A Forbidden Love Story (A Harry Potter Fanfic)

Chapter Three: A New Leaf

The next morning at breakfast Annie started looking over her new schedule. She had potions class first followed by Transfiguration, Charms, and then Care Of Magical Creatures class. Hagrid had been teaching Care Of Magical Creatures ever since Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Draco were still in school and Hermione remembered one of her lessons very vividly.

That day at lunch Hermione barely had anything to eat and obviously Ron noticed this and Harry and Ginny too were concerned. "You alright?" Ron asked her while having his mouth stuffed with a hotdog. Ginny meanwhile just simply shook her head and rolled her eyes at his rudeness. Hermione remained silent, but just simply shot a glance over at Draco at the Slytherin table.

"Why do you keep looking over at Draco?" Ginny began. "Do you fancy him or something?"

Obviously Hermione wanted to say no, but she couldn't find her voice to do it and Harry, Ron, and Ginny realized that she had started blushing and Ginny's eyes widened in shock and disbelief.

"Oh my gosh you do!!" She exclaimed.

"Alright so maybe I do but please keep your voice down!" Hermione snapped at her in a whisper. "He told me earlier on that he's liked me all along it's just forbidden for him to feel that way about me and I'm guessing it's his father who forbids it." She explained as the bell rang and Hermione got up. "Hold on, I need to go talk to him to find out more." She told them and then walked over towards the center of the room where Draco was.

"Draco, I need to talk to you." She told him.

"Alright, but not here." Draco whispered in response as he took her hand and led her into the corner.


"What all has your father done to you?" She asked him.

"I don't want to talk about it." He told her before turning his head away from her.

"Please tell me." She began. "Does he hurt you?" She asked him but he remained silent for a few moments before taking a deep breath and turning to gaze back into her eyes.

"Please forgive me for everything." He pleaded.

"Everything? Even all the wrongdoing that you've done against Harry and Ron?" She wondered as Draco rolled his eyes.

"Well Weasley is just a mockery of purebloods,.. Potter though, the only reason why I ever started bullying him is because I was jealous that he was hanging out with you." He confessed before taking her by the hand and Hermione couldn't believe how soft his skin was.

"So what's wrong with Ron?" She asked him.

"His family are way too obsessed with muggles." He replied as she dropped his hand and glared at him.

"I come from a family of muggles." She pointed out. "Look, I honestly can't blame you for despising muggles and muggleborns because that's what you've been taught to all your life. Or rather brainwashed to.

"You're right." Draco admitted. "I'm sorry Granger." He began. "I mean Hermione. Can't we just start over?" He asked her.

"Possibly," she began. "but only on the condition that you at least try and get along with Harry and Ron." She told him as Draco made a face.

"Do I have to?" He wondered.

"Do you want to go out with me?" She asked him catching him totally off guard.

"Go out with you? You mean like on a date or me being your boyfriend?" He asked her.

"Both." She responded.

"Well I'd love to underneath the condition that nobody else finds out." He told her as she smiled at him warmly.

"It's a deal." She told him as he smiled back at her and they walked to Care Of Magical Creatures together.

"What's the deal here, I don't see anything." Draco whispered into her ear when nobody else was watching.

"Me neither." She whispered back, but Harry had in fact seen something and was looking directly at it. "What is it Harry?" She asked him.

"Well, it looks like a black horse skeleton." He began before turning his head to look back at her. "And what are you doing with Malfoy?" He asked her.

"Ah yes, well I decided to give Draco another chance." She responded as Ron just simply looked at him as if lasers were going to target him and destroy him.

"Good afternoon class." Hagrid began. "These are thestrals and they can only be seen by people who have seen and understand death." He explained.


Now it was all making sense to Hermione. "So that's why you're the only one who can see them." She began softly. "It's because of Cedric Diggory." She said as Harry looked down a little bit.

"Yeah." He responded while Draco slowly glanced up at him.

"I reckon that was really hard for you. Sorry Potter." He told him.

"Thanks." Harry said quietly as he currently had way too much on his mind that he didn't have time to be shocked about the fact that Draco Malfoy was actually being nice to him for once.

End Of Flashback

(I also decided to start adding pictures to make my story come to life better. :) )
Well currently trying to think of a way to do chapter four since that'll be the chapter that Hermione encourages DJ to ask Annie out on a date and thinks about her first date with Malfoy, but I just need a way for all of it to flow together. Hmm... 🤔
Oh I got an idea!!! Busy watching a movie right now but I can probably write the new chapter tomorrow since I'm not doing anything. 😁
Chapter Four: The First Date

Annie went down to the Hogwart's grounds with the rest of the Hufflepuffs. When she got there she saw Hagrid, Hermione, and a whole bunch of tiny fairies gliding around in circles. To Hermione they appeared to be dancing and she smiled as she thought about her first dance with Draco.

"I see that dreamy look on yer face." Hagrid began softly. "And I know that a big part of you is still in love with him, but he isn't coming back." He told her as Hermione nodded.

"I know you're right. My focus should stay on Ron and our children." She told him.

"Yeah, but for right now it should be on today's lesson." He told her and she nodded again.

"Alright, hello everyone." She began to the class. "Professor Hagrid has called me down here to help with today's lesson in explaining about fairies. Fairies shouldn't be confused with pixies and doxies even though they are from the same family.

As you can see just like humans they come in varieties of colors. Their wings are used for the majority of love potions but usually that's when the fairy is already deceased. Now there's actually no such thing as a male fairy,.." Hermione continued on but this is when Annie had stopped listening. For she had just been concentrating on the fact that fairy wings were used in love potions.

Love potion, that was it. She would use a love potion on DJ so they could be together. "Alright, well now I think that I've explained everything that I know about fairies Hagrid will go and pass you out a questionnaire sheet for it for homework." Hermione explained as Annie suddenly felt her heart drop. That's when Hermione took her aside.

"I see that look on your face. You weren't paying attention were you?" She asked her and Annie remained silent. "It's alright, you can be honest with me." She whispered.

"Not in the slightest." Annie began. "I'm sorry Professor, you sort of lost me when you were talking about love potions. As there's this boy I like, but he won't ever notice me because I'm a Hufflepuff and a muggleborn and he's a Slytherin." She explained while slightly hanging her head.

"Don't say that. Anything's possible. I used to date a Slytherin myself." Hermione told her. "And trust me when I tell you this, love potions aren't worth it. Just do what I did and he might possibly go out with you." She told her.

"Really? What's that?" Annie wondered.

"Isn't it obvious? Ask him!" Hermione exclaimed.

"But I'm a girl. Isn't he supposed to be the one to ask me out?" She wondered.

"No. Girls can do anything guys can do and if I hadn't given up the courage to ask Draco Myself then my daughter wouldn't have been born." Hermione explained.

"Rose?" Annie questioned with uncertainty. "I thought that she was Ron's daughter." She said.

"She is. It's a little bit too complicated to get into right now. Come on, let's go to the library. I'll help you on your homework and tell you about it." Hermione told her before she gently guided her away.


Draco Malfoy was busy doing his homework in the Slytherin common room when suddenly his eagle owl Diego flew up to the window and started tapping on it with his beak. He walked over to it and gently pushed it open.

"Hey boy, what do you got for me there?" He asked him as the owl landed on the table and lifted his beak and revealed an envelope underneath it. He looked curiously at it as his name was written in Hermione's handwriting. He quickly snatched it up and tore it open.


Since our relationship is supposed to be secretive I just thought I'd ask you by owl if you wanted to go out for a date tonight in Hogsmeade. There is something that I need to talk to you about anyways.


Draco smiled as he grabbed a piece of parchment and then sat down at the table with his quill in hand and started writing back to her.

Dear Hermione,

I would love to go out with you. I'll meet you out by the fat lady.

Love, Draco

He wrote and before he knew what he was doing he kissed the piece of parchment and folded it up and then placed it inside a new envelope and gave it back to Diego and then started to get ready. Later on he met Harry and Ron by the opening of the Gryffindor common room.

"Draco? What are you doing here?" Harry wondered while glancing back at him.

"Yeah, Gryffindors only so bugger off Malfoy!" Ron snapped as he quickly turned towards him but Harry pushed him aside.

"Ron knock it off! Leave him alone!" He snapped back at him as Draco looked shocked.

"You're off your rocker! Draco is our enemy!" Ron exclaimed.

"You mean he was our enemy." Harry began. "If he's willing to give us another chance then we should be willing to give him another chance and there's no reason for us to hate each other anymore." He told him but Ron still looked unconvinced and steamed and Harry still had to hold him back.

That's when Hermione came out of the portrait hole. "Hey Granger! Are you ready?" He questioned her with a grin.

"Ready for what?" Harry asked him.

"The dueling club. We decided to spar." He lied as they started walking away.

"Liar!" Hermione snapped inside a whisper.

"Well what was I supposed to say?" He questioned her back and they both walked to Hogsmeade together side by side.

"Sorry I'm not dressed properly." She told him.

"It's alright, I think that you look beautiful either way." He told her as he smiled at her and kissed her on the cheek.

"Regardless of the fact that I'm a mudblood?" She asked him.

"I should have never called you that. Blood doesn't mean shit to me." He told her and they headed towards The Three Broomsticks together.


End Of Flashback
"So what happened?" Annie asked as she sat across from Hermione at the library table.

"I uh, don't remember much actually. We just sat and talked and I told him that Harry and Ron wanted me to teach them defense against the dark arts secretly because we weren't learning how to defend ourselves from Professor Umbridge. This was right at the time Voldemort had come back." She explained.

"So, what did he say?" She wondered as Hermione turned her head off into the distance and started remembering the conversation.

"I think you should do it. You are the cleverest witch I know." Draco told her as he looked into her eyes.

"Yeah, but Harry's the bravest. I couldn't do it. I couldn't lead a group of students, I'm not confident enough." She told him while sadly glancing down at the ground but Draco just simply smiled at her and placed his hand upon her cheek continuing to gaze into her eyes.

"And that's where I come in." He told her and at that moment both of their lips finally met for the first time.

Chapter Five: Dumbledore's Army

End Of Flashback

After classes were over Annie walked down to the Qudditch pitch with Hermione by her side. Hermione still loved watching the Qudditch games. They were fun to watch and watching DJ as Slytherin's seeker reminded her of when Draco was still Slytherin's seeker.


Draco finished changing into his Slytherin Qudditch uniform. He was the only Slytherin boy left in the locker room and Hermione used this chance to sneak in and see him.

"Hermione," Draco began with frustration in the sound of his voice while he led her into a corner. "You really shouldn't be here." He told her but greeted her with a kiss on the lips nonetheless.

"I know, I'm sorry." She began before kissing him back. "But I just wanted to let you know that after the game we're meeting in the room of requirement for our new class." She told him.

"Excuse me darling, but did you just say we?" He asked her.

"Weren't you planning on joining us?" She asked him.

"No! I never said that! I said that I would help toughen you up and that was all! Our relationship is supposed to be a secret remember! It's going to be awfully tough to do that if I'm suddenly hanging out with your group!" He exclaimed before a few moments of silence passed between them.

"Draco, don't you want redemption?" She asked him.

"Yeah, but I don't want to have my ass whipped by my father if it gets out that I'm dating you." He told her and that's when suddenly Hermione's face went pale. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" He asked her.

"I spoke with Professor Dumbledore earlier this afternoon." She began.

"Oh Hermione, you didn't!" Draco cried out.

"I'm sorry Draco, I had a feeling that was something going on at your house, I just didn't know what exactly. We're scheduled to meet in his office tomorrow to see if you can possibly stay with me." She explained.

"Oh yeah I bet your parents will just love that. Two fifteen year olds sleeping in the same bedroom." He said sarcastically as she simply just grinned.

"Don't worry, we have a guest room and this will give you a chance to learn more about muggles and muggle culture. I can see if you can even stay with us for Christmas and Easter holiday." She suggested.

"Are you kidding? My father would have a fit." He began. "I'm sorry love, I have to go now." He finished inside a whisper and turned to kiss her on the cheek before walking away.

"Alright, but in order to keep our relationship a secret I need to cheer for Harry's team." She told him as Draco simply just shrugged.

"Fair enough." He responded before taking off on his broomstick.

To be continued... (Since I'm a little bit stuck at the moment lol)

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