Bank of Crimes: Tricky Dramedy?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Federalism culture has generated a pedestrian daydream backlash for anti-bureaucracy escapism and rebelliousness, which explains why romantic films about bank robbery are so popular (i.e., Arthur Penn's dreamy Bonnie and Clyde).

If we look at social depictions of outlaws and anti-social criminals who defy the norms of bureaucracy (be they actual people --- e.g., Billy the Kid --- or fictional characters --- e.g., Hannibal Lecter), we find strange parallels regarding bounteousness borderlines.

Multiple outlaw/criminal figures (real/fictional) exhibit behaviors characteristic of explicit anti-social rebelliousness and the 'politicization' or 'commercialization' or mischief.

When we think of mischief, we think of basic tomfoolery or subversiveness meant to evoke humor about the tediousness of bureaucracy and labor, but when mischief is 'presented' in the public arena (by an outlaw/criminal seeking publicity), it is considered a matter of 'sociological imagination.'

Hence, understanding pop-culture representations of bureaucracy frustration and 'rebellious criminality' can help us evaluate anti-socialism relevant mass-marketing dominion subversiveness (e.g., Internet hackers in the age of computers/commerce) and illuminate the social appeal of 'network-metaphysics' films such as Hackers.

Such 'bureaucracy-subversion' meditation is the hallmark of the modern age of commerce/traffic pedagoguery (i.e., TrumpUSA)!


BILLY THE KID: Criminality is a basic part of human nature.
HANNIBAL LECTER: The human heart can either be white or black.
BILLY THE KID: If it's pure, then crime is terrifying, but if it's sinister, crime is thrilling.
HANNIBAL LECTER: The will to subvert is interesting, since bureaucracy is so monotonous...
BILLY THE KID: Making money is tedious, and therefore, stealing money seems 'cute.'
HANNIBAL LECTER: Humans have engaged in cannibalism for survival, hence, mischief can be sarcastic.
BILLY THE KID: The odious laboriousness of federalism/banking makes crime feel 'dystopian.'
HANNIBAL LECTER: A youth intrigued by criminals is tempted to meditate on the 'sanity' of anarchy.
BILLY THE KID: When skill is involved in crimes, people tend to romanticize rage.
HANNIBAL LECTER: We celebrate photography, since it captures curiosity about time...



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