A Cop-Killer Advocate Goes Down in Flames in the Senate


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220
That's a shame...:eusa_clap:

A Cop-Killer Advocate Goes Down in Flames in the Senate

March 6, 2014 by Arnold Ahlert


In a major defeat for the Obama administration, the Senate voted 52 to 47 to block the confirmation of Debo Adegbile, President Obama’s nominee to head the Civil Rights Division of the U.S. Justice Department. Every Republican Senator opposed the effort, and they were joined by eight Democrats, including Sens. Bob Casey of Pennsylvania, Chris Coons of Delaware, Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, Mark Pryor of Arkansas, and John Walsh of Montana. Nevada’s Harry Reid joined his seven colleagues, but only to preserve his ability to reconsider the nomination late if necessary. Though the vote was close, the blocking of Adegbile’s nomination strikes a significant blow to the Obama administration’s attempt to further radicalize the already out-of-control Department of Justice.

Under Adegbile’s leadership and supervision, the NAACP’s Legal Defense Fund (LDF) undertook an unconscionable effort to politicize the murder of Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner. Faulkner was murdered on December 9, 1981 by Wesley Cook, a former Black Panther more familiarly known as “Mumia Abu-Jamal.” Abu-Jamal was also a supporter of “MOVE” a racist-anarchist group that encouraged violence against police officers. When Faulkner tried to arrest Abu-Jamal’s brother during a traffic stop, Abu-Jamal ran across the street and shot Faulkner in the back. Faulker turned and fired one shot, hitting Abu-Jamal in the chest before falling to the ground. Abu-Jamal then proceeded to shoot Faulkner four more times at close range, including once directly in the face. The murderer was still at the scene when officers arrived seconds later. The murder weapon, a .38 caliber revolver that records showed Abu-Jamal had purchased months earlier, was found at the scene.


A Cop-Killer Advocate Goes Down in Flames in the Senate | FrontPage Magazine
Funny the right didn't have any problem, whatsoever, with Justice John Roberts.

SHELTON: I think he is in very good company. As you know, John Adams in our history very well represented British soldiers after the war. We also know that John Roberts represented a serial killer in Florida.

So indeed, we expect our good lawyers to be able to represent any American person that needs that kind of defense, our adversarial system and our democracy deserves no less.
Hilary O. Shelton defends Justice Department nominee | Interviews | Fox News
Three months ago, John Errol Ferguson was executed for one of the worst mass murders in Florida’s history. After tricking his way into a woman’s home, he eventually bound, blindfolded and shot eight people. Six of them died. While under indictment for those crimes, Ferguson murdered two teenagers on their way to church.

Ferguson might have been executed earlier, but his attorneys, one of whom was later rewarded with a position of unparalleled influence in the U.S. government, argued Ferguson was mentally ill and dragged out the process for years.

What kind of person would defend a butcher with the blood of eight people on his hands?

It was Chief Justice John Roberts, who devoted 25 pro bono hours to Ferguson’s case when he was working in private practice. Later, when Roberts was nominated to the nation’s highest court, his work on the Ferguson case wasn’t seen by anyone as a hinderance. “A good lawyer like John Roberts may not share the client’s priorities, they might not share the client’s worldview, what they’re committed to is the application of rights under law,” says Charles Geyh, an expert on legal ethics and professor at the Indiana University School of Law.
A past client is used against an Obama nominee | MSNBC
Not exactly in flames. Harry Reid invoked cloture to prevent a republican filibuster but crazy Joe Biden was standing by in case of a tie so dimocrats might have had an inkling that something was up. As it turns out 7 democrat senators found a shred of honesty and voted against but 47 others decided that they wanted someone in the DOJ who was friendly with Cop-killers.
It's just terrible that while the dems are still assured of having the numbers, some have turned their backs on Obama.:eusa_whistle:
Any lawyer has to be ready to defend anyone even if they personally hate them. Like Justice Roberts did when he was an attorney. Roberts did not, however, plan and participate in demonstrations for his client. Nor did he politicize his client's race for leverage.
Not exactly in flames. Harry Reid invoked cloture to prevent a republican filibuster but crazy Joe Biden was standing by in case of a tie so dimocrats might have had an inkling that something was up. As it turns out 7 democrat senators found a shred of honesty and voted against but 47 others decided that they wanted someone in the DOJ who was friendly with Cop-killers.

Hey, dipshit, there is no filibuster on presidential appointments.

Also, there is nothing wrong with a lawyer representing a client, even if the client killed a cop.
Stupid. The dude is qualified. The nutters are basing their vote on politics. The 7 Dems are idiot cowards who caved to loud voices from crazy people.

Of course.....USMB nutters have no ability to see it for what it is.

An advocate of cop killers? Fucking retards.
Not exactly in flames. Harry Reid invoked cloture to prevent a republican filibuster but crazy Joe Biden was standing by in case of a tie so dimocrats might have had an inkling that something was up. As it turns out 7 democrat senators found a shred of honesty and voted against but 47 others decided that they wanted someone in the DOJ who was friendly with Cop-killers.

Hey, dipshit, there is no filibuster on presidential appointments.

Also, there is nothing wrong with a lawyer representing a client, even if the client killed a cop.

It was 27 years after the conviction which was upheld by the Supreme Court. He wasn't hired by the client. He was acting as an advocate for the former black panther ....dipshit.
Had he stayed acting as an attorney he would have been fine. He expanded his role into demonstrations and political advocacy. That's what did him in. It was also the reason obama appointed him.
I've seen Republicans do this before. The Willie Horton commercial comes to mind. They're still proud of that too.

Same with war hero, Kerry.

The Repubs never let a lie get in the way of winning an election.

The dirtier, the better.

And, as we've seen, if lying doesn't work, stealing and buying are also options. dAnd, what the heck, throw in some gerrymandering ...

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