A Deranged Love Story


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
What is it about 'psychiatric' love stories that stirs our 'claustrophobia fancy,' and why do we market bittersweet films such as Love Story and Love Affair?

Some of these stories are not only frustrating, but they are also...rather gray, which is why I'm fascinated by the appeal of the seemingly 'loveless' American comic book ghoul the Gray Goblin (Marvel Comics).

Is it a fact that the human intellect makes love...boring?



Alanon was a wandering warlock-prince from Armenia who was enslaved by the beautiful but wicked English sorceress Elana who was a sometime-practicing witch. Alanon had a secret --- he was afraid of water. Elana did not know this but would spray Alanon with water while he was sitting in his cell in her fortress alone. Alanon would pray to Jesus, "When will I be free from Elana?" Elana started developing a soft heart for Alanon, when she would spray water on him and notice that he never returned the insults with insults or rage. Alanon still believed, however, that Elana was his jailer --- and nothing more.

One day, Elana gave Alanon drawing and painting instruments and offered the jailed prince time to privately delight in artwork so he would not feel demoralized by his prisoner-status. Alanon took the instruments and thanked Elana (much to Elana's delight!) and started drawing portraits of beautiful women (he had picked up the skill of drawing and painting from his artistic mother when he was a child). Alanon said to himself, "It's odd that the mind can create spaces for pure freedom just by the force of imagination!" As Alanon drew/painted more and more portraits of beautiful women, he started feeling closer to Jesus.

Elana asked Alanon for samples of his work, and he gladly gave some to her. She noticed (with a secret sadness) that none of the pictures were of her. "I suppose you're too frightened to draw a portrait of me?" she asked the slowly mood-improving prince. Alanon took these words to heart and realized the sorceress (whom he suspected was an amateur dabbler in witchcraft and Occultism) was trying to reach out to him. "Elana is probably sensitized by my lack of crudeness or misbehaviours towards her, but now she knows she occupies no space in my heart...she's seen all my drawings/paintings...and none of them are of her!" Alanon decided to paint a picture of Elana as a mermaid swimming in a blue ocean.

The next day, when Elana asked Alanon if he drew/painted anything new, Alanon gave her his completed painting of her as a mermaid in the blue ocean, which he titled, "Elana the Mysterious." Elana was very delighted (though she cared not for mermaid mythology or fairy-tales). She told him she liked it very much and asked him straight why he never got mad when she sprayed water on him. Alanon turned to her and explained, "My faith in Jesus restrains me from any exhibition of dangerous rage, but I did feel forsaken sitting in your cell and being taunted with your daily water-spraying stunts!" Elana realized Alanon expressed some kind of dissatisfaction to her for the first time but was equally intrigued by his apparent 'faith in divinity.'

The next week, Elana decided to walk into Alanon's cell with a surprise. She made him a special rose-water washing sink and prepared some nice hot towels for him to clean up in his cell. Elana wanted to reach out to her 'pensive' prisoner! However, when she went to his cell, Alanon was gone! There was absolutely no sign of him and no evidence of any kind of tunnel-digging or cell-hole opening through which the prince could have escaped. "Where did he go?" she asked in bewilderment, and then she noticed a drawing with a note written under it, which explained everything:

"I was never here Elana. I was a pure creation of your imagination. Those pictures in your cell are ones you drew! Think about it. When you found me, I was wandering into your 'realm' alone and in an enigmatic hat and trench-coat, and you knew not why I was a warlock or a prince. You fabricated me out of pure loneliness, and I am in fact, a construction of your subconscious. What you need to do now is figure out how to untangle the cobwebs of your mind and the gloominess in your heart to assess exactly why a self-composed woman such as yourself (studious in personal investigations such as Occultism) would want to generate a fictional 'patient prince'! Consider this riddle --- If I were real (perhaps a ghost or a magician who really did find a way to escape from your 'undesirable clutches'), would you want me to be imaginary?"


Tristan and Iseult



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