A Delayed Debate Response: Socialists Go Wild!


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
A Delayed Debate Response: Socialists Go Wild!

No matter what happens in November, their nonsense will only get noisier.

A Delayed Debate Response: Socialists Go Wild! | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
26 Feb 2020 ~~ By Melissa Mackenzie
Finally, some pugilism! The candidates (save Bloomberg) have been at this long enough now that some real, heartfelt hatred has developed between the candidates. The masks came off in the Nevada debate.
The overall impression is of angry, snarling socialists trying to out-commie each other. Listening to their actual words and belief systems spilling out like bilge into the oceanic body politic is at once disgusting and enlightening. Finally, Americans are getting an earful of what Democrats believe. The worldview is paranoid and delusional, laced with toxic envy, irresponsibility, statism, and redistributionist fatalism. The world is terrible. The State will save you. Rich people are evil, and we must take their money. Life is hopeless, so murdering babies is actually what’s good for them.
Democrats like James Carville know this is a disaster for their party. But oh, well. This intersectional, socialist, ravening mob was nurtured in elementary school and finished in college. The really rich white kids who are woke and live in cities and are cloistered ideologically have never been challenged. These folks are why they took Hillary’s loss so badly. They couldn’t fathom someone holding a different worldview from their own.
This is the last election in which the generation that extols socialism and never experienced the horrors of communism won’t hold sway. In four more years, the Boomers will take a back seat. Will the Millennials moderate? Will the reality of a job, a home, taxes, and government regulation force an embrace of capitalism? They show no signs of doing so. That means the nominee will be Bernie, and while he’s unlikely to be elected in 2020, his rabid protégés will be waiting in the wings.
Americans have something to fear: the future itself.

The author makes a pretty good job of assessing the candidates and their performance in the debate, especially after last night's debate debacle.. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists lost the last presidential election precisely because they thought they couldn’t lose. They are repeating their mistakes and compounding them by their bogus impeachment and attacks on Trump for the last three years. They are in complete disarray. So much so that they are attempting to destroy each as the latest debate shows.
The American citizenry is not prepared for a dedicated Marxist like Sanders, a bumbling Biden and ultra rich carpet baggers like Bloomberg or Steyer.
IMHO, America has been in a political low level civil war since November 9, 2016. I believe that the re-election of Donald J. Trump will set off the PMS/DSA Democrat Left into violent action similar to 1861..
I already predicted there will be at least two attempts made against DJT between now and November.
When it becomes clear they have no chance of winning.

Right now they are still believing in those polls that say DJT is done, you know, the same ones that had Hillary in a landslide.

But you're right, I think what we have seen so far from them is only the tip of the iceberg. Attacks on conservatives will also increase across the board. Stay sharp.
A Delayed Debate Response: Socialists Go Wild!

No matter what happens in November, their nonsense will only get noisier.

A Delayed Debate Response: Socialists Go Wild! | The American Spectator | Politics Is Too Important To Be Taken Seriously.
26 Feb 2020 ~~ By Melissa Mackenzie
Finally, some pugilism! The candidates (save Bloomberg) have been at this long enough now that some real, heartfelt hatred has developed between the candidates. The masks came off in the Nevada debate.
The overall impression is of angry, snarling socialists trying to out-commie each other. Listening to their actual words and belief systems spilling out like bilge into the oceanic body politic is at once disgusting and enlightening. Finally, Americans are getting an earful of what Democrats believe. The worldview is paranoid and delusional, laced with toxic envy, irresponsibility, statism, and redistributionist fatalism. The world is terrible. The State will save you. Rich people are evil, and we must take their money. Life is hopeless, so murdering babies is actually what’s good for them.
Democrats like James Carville know this is a disaster for their party. But oh, well. This intersectional, socialist, ravening mob was nurtured in elementary school and finished in college. The really rich white kids who are woke and live in cities and are cloistered ideologically have never been challenged. These folks are why they took Hillary’s loss so badly. They couldn’t fathom someone holding a different worldview from their own.
This is the last election in which the generation that extols socialism and never experienced the horrors of communism won’t hold sway. In four more years, the Boomers will take a back seat. Will the Millennials moderate? Will the reality of a job, a home, taxes, and government regulation force an embrace of capitalism? They show no signs of doing so. That means the nominee will be Bernie, and while he’s unlikely to be elected in 2020, his rabid protégés will be waiting in the wings.
Americans have something to fear: the future itself.

The author makes a pretty good job of assessing the candidates and their performance in the debate, especially after last night's debate debacle.. The Progressive Marxist Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists lost the last presidential election precisely because they thought they couldn’t lose. They are repeating their mistakes and compounding them by their bogus impeachment and attacks on Trump for the last three years. They are in complete disarray. So much so that they are attempting to destroy each as the latest debate shows.
The American citizenry is not prepared for a dedicated Marxist like Sanders, a bumbling Biden and ultra rich carpet baggers like Bloomberg or Steyer.
IMHO, America has been in a political low level civil war since November 9, 2016. I believe that the re-election of Donald J. Trump will set off the PMS/DSA Democrat Left into violent action similar to 1861..

I believe that there are two ways of analyzing or looking at this situation. On one hand the radical democrat/postmodernist "woke" ideological leaders are and have been winning the cultural civil war raging inside of American borders since about 1920. How are they winning the cultural civil war? Just turn on your televison, watch a movie or take a look at your child's public school curriculum—or talk politics and culture with a college student. From legalized recreational abortion, to the proliferation of gay marriage, gay everything, transgender mutilation, public denial of human biological science, to the across the board assault on religion and ancient moral codes, the radical American Left has been seizing/conquering mile after mile of cultural ground and successfully forcing its sadistic ideology on the American People.

So the progress and situation report the of cultural civil war is a huge part of determining whether or not they'll be either an active coup or a second shooting civil war. Why? Because if the ideological core of the American Left—the true radical communist/postmodernist/woke faithful, their high priests essentially—believe that their ideology can still win the cultural civil war for the hearts and minds of a majority of Americans, even if it means losing politically (failing to secure the White House and/or the Senate) then there's a good chance "they" won't go for an actual shooting revolution, coup or assassination attempt.

To sum it all up, we patriotic, conservative, Christian Americans are losing the cultural civil war for now. While that's not a "good" thing, it might not be the "worst" state of affairs, temporarily. We need to let the psychotic ideologues of the extreme radical far left believe their freak show ideologies and philosophies will actually permanently take hold and become the new norm in our America, while at the same time focusing on keeping the White House and the Senate and retaking the congressional House. Once those victories have been achieved, only then can we focus on and take all necessary measures to eradicate the poison ideology the Left has been feeding American minds for decades.

Either that or the only other choice is drastic direct action which must be initiated by the White House using the regular military. We're so close to being there it's terrifying . . .

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