A Capital Poison


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Monarchy intrigue gave the world works of literature such as War and Peace. Socialism intrigue gave the world works of literature such as Animal Farm. What kind of 'capitalism-obsession storytelling' will modern-era consumerism-globalization and commerce-adventure (i.e., TrumpUSA, European Union) give us?

Here's what I came up with --- a comic book adapted 'competition-inquisition pandemonium tale' inspired by the population-disintegration film World War Z.

I'm feeling creative about 'TrumpUSA.'

Anyone else?


Tom Cruise and Ajay Satan were actually Green Lantern and Green Arrow caught in a terrible urban gang war between the Red Hood Gang and the nefarious lovers Joker and Harley Quinn. Red Hood was a team of bank robbers who were trying to oust the influence of Joker and Harley Quinn's opium ring in Gotham City. An alien named Arklow arrived on Earth and noticed that America was led by a President (Donald Trump) who was a casino-owner, so he decided to see the crux of modern-day urban traffic intrigue --- Gotham City.

Arklow decided to use his special composition-transforming beam to transform Lantern (Cruise) and Arrow (Ajay) into the purple robots Galvatron and Cyclonus. He then transformed Joker and Harley Quinn into the menace-robots Unicron and Scorponok. Finally, Arklow transformed the Red Hood Gang into a nameless army of robots called RoboTech. He then transported Galvatron/Cyclonus, Unicron/Scorponok, and RoboTech to the planet Cybertron where they could battle without hesitation and truly meditate on the complexity of war.

ARKLOW: Are you pleased you're on Cybertron, Galvatron?
GALVATRON: I don't mind helping RoboTech fight Unicron/Scorponok with Cyclonus's help.
ARKLOW: You and Cyclonus are now brothers, and RoboTech will help you...
GALVATRON: Do you dislike Unicron/Scorponok?
ARKLOW: Those two represent everything diabolical.
GALVATRON: In that case, let the games begin.

Galvatron understood from his conversation with Arklow that this Cybertron staging-arena for the Great War was meant to compel everyone to meditate on the complexity of war. Galvatron wondered if Arklow wanted sentient beings to act out on their urge to make war and thereby learn about the vanity of untempered rage. Galatron also wondered if Arklow was simply playing a 'hunter's game' and how Unicron/Scorponok fit into the 'equation.' Galvatron resolved to return to Earth someday and visit U.S. President Donald Trump and tell him that war is a vital element in any naturally competitive system (since 'TrumpUSA' was a specifically consumer-commerce oriented 'universe').

Cyclonus wanted to infiltrate the power-ring of Unicron/Scorponok, since he realized that Scorponok's wily and feminine poison would render RoboTech completely vulnerable to the sways of fertility and colonialization. As Scorponok, Harley Quinn was as mischievous and devious (and alluring) as ever! Cyclonus decided to have one group of RoboTech called the Insecticons infiltrate Scorponok's fortress on Cybertron by having them scurry underground and plant water-bombs to rust the metal of the fortress, rendering the metal brittle and the fortress susceptible to break-ins. However, Cyclonus was also falling in love with Scorponok.

Unicron realized Scorponok and Cyclonus were becoming close and wanted to use Galvatron to undermine this network. By tempting Galvatron to betray his brother Cyclonus, Unicron could render the Scorponok-Cyclonus dynamic somewhat weak! Unicron remarked to himself, "Competitive behavior is much more dangerous than Starbucks in TrumpUSA on Earth!" When Galvatron realized Unicron was trying to drive a wedge between him and Cyclonus, he immediately began plotting how to use economics to create pandemonium. This was the new Animal Farm...










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