A Board Poster Describes and Explains Race Issues


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
Hey stupid, we have a black President, time to stop whining about black men can't get hired for positions they are qualified for.

In most cases Jamal doesn't have a resume that equals Brads. And you know that is a fact.

So after this guy was shown cases where the exact same resume was rejected based on name alone. He didnt believe it so he asked for links...which lead to a total back peddle

But then, there is the biggest thing of all. There are white names out there that affect people negatively as well. A woman named Candy, or a guy named Poindexter , etc etc etc.

Guess what ? People judge, they always have and they always will don't name your fucking kid Laquisha and then wonder why no one takes her seriously.

Judging based on name is a-ok but thats not discrimination - he screams

Then he offers up the typical blame the victim routine: No , CC the fact is that OF COURSE there is racism out there, But MUCH of that is rooted in how blacks themselves behave (as a whole we are talking )

So you can see, once shown that this unbelievable occurrence is real NOW he has a reason for it based on discrimination. You see, its not the racists fault hes racist..nope its black peoples fault. Its a good thing he sees blacks as individuals :rolleyes: DISCRIMINATION IS OK BECAUSE....BLACK PEOPLE HUH? AMIRITE?

Lets judge them not based on who they are but...something else. Like, who I'm afraid of!


Then he describes the good ol boy network, nepotism and white priviledge all in one statement. But because he aims it a blacks he doesnt realize that this has been and is the complaint blacks have had when it comes to white priviledge and "making it"

And , another point you ignore is that the opposite is no doubt true as well, black business owners are of course going to be more likely to hire blacks.

It's just the way of the world

Flip the words black to white and see the advantage?


Disclaimer: I did not pay STTAB any money to make my point for me. Results may vary. Consult your doctor if you too suffer from butthurt
I didn't follow all this. When the poster is one of those clown faced Republicans and he has like 30,000 posts...it likely means he is unemployed and a Socialist; or he works for the government and is a Socialist. Or he is a jealous hateful person...and of course a Democrat.

Whatever the case, he is sure he knows more than anyone else who might disagree with him.

But, I suspect that one of the problems blacks have with getting jobs...is that the Feds have made it a job for life...if they get one. You can hire someone knowing he is black (and your are not a racist that day), but you really don't know what kind of employee he will be....yet if he is a dumb-ass or a loafer or a fool who is costing you business...and you fire him...its automatically because he's black...and he can go to the Feds and you are presumed to be a racist until you prove you are not...and the legal fees pile up while you are trying to do that.

Call it the operation of the unintended consequences phenomenon.

W.E.B. DuBois said in 1906 that:

"The Black man has got to quit blaming the White man for everything that goes wrong in his life."

But, a century later, and half a century after the War on Poverty, and the Great Society, and Affirmative Action, and a 20 trillion dollar deficit.....Black are still just blaming Whitey.
WEB was right and that's why you refuse to talk about specifics and opt for the super easy "every problem" line.

Except no one blames anyone for EVERYONE problem.

Also your reasoning coming from ignorance of the topic doesn't count. I suspect the space shuttle flies using space rays! Now I'm going to tell an astronaut to take me seriously!!
Asians have a reputation for being hard workers, as a result, they have the lowest unemployment percentage in the country. Having a good reputation is far more important to employers than skin color ever will be. Earn a good reputation and you will reap the rewards.
Asians have a reputation for being hard workers, as a result, they have the lowest unemployment percentage in the country. Having a good reputation is far more important to employers than skin color ever will be. Earn a good reputation and you will reap the rewards.
Asians have a reputation for being hard workers, as a result, they have the lowest unemployment percentage in the country. Having a good reputation is far more important to employers than skin color ever will be. Earn a good reputation and you will reap the rewards.
Sorry, but we won't motivate you with a whip anymore. You need to be self motivated now. Welcome to 2015.
Also your reasoning coming from ignorance of the topic doesn't count. I suspect the space shuttle flies using space rays! Now I'm going to tell an astronaut to take me seriously!!

uhm... Solar space sail imagined by Carl Sagan readies for test flight - SlashGear

"Carl Sagan, creator of the original Cosmos series, proposed that a spaceship could use solar sails, powered by only the sun's rays, to glide through space. Now, the Planetary Society, co-founded by Sagan, and currently run by none other than Bill Nye, is planning a test flight for LightSail, a spacecraft based on his vision. LightSail is an incredibly small spacecraft, measuring in at only 10 x 30 cm, which is about the size of a loaf of bread. The small little box holds 32 square meters of mylar, which will unfold to create solar sails, designed to glide on energy from solar radiation in the same manner that a sailboat is powered by wind."

and to an extent NASA s Innovative Ion Space Thruster Sets Endurance World Record

"Part of a class of solar electric propulsion (SEP) engines, NEXT bombards xenon with electrons, ionizing it. The ionized propellant is then focused out the back of the engine, creating a stream of ion jets known as an ion beam. The movement creates the thrust that moves the craft."

Just sayin...
Asians have a reputation for being hard workers, as a result, they have the lowest unemployment percentage in the country. Having a good reputation is far more important to employers than skin color ever will be. Earn a good reputation and you will reap the rewards.
Sorry, but we won't motivate you with a whip anymore. You need to be self motivated now. Welcome to 2015.
Wow! Holy fuck that may be the lowest thing I've ever seen anyone say.

Btw social con, maybe you should try remembering it's 2015.

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