating the prophet Muhammad in every detail they do. ISIL represents Islam

Listen to his message and share your thoughts. Will President Obama see this message? Will he respond? What do you think?

Sounds exactly like Christianity. I better turn my Muslim neighbor in before he beheads me. Something he said really struck home with me when talking about Christians in the Middle East. How are they still there if Islams mission is to wipe them out as infidels?
This is a message to President Obama from a former Muslim. It is getting alot of attention with many viewers and so far the response from Americans has been very positive!
Published on Sep 2, 2014 He has so far received 406,802 views and it looks as if it has gone viral.
Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about ISIL and Islam; he explains to him how ISIL is imitating the prophet Muhammad in every detail they do. ISIL represents Islam

Listen to his message and share your thoughts. Will President Obama see this message? Will he respond? What do you think?

Sounds exactly like Christianity. I better turn my Muslim neighbor in before he beheads me. Something he said really struck home with me when talking about Christians in the Middle East. How are they still there if Islams mission is to wipe them out as infidels?

The Offer made to non-muslims is usually, the offer to convert to Islam and become a Muslim.

Surrender and submit to Islamic dominance and pay a Jizya tax for the pleasure of living in an Islamic land and being under Islamic protection.

If either of those choices are not taken the person is killed.

They aren't ALL just automatically killed.
This is a message to President Obama from a former Muslim. It is getting alot of attention with many viewers and so far the response from Americans has been very positive!
Published on Sep 2, 2014 He has so far received 406,802 views and it looks as if it has gone viral.
Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about ISIL and Islam; he explains to him how ISIL is imitating the prophet Muhammad in every detail they do. ISIL represents Islam

Listen to his message and share your thoughts. Will President Obama see this message? Will he respond? What do you think?

Sounds exactly like Christianity. I better turn my Muslim neighbor in before he beheads me. Something he said really struck home with me when talking about Christians in the Middle East. How are they still there if Islams mission is to wipe them out as infidels?

The Offer made to non-muslims is usually, the offer to convert to Islam and become a Muslim.

Surrender and submit to Islamic dominance and pay a Jizya tax for the pleasure of living in an Islamic land and being under Islamic protection.

If either of those choices are not taken the person is killed.

They aren't ALL just automatically killed.

Thats what the guy in the video just implied. Why did he leave out that fact? Wouldn't that be something important to know? Was he playing politics?
This is a message to President Obama from a former Muslim. It is getting alot of attention with many viewers and so far the response from Americans has been very positive!
Published on Sep 2, 2014 He has so far received 406,802 views and it looks as if it has gone viral.
Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about ISIL and Islam; he explains to him how ISIL is imitating the prophet Muhammad in every detail they do. ISIL represents Islam

Listen to his message and share your thoughts. Will President Obama see this message? Will he respond? What do you think?

Sounds exactly like Christianity. I better turn my Muslim neighbor in before he beheads me. Something he said really struck home with me when talking about Christians in the Middle East. How are they still there if Islams mission is to wipe them out as infidels?
Exactly. Exactly! I lived and worked in the ME and another Islamic country for a total of 7 years. No one ever threatened me, quite the contrary. People are pleasant, helpful, welcoming and friendly. If they want to wipe out all the 'infidels' why do they have millions of them living amongst them without doing any harm to them?
This is a message to President Obama from a former Muslim. It is getting alot of attention with many viewers and so far the response from Americans has been very positive!
Published on Sep 2, 2014 He has so far received 406,802 views and it looks as if it has gone viral.
Brother Rachid addresses President Obama about ISIL and Islam; he explains to him how ISIL is imitating the prophet Muhammad in every detail they do. ISIL represents Islam

Listen to his message and share your thoughts. Will President Obama see this message? Will he respond? What do you think?

Sounds exactly like Christianity. I better turn my Muslim neighbor in before he beheads me. Something he said really struck home with me when talking about Christians in the Middle East. How are they still there if Islams mission is to wipe them out as infidels?

The Offer made to non-muslims is usually, the offer to convert to Islam and become a Muslim.

Surrender and submit to Islamic dominance and pay a Jizya tax for the pleasure of living in an Islamic land and being under Islamic protection.

If either of those choices are not taken the person is killed.

They aren't ALL just automatically killed.
What a load of crap.
GREAT video!
Great load of BS.

It is the truth although I suspect you and others like you already know this, Esmeralda. The truth is going forth and these type methods of derailing the truth won't work any longer.

Americans want to know the truth. They can handle the truth. The truth is what causes people to wake up, to prepare themselves, to get into alignment with what is right. If you choose to reject the truth - it is your right - but do not attempt to rob others of it. They have a right to know and some of us shall make sure they do know. It is the right of the American people to know this. Be grateful for freedom of speech, Esmeralda. That is the American way.
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GREAT video!
Great load of BS.

It is the truth although I suspect you and others like you already know this, Esmeralda. The truth is going forth and these type methods of derailing the truth won't work any longer.

Americans want to know the truth. The can handle the truth. The truth is what causes people to wake up, to prepare themselves, to get into alignment with what is right. If you choose to reject the truth - it is your right - but do not attempt to rob others of it. They have a right to know and some of us shall make sure they do know. It is the right of the American people to know this. Be grateful for freedom of speech, Esmeralda. That is the American way.
The truth is that I have lived the truth. I know what the Muslim world is like because I have lived in it, working side by side with Muslims day in and day out, having them as neighbors, friends, and colleagues. You people are sick and crazy as well.
The Son of Hamas is also giving a similar testimony.

I just randomly selected this vid from all of those he has on YouTube.

If it isn't exactly on target and in sync with my narrative, go to YouTube and find one which matches better.

All he is saying is that Hamas is an extremist, terrorist organization. Duh. As if that isn't already known world wide.
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Let this be a lesson to the fear mongers.
GREAT video!
Great load of BS.

You have absolutely no right to say ANYTHING in criticism of this courageous former Muslim.

In 8 short minutes he has revealed the truth about Islam and ISIS.

Yet, in more than 8 months you haven't revealed shit to help save the free world from the demon Jihadists.

You conceal the truth about Islam, you take advantage of our freedom of expression to spread and facilitate the slime of Islam which has targeted the USA for conquest from within.

Bottom line: You are an enemy agent. Fuck you, Bitch.
:cuckoo: x 10

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