A hefty dose of "irony," anyone???

I have a definition of the word. What do you imagine it means?

Except of course to compile a memo regarding the collection of evidence in said investigation in an attempt to damage the credibility of said investigation.

Not good enough, words can mean different things in different situations.

You just go 'fuh fuh fuh, recusal, fuh fuh fuh" and assume it means he just blinks out of existence. The truth is he only recused himself from an active role in the investigation.

No, recusal has only one meaning and creating a memo regarding how evidence was gathered in the investigation is taking an active role in the investigation.

No, it isn't. its merely interpreting the results of the investigation.

By creating new evidence in an investigation in which he is recused.

  1. challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

Neither imply that the recused can jump back in where they wish.

What new evidence? Again you don't even have the freaking memo, you are basing your opinions on "sources"

As an Engineer I hold things to higher standards. Actual documents, actual test results, actual observable events.

Every engineer I know would want every stone unturned and go over every document with a fine tooth comb and analyze it very carefully before throwing anything out there. Questions upon questions.
No, it isn't. But keep stretching definitions to suit your own interest, you cheap, dime store hack.

Ponder this..............Sessions recused himself.......and if tomorrow, Sessions decides to FIRE Mueller.....following your fucked up logic. you';d be OK with that little situation?

Considering the nothingness that has come out of Muller's investigation, i would not have an issue with it.

Again, it's congress' role to monitor the Executive branch.

Took them 2 years to fully investigate Nixon and it hasn't even been a year.

In the 70's. It should be quicker now with the greater access to information via digitization.
As opposed to the 10k Obama bashing threads archived in the politics forum.
I think some mods may need to recuse themselves from the politics forum.

Well, my friend, we WELL know how "impartial" this forum is, don't we?.......I've been sent to the corner (banned) quite a few times for my views.

Mods should realize that without the few of us on the left, this forum would just become an echo chamber for Trump cultists.

So true. It's gotten worse since Trump came along. I notice that the threads with good points tend to get moved. Keep it up.
Not good enough, words can mean different things in different situations.

You just go 'fuh fuh fuh, recusal, fuh fuh fuh" and assume it means he just blinks out of existence. The truth is he only recused himself from an active role in the investigation.

No, recusal has only one meaning and creating a memo regarding how evidence was gathered in the investigation is taking an active role in the investigation.

No, it isn't. its merely interpreting the results of the investigation.

By creating new evidence in an investigation in which he is recused.

  1. challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

Neither imply that the recused can jump back in where they wish.

What new evidence? Again you don't even have the freaking memo, you are basing your opinions on "sources"

As an Engineer I hold things to higher standards. Actual documents, actual test results, actual observable events.

Every engineer I know would want every stone unturned and go over every document with a fine tooth comb and analyze it very carefully before throwing anything out there. Questions upon questions.

So i guess all the Engineer's you know never had to work under a budget, either time or money.
Took them 2 years to fully investigate Nixon and it hasn't even been a year.

Mueller was appointed last May.....approximately 8.5 months ago, and his investigation has yielded TWO guilty pleas and TWO serious indictments that will most likely result in guilty verdicts.....

In the next few months, several others in Trump's cadre are going to be in serious trouble....starting with "pretty boy" Kushner.
Because the results of the investigation still go back to the committee, and he's still on it.

Nunes is opting for a Trump cabinet post....His chances for reelection this Nov. are dim.
By creating new evidence in an investigation in which he is recused.

  1. challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

Neither imply that the recused can jump back in where they wish.

What new evidence? Again you don't even have the freaking memo, you are basing your opinions on "sources"

As an Engineer I hold things to higher standards. Actual documents, actual test results, actual observable events.

Yep, Nunes has shown his impartiality time and again. :laugh2:

Since progressives have decided to weaponize government and the press, your calls for impartiality are total bullshit.

Relying solely on 'sources' I see.

Different situation. That is my opinion. The document we are waiting for is a source, and for all the talk you have done about it the one and only fact is that you DO NOT KNOW what is actually in it.

Recusal means he has nothing at all to do with it. The most he should do is sign off on anything needing his signature as committee chair.

Wrong. He can still read the results of the investigation, and nothing prevents him from commenting on it.

He didn't simply "comment" on it.

Again, considering it hasn't been released yet, how does a nobody like you know?

The President said he does want to release the memo but not until after his speech, which means maybe tonight or tomorrow or the next day or since he said he's eager to get it released he may just be bsing.

There is also a statutory wait period I believe before it can be released.

Nope, but there is a statutory days he has to release it and that would be five from when he received it last night. But come on Trump don't give a shit about rules he'll do it anytime.

Came back to edit may be wrong McCarthy is trying to explain it right now and stumbling a bit.
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No, recusal has only one meaning and creating a memo regarding how evidence was gathered in the investigation is taking an active role in the investigation.

No, it isn't. its merely interpreting the results of the investigation.

By creating new evidence in an investigation in which he is recused.

  1. challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

Neither imply that the recused can jump back in where they wish.

What new evidence? Again you don't even have the freaking memo, you are basing your opinions on "sources"

As an Engineer I hold things to higher standards. Actual documents, actual test results, actual observable events.

Every engineer I know would want every stone unturned and go over every document with a fine tooth comb and analyze it very carefully before throwing anything out there. Questions upon questions.

So i guess all the Engineer's you know never had to work under a budget, either time or money.

All the ones I know own their own company and leave no stone unturned and it drives me crazy. Pick everything apart. I guess that's why they're engineers and I'm not.
You're having a fabulously fact-free morning. It is ten pages long with meticulous point by point debunking. It has been made available to Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee but nobody bothered to read it before they said "NO FAIR!"

You cannot read what doesn't exist nit-wit ... :dunno:

The committee voted not to release a memo that does not exist? :cuckoo:

You believe there is a memo that no one has read or reviewed because your masters told you there was (even though they haven't read it) ... :puhleeze:
Feel free to provide a link to anyone who has read it and states the memo actually exists ... Or accept you have fallen for another ruse.

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No, it isn't. its merely interpreting the results of the investigation.

By creating new evidence in an investigation in which he is recused.

  1. challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

Neither imply that the recused can jump back in where they wish.

What new evidence? Again you don't even have the freaking memo, you are basing your opinions on "sources"

As an Engineer I hold things to higher standards. Actual documents, actual test results, actual observable events.

Every engineer I know would want every stone unturned and go over every document with a fine tooth comb and analyze it very carefully before throwing anything out there. Questions upon questions.

So i guess all the Engineer's you know never had to work under a budget, either time or money.

All the ones I know own their own company and leave no stone unturned and it drives me crazy. Pick everything apart. I guess that's why they're engineers and I'm not.

that's OCD "and" Engineering, not just Engineering.
By creating new evidence in an investigation in which he is recused.

  1. challenge (a judge, prosecutor, or juror) as unqualified to perform legal duties because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

of a judge) excuse oneself from a case because of a possible conflict of interest or lack of impartiality.

Neither imply that the recused can jump back in where they wish.

What new evidence? Again you don't even have the freaking memo, you are basing your opinions on "sources"

As an Engineer I hold things to higher standards. Actual documents, actual test results, actual observable events.

Every engineer I know would want every stone unturned and go over every document with a fine tooth comb and analyze it very carefully before throwing anything out there. Questions upon questions.

So i guess all the Engineer's you know never had to work under a budget, either time or money.

All the ones I know own their own company and leave no stone unturned and it drives me crazy. Pick everything apart. I guess that's why they're engineers and I'm not.

that's OCD "and" Engineering, not just Engineering.

Yea, that's what I told one a few years back when selling him life insurance and he kept asking question after question, I said my God just don't lie on the application or commit suicide in the first two years and pass that damn physical then sometime you will die and your beneficiary will collect the fact amount, don't get so technical.
The FBI and the DOJ work for the President. Congress via committee said to release the memo. If the President wants to release it, that is his right.

Considering the issue is entrenched partisan hacks inside both the DOJ and the FBI their protests ring hollow.

Fantastic !!! Let the GOP continue with its suicidal pact for the sake of the Trump Cult...

This may have worked last summer, but too many people know the facts now...it will backfire on the republicans.. already has actually..


The facts aren't in mueller, clinton, and O's favor. Mueller is very afraid.
I doubt anything written by Republicans to divert attention away from Muellers investigation is credible.

Muellers ties to the previous admin and their collusion with the russians makes his investigation not credible.
Muellers ties to the previous admin and their collusion with the russians makes his investigation not credible.

Morons like you forget how republicans WELCOMED the appointment of a republican Mueller.....that is, until what Mueller is findings bit you in your sorry, fat asses......

GOP Senator and Representative quotes supporting SC ...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY):
“I have a lot of confidence in Bob Mueller. I think it was a good choice.”The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI):
“I think the best thing to do is to let Robert Mueller do his job. I think the best vindication for the president is to let this investigation go on independent and thoroughly. …That to me is the smartest thing to do, the best thing to do, hopefully it will happen.” The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)
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The FBI and the DOJ work for the President. Congress via committee said to release the memo. If the President wants to release it, that is his right.

Considering the issue is entrenched partisan hacks inside both the DOJ and the FBI their protests ring hollow.

Fantastic !!! Let the GOP continue with its suicidal pact for the sake of the Trump Cult...

This may have worked last summer, but too many people know the facts now...it will backfire on the republicans.. already has actually..


The facts aren't in mueller, clinton, and O's favor. Mueller is very afraid.
I doubt anything written by Republicans to divert attention away from Muellers investigation is credible.

Muellers ties to the previous admin and their collusion with the russians makes his investigation not credible.
See post #215.
See post #215.

...and THAT was just one citation....there a dozens and dozens other citations of right wing republicans PRAISING Mueller's appointment.

Bear in mind that this is the FIRST time that an appointed special counsel is of the SAME party as those being investigated; previously it was always the opposition party.

Imagine the screaming by Trump cultists IF Mueller was a democrat appointed by a democrat-led DOJ????
Morons like you forget how republicans WELCOMED the appointment of a republican Mueller.....that is, until what Mueller is findings bit you in your sorry, fat asses......

GOP Senator and Representative quotes supporting SC ...

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY):
“I have a lot of confidence in Bob Mueller. I think it was a good choice.”The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI):
“I think the best thing to do is to let Robert Mueller do his job. I think the best vindication for the president is to let this investigation go on independent and thoroughly. …That to me is the smartest thing to do, the best thing to do, hopefully it will happen.” The Hill: GOP Leaders Are Unified: Firing Mueller A Bad Idea (6/13/17)

Speaker Ryan and Senator McConnell are turds doing the business of the establishment.

They don't like President Trump any more than Representative Pelosi or Senator Schumer do ... :spank:
There is still no need to fire Special Counsel Muller ... He hasn't found anything in regards to Russian Collusion anyway.
He won't either ... Unless he starts looking at the Democrats ... And even that is weak.

What new evidence? Again you don't even have the freaking memo, you are basing your opinions on "sources"

As an Engineer I hold things to higher standards. Actual documents, actual test results, actual observable events.

Every engineer I know would want every stone unturned and go over every document with a fine tooth comb and analyze it very carefully before throwing anything out there. Questions upon questions.

So i guess all the Engineer's you know never had to work under a budget, either time or money.

All the ones I know own their own company and leave no stone unturned and it drives me crazy. Pick everything apart. I guess that's why they're engineers and I'm not.

that's OCD "and" Engineering, not just Engineering.

Yea, that's what I told one a few years back when selling him life insurance and he kept asking question after question, I said my God just don't lie on the application or commit suicide in the first two years and pass that damn physical then sometime you will die and your beneficiary will collect the fact amount, don't get so technical.

More normal people get into Engineering these days but you still have some of the old school guys. I'm not as bad as the worst, but I can be particular about certain things.

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