A glimpse of liberal race baiting


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The racial tensions are at an all-time high even though Obama could have done far more to ease them.

I do believe they want to make it appear that racism is far worse than it is.

A liberal college professor recently told lies just to support her narrative that racism is rampant, especially in the police force. I am glad she got caught in this lie. Had it not been for the dash cam, the liberal talking heads would have gotten mileage out of this and the professor would have had a topic of discussion since she teaches diversity and the negative impact of racial profiling. That's a laugh. She would be more adept at teaching students how to shape opinion with propaganda. I think the negative impact of lying about racial profiling is even more insidious. It gets cops killed because some think it's okay to shoot them because they are all racists. We have people like this woman to thank for the increase in violence. I'm sure Al Sharpton is proud.

She claimed publicly that she was pulled over and simply asked if she spoke English and was never told why she was pulled over. Of course, she said it was racial profiling. But cameras don't lie. The officer was professional and explained exactly why he pulled her over and never asked her if she spoke English. She lied about every single thing and I'm sure many believed her without question.

Luckily, she was arrested for making these false claims. The real problem here are those who deliberately incite people by claiming minorities are all targets. I guess these radical leftwing nuts don't want discussion or solutions. They want outrage and a nanny government to step in and micromanage every state.

She should be fired, but I am betting the college values liberal pukes like her.

Part of her big fat lie:

"I am a Professor in English at Capital Community College, I teach about diversity and the negative impact of racial profiling, I have now become a target of the same insidious behavior! It is easy to connect the dots with the nationwide racial profiling which has led to serious consequences."

Another example of the Lib narrative.

Fuck up, and you suddenly become a victim waiting for a check.
These liberals are racist, that's why they voted for Obama
These liberals are racist, that's why they voted for Obama

Nah......they vted for Obama because the nitwit for whom you cast votes in 2000 and 2004 tarnished the GOP brand for a decade...
October 13, 2015
Faking Race on the Left
By Derrick Wilburn

Sigmund Freud must be wishing he were alive in this day and age in order to get a crack at the ever-expanding list of new mental disorders being created by liberals in America.

Not only is the new trend of creating phobias exclusive liberal territory, (when’s the last time you heard a conservative come up with a “phobia” – such as homophobia, trans-phobia, Islamophobia – and use it to advance a cause or agenda), so is the trend of faking one’s ethnic heritage.

Last week’s removal of yet another pretend minority by New Hampshire’s Dartmouth College shines light on a phenomena of behavior exhibited almost exclusively by the political left in America -- instances of Caucasians pretending to be ethnic minorities. Its odd behavior to say the least, and behavior that is rarely if ever exhibited by anyone but liberals.

Last month Dartmouth, an Ivy League and therefore almost by definition an uber-liberal school, named Susan Taffe Reed as new Director of its “Native American Program.” In her new position Ms. Reed was to help students adjust to life at the school and serve as a liaison between the college and Native Americans. The school said her role as president of the Eastern Delaware Nations would be instrumental in helping guide Indian students.

There’s was just one problem. She’s a fake.

Last week Dartmouth removed Dr. Reed, who has a doctorate in musicology and American Indian Studies from Cornell University, from her post after tribal officials and alumni accused her of misrepresenting herself as an American Indian. Apparently to tribal elders and officials just studying American Indian culture in school isn’t enough to actually be an American Indian.

Reed’s appointment in September was almost immediately mired in controversy, as some Native Americans said Dartmouth didn’t sufficiently vet Ms. Reed’s association with the Eastern Delaware Nation, which concedes it isn’t an actual tribe. Several Indian activists groups who dug into Ms. Reed’s past said they couldn’t find documentation of her claims that she had Native American heritage.


Read more: http://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2015/10/faking_race_on_the_left.html#ixzz3oW1BYiJz
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