A majority of Dimocrats favor socialism over capitalism


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
This is from a couple months ago, and I somehow missed it. But holy shit !! Did you ever believe you would wake up in America where the majority of members of one of the two major parties, actually favors something that was never intended to be the foundation of America ?!!!

I've posted this many times here on this forum, but wow, even I didn't realize how far this mother fucking party has fallen.

Yesterday's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "Ask, what you can do for your country!"

Today's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "DEMAND IT !!!!!"

Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism

Democrats have a more favorable view of socialism than capitalism, according to a poll released by Gallup on Monday.

Of the Democrats who responded to the questionnaire, 57 percent view socialism positively while 47 percent view capitalism positively.


Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism
You know what this might be the problem..

We hate socialism with a passion and dudes are willing to kill a bunch of people and themselves because of it.

Look at nam' look at Korea..

In America we have central economic planning by a central bank. We have economic interventionism.

We're already socialist. Our economic system is so far removed from free-market capitalism that it's laughable to call it that.

And there's not a nickel's worth of difference between a Democrat or a Republican in that regard. They're all trustees in the same failed monetary policy. They're all complicit to central economic planning by a central bank. They're all in favor of a controlled economy.

The only ones worth a darn are Thomas Massie, Rand Paul, and Justin Amash.
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This is from a couple months ago, and I somehow missed it. But holy shit !! Did you ever believe you would wake up in America where the majority of members of one of the two major parties, actually favors something that was never intended to be the foundation of America ?!!!

I've posted this many times here on this forum, but wow, even I didn't realize how far this mother fucking party has fallen.

Yesterday's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "Ask, what you can do for your country!"

Today's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "DEMAND IT !!!!!"

Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism

Democrats have a more favorable view of socialism than capitalism, according to a poll released by Gallup on Monday.

Of the Democrats who responded to the questionnaire, 57 percent view socialism positively while 47 percent view capitalism positively.


Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism
No Shit. Why do you think that Freedom Loving Patriots have been buying up weapons? We the People aren't going to end up like this, when Socialism takes control.


This is from a couple months ago, and I somehow missed it. But holy shit !! Did you ever believe you would wake up in America where the majority of members of one of the two major parties, actually favors something that was never intended to be the foundation of America ?!!!

I've posted this many times here on this forum, but wow, even I didn't realize how far this mother fucking party has fallen.

Yesterday's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "Ask, what you can do for your country!"

Today's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "DEMAND IT !!!!!"

Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism

Democrats have a more favorable view of socialism than capitalism, according to a poll released by Gallup on Monday.

Of the Democrats who responded to the questionnaire, 57 percent view socialism positively while 47 percent view capitalism positively.


Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism
No Shit. Why do you think that Freedom Loving Patriots have been buying up weapons? We the People aren't going to end up like this, when Socialism takes control.


It won't end well for those with firearms either. I will slither around and knife you in the dark while you think sleep.
This is from a couple months ago, and I somehow missed it. But holy shit !! Did you ever believe you would wake up in America where the majority of members of one of the two major parties, actually favors something that was never intended to be the foundation of America ?!!!

I've posted this many times here on this forum, but wow, even I didn't realize how far this mother fucking party has fallen.

Yesterday's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "Ask, what you can do for your country!"

Today's Dims: "Ask not, what your country can do for you ! "DEMAND IT !!!!!"

Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism

Democrats have a more favorable view of socialism than capitalism, according to a poll released by Gallup on Monday.

Of the Democrats who responded to the questionnaire, 57 percent view socialism positively while 47 percent view capitalism positively.


Poll: Democrats prefer socialism to capitalism
No Shit. Why do you think that Freedom Loving Patriots have been buying up weapons? We the People aren't going to end up like this, when Socialism takes control.


It won't end well for those with firearms either. I will slither around and knife you in the dark while you think sleep.
Figures such a pansy ass like you would not face me, man to man, but slither like the fucking snake , liberals really are. Oh, well, one day, maybe I could be so lucky, to have a chance meeting of a snake in the grass....


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